Texas Expert Witnesses

Our experts in Texas!

Our expert witnesses in Texas

Everything is bigger in Texas. Its substantial mineral resources and manufacturing are crucial to its economy.  Texas is the nation's leading producer of oil in cities like Odessa and Midland, and natural gas in the cities of Laredo and Fort Worth.  Helium is produced in Amarillo, salt to the east of Dallas, sulfur in Beaumont, and sodium sulfate southwest of Freeport. Gypsum mines are located northwest of Austin in Fredericksburg. Texas manufactured products includes chemicals and  in and chemical products in Houston, petroleum products in Odessa, food products in Dallas, transportation equipment in Fort Worth, and machinery in Abilene. Primary metals are manufactured between Galveston and Corpus Christi, fabricated metal are manufactured in Austin, and electronic equipment in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Texas is also an important agricultural state. Cattle is raised in San Antonio, cotton in between Abilene and Midland, and cottonseed in Plainview. Wheat is grown near Fort Worth, sorghum in Corpus Christi, and hogs near Waco. The Texas cities located on the Gulf of Mexico are where the important commercial fishing industry is located. Shrimp is harvested in Brownsville, oysters in Galveston, and menhaden in Port Arthur.

Our experts are ready to play a big role for you. Here are a few of our favorite Texas expert witnesses. If you find someone who fits what you need, let us know and we’ll connect you. Otherwise, we’re delighted to conduct a quick but thorough search and deliver a roster of top candidates for you to review. There is no charge for the custom search – you pay only the disclosed hourly rate if you retain one of our experts.

check Processing Expert #156

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of banking operations with specific knowledge in the areas of automated clearing house (ACH), check clearing and wire transfer. I have published on such topics as fraud prevention, current trends in electronic payments and security.

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Porous Media Expert #252

I have 45 years of experience in the field of flow in porous media, with specific knowledge of enhanced oil recovery, environmental remediation, and surface chemistry. I have published on such topics as all forms of enhanced oil and gas recovery, environmental remediation, and soil washing.

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Fiduciary Mediation Expert #293

I have 27 years of experience and specialize in the field of investments with specific knowledge in the areas of annuities, securities and life insurance. I have published on such topics as the use of mediation for financial matters, ethics and annuities. I have testified 7 times on topics such as churning, securities and fiduciary…

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Social Media Strategy Expert #389

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marketing with specific knowledge in the areas of SEO, social media and direct response advertising such as television, radio and print. I have published on such topics as SEO, negotiation and buying media. I have set sales records as the on-air company representative…

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Earth Science, Geology, Gravel Expert #201

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mining minerals with specific knowledge in the areas of mineral appraisal, mining geology, acquisition and divestiture. I have published on such topics as exploration and evaluation of minerals, use of geographical information systems in mining and mining claims and patenting. I have testified…

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Your Case Deserves The Best Texas Expert Witnesses

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The right expert witnesses and consulting experts can make your case. That’s why we have spent so many hours over the past quarter century making sure our clients have just the right expert team — whether one expert or many, early-stage advice or expert reports and testimony. Across over 50,000 expert search assignments, we have honed a unique, customized approach to identifying, analyzing and connecting with expert talent so you can focus on winning your case.

Computer Security Expert #461

I have 18 years of experience and specialize in the field of computer science with specific knowledge in the areas of computer security, software engineering and operating systems. I have published on such topics as computer security, programming and Web development.

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Quantitative Risk Analysis Expert #604

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of risk-based studies for the oil and gas industry with specific knowledge in the areas of risk-based inspection (RBI) analysis, quantitative risk analysis (QRA) and asset integrity management. I have published on such topics as structural engineering, risk-based inspection scheduling for oil and gas…

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International Freight Forwarder Expert #694

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of freight forwarding and information technology with specific knowledge in the areas of freight forwarding, export requirements and and working with software vendors to fill operational requirements correctly. I have published on such topics as freight forwarding industry trends.

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Aircraft Accident Investigations Expert #804

I have 44 years of experience and specialize in the field of aviation with specific knowledge in the areas of piloting procedures, flight operations and aircraft accident investigation. I have published on such topics as flight operations. I have testified 30 times on topics such as pilot procedures, causal events and aviation accident reconstruction. I…

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Software Engineering Expert #834

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of information technology (IT) with specific knowledge in the areas of project management, software development and IT governance. I have published on such topics as risk management in IT, risk management in the sales cycle. I have testified on software development, project management and…

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Handwriting, Document Examiner Expert #842

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of forensic handwriting and document examination with specific knowledge in the areas of forgery, document alterations and fraud. I have published on such topics as Parkinsons disease and handwriting, inert hand signature and examination of ink jet versus photocopy. I have testified 60 times…

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Merger, Valuation, Damages Expert #913

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of business valuation and financial consulting with specific knowledge in the areas of business valuation, economic damages and financial consulting. I have published on such topics as business valuation, mergers and acquisitions and stock options. I have testified 17 times on topics such as…


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Business Valuation Expert #925

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of business valuation and economic damage analysis with specific knowledge in the areas of medical practices and professional service organizations, wholesale distribution, and manufacturing and construction companies. I have published on such topics as business valuation and federal income tax. I have testified 40…

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Environment, Assessments Expert #930

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate appraisal with specific knowledge in the areas of environmental contamination, eminent domain and construction defects.

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Network Security, Protocols Expert #1353

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of telecommunications with specific knowledge in the areas of Internet protocols, network security and network traffic. I have published on such topics as Internet security, network traffic control and network performance analysis.

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Computer Architecture, Dataflow Expert #1455

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer science and engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of computer systems architecture, cache memories and multi-core. I have published on such topics as multi-threaded architecture, cache memories and parallel processing.

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Social Media, Online, Twitter Expert #1483

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marketing with specific knowledge in the areas of social networking, social media and LinkedIn. I have published on such topics as blogs on social media, social media for CEO’s and social media for business. Over 50,000 people listen to my expertise on social…

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Injury Causation Analysis Expert #1494

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of forensic pathology with specific knowledge in the areas of injury causation, motor vehicles and fires. I have published on such topics as pathology, infectious disease and biomedical materials. I have testified 99 times on topics such as blunt trauma, sharp force, gunshots, ashyxia,…

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Communications, Wireless, System Expert #1531

I have 41 years of experience, and specialize in the field of telecommunications with specific knowledge in the areas of mobile communications, cellular communications and wireless communications. I have published on such topics as cellular communications, wireless communications and mobile communications. I have testified 7 times on topics such as cellular communications, wireless communications and…


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Pulmonary, Critical Care Expert #1616

I have 34 years of experience, and specialize in the field of critical care medicine with specific knowledge in the areas of mechanical ventilation, sepsis and septic shock and respiratory failure. I have published on such topics as beta adrenergic receptor regulation, metabolic acidosis. I have testified 40 times on topics such as respiratory failure,…

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Consumer Behavior Expert #1709

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of consumer behavior with specific knowledge in the areas of consumer confusion, data collection and marketing. I have published on such topics as compulsive shopping, materialism and self-control.

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Internal Audit Expert #1805

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of auditing with specific knowledge in the areas of internal auditing, compliance and internal control. I have published on such topics as internal auditing, auditor judgment and internal auditing standards. I have testified on internal auditor work quality, auditor independence and internal audit scope…

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Strategic Planning Expert #2939

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of marketing with specific knowledge in the areas of advertising and strategic planning. I have published on such topics as marketing, advertising and children’s television advertising. I have testified on Yellow Pages effectiveness.

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Auditing, Financial Accounting Expert #2950

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of accounting with specific knowledge in the areas of ethics, auditing and financial reporting. I have published on such topics as professional ethics, financial accounting and auditing. The thing that is remarkable about my professional life is that I have a high level of…

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Investments, Stocks, Retirement Expert #2973

I have 31 years of experience, and specialize in the field of investments with specific knowledge in the areas of stocks, asset allocation and alternative investments.


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Employee Benefit Plans Expert #3088

I have 29 years of experience and specialize in the field of employee benefits with specific knowledge in the areas of pensions, 401(k), ESOP, profit sharing plans, group life and health plans, labor relations and fiduciary liability. I have published on such topics as fiduciary liabiity, plan design and funding liabilities, and multi-employer plans. I…

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Fire Science Expert #3157

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of fire science with specific knowledge in the areas of fire dynamics, ignition and flame spread. I have published on such topics as heat transfer in flames and fire, smoke generation, and transport and fire dynamics. I have testified 6 times on topics such…

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Risk Analysis, Computer Security Expert #3589

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of IT security, with specific knowledge of intrusion detection, forensics and reverse engineering. I have published on such topics as smart buildings security, SCADA security and cyber warfare. I have testified 6 times on topics such as refugee issues and contract disputes.


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Agribusiness Expert #3714

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of entrepreneurship and economic development with specific knowledge in the areas of management, marketing and finance. I have published on such topics as feasibility studies, business planning and economic decision making. I have testified on IRS tax cases, economic damages, accident and loss of…

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Software Project Management Expert #4108

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of information technology with specific knowledge in the areas of software project management, intellectual property and software engineering. I have published on such topics as software project management, IT management and software engineering. I have testified 10 times on topics such as software project…

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Reinsurance, Arbitration Expert #4385

I have 45 years of experience, and specialize in the field of reinsurance with specific knowledge in the areas of contract disputes, expected underwriting and practices. I have published on such topics as reinsurance, risk management and board of directors expectations. I have testified on reinsurance and expected board of directors behavior.


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Finance, Mortgages, Banking Expert #4578

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate finance with specific knowledge in the areas of real estate and mortgage markets, real estate investment and real estate development. I have published on such topics as real estate finance, real estate investment and real estate development. I have testified on…

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Transportation Expert #5041

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of transportation engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of decision making, risk analyisis and behavioral modeling. I have published on such topics as decision making, performance measurement and traveler behavior.

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Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer Expert #5360

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mechanical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer and thermodynamics. I have published on such topics as turbulence enhanced heat transfer, tornadic and downburst wind loading and nano fluidics. I have testified on thermodynamics (boiling and…

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Property and Casualty Expert #5487

I have 47 years of experience and specialize in the field of property and casualty insurance with specific knowledge in the areas of bad faith, property coverage questions and business interruption. I have testified 20 times on topics such as duties of care of an agent, customs and practices, and bad faith.

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Environmental Hydrogeology Expert #5538

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of environmental hydrogeology and mining-related areas with specific knowledge in the areas of a range geological, hydrogeological and mining-related issues. I have published on such topics as environmental evaluations (brine, solvents, and BTEX), litigation in the geosciences and uranium exploration, development and environmental issues….

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Crude Oil Pricing Expert #5567

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of petroleum with specific knowledge in the areas of economics, operations and chemical engineering. I have published on such topics as gas price setting mechanisms, crude oil price forecasting and oil refinery valuations. I have testified on Pt. Arguello crude tankering, US DOD jet…

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Fund Raising, Public Speaking Expert #5600

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of fund raising with specific knowledge in the areas of campaign planning, public speaking and business etiquette. I have testified on fund raising.

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Artificial Intelligence, Plannin Expert #5746

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of artificial intelligence with specific knowledge in the areas of machine learning, robotics and multiagent learning. I have published on such topics as e-commerce, game theory and reinforcement learning.

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Fleet Maintenance Expert #5762

I have 38 years of experience and specialize in the field of fleet maintenance with specific knowledge in the areas of large commercial vehicles, forklifts and regulations. I have published on such topics as rear axle maintenance, developing an effective maintenance program and forklift safety. I have testified 40 times on topics such as proper…

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Trade Show Management Expert #5816

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sales and marketing with specific knowledge in the areas of sales management, trade shows and customer relationship management (CRM). I have published on such topics as sales training, sales compensation and trade show practices. I have testified 12 times on topics such as…

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Real Estate Expert #5856

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of economics and finance with specific knowledge in the areas of real estate, banking, finance, corporate economic damanges, securities and mortages. I have published on such topics as condominiums and the national economy, economic damages and health care Issues. I have testified 95 times…

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Water Rights, Real Estate Expert #5870

I have 33 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of brokerage ethics, water rights and construction. I have published on such topics as ethical obligations seller’s disclosure notices first water policy in Texas. I have testified 99 times on topics such as real estate…

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Conveyors, Belt Conveyors Expert #5879

I have 43 years of experience, and specialize in the field of materials handling with specific knowledge in the areas of conveyors and conveyor systems, screw conveyors and bucket elevators. I have published on such topics as overland conveyors, stockpile blending and pipe conveyors. I have testified 25 times on topics such as conveyor injuries,…

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Pipeline Safety Regulations Expert #6070

I have 45 years of experience, and specialize in the field of pipeline safety consultation with specific knowledge in the areas of pipeline expert witness, gas pipelines and petroleum pipelines. I have published on such topics as gas and oil pipelines, hydraulics and pneumatics and fracking and cementing oil wells. I have testified 20 times…

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Mass Media Expert #6098

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of mass media with specific knowledge in the areas of mass communication, movie business and TV business. I have published on such topics as cinema criticiam, movie history and TV history, and business practives.

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Environmental Engineering, Toxic Expert #6151

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of toxicology with specific knowledge in the areas of regulatory toxicology, occupational toxicology and community exposures. I have published on such topics as regulatory toxicology, carbon monoxide toxicology and expert witnessing. I have testified 40 times on topics such as human health effects of…

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Loss of Business Profits Expert #6166

I have 31 years of experience, and specialize in the field of economics with specific knowledge in the areas of economic damages analysis, environmental economics and business and market economics. I have testified 40 times on topics such as economic damages.

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Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Flow Expert #6280

I have 51 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mechanical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of fluid dynamics, heat transfer and thermodynamics. I have published on such topics as drag and lift on flow past bodies, offshore structures and heat transfer. I have testified 10 times on topics such as…

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Hispanic Media Expert #6321

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of media communication with specific knowledge in the areas of Latinos and Hispanics, political communication and emergency communications. I have published on such topics as the media and Latino politics, Hispanic portrayals in news and entertainment, and emergency communications. I have testified on consolidation…

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Civil Structural, Arc View Expert #6384

I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of civil structural design with specific knowledge in the areas of civil survey, structural and fabrication.

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Jewelry Design Expert #6475

I have 32 years of experience and specialize in the field of jewelry design and manufacturing with specific knowledge in the areas of precious metals, jewelry, gemstones, jewelry patent and jewelry appraising. I have published on such topics as jewelry care, buying vintage jewelry, inheritance battles and issues. I have testified 6 times on topics…

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Television, Microprocessor Expert #6442

I have 48 years of experience, and specialize in the field of electronic circuit design with specific knowledge in the areas of television receivers, cable TV and small appliance consumer products. I have published on such topics as Cable TV plant surge protection. I am a registered professional engineer and have a very broad range…

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Energy and Minerals Expert #6530

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of energy and mineral economics with specific knowledge in the areas of valuation, condemnation and dispute settlement. I have published on such topics as geology, economics and finance. I have testified 15 times on topics such as valuation of mineral and enegy projects, condemnation…

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Research, Math, Physics Expert #6585

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of statistics with specific knowledge in the areas of mathematics, physics and research. I have published on such topics as author of 70 scientific publications, including world known results of 1982 and 2008. I have testified on fraud, using, science and research. A common…


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Construction, Residential Expert #6591

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of architecture with specific knowledge in the areas of detailing, construction documents and property conditions. I have published on such topics as the advantages and disadvantages of leadership in energy and environmental design, healthcare environments and environmental Issues. I have been successful in building…


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Chemical Engineering Expert #6605

I have 50 years of experience and specialize in the field of chemistry with specific knowledge in the areas of chemical engineering, safety and economics. I have published on such topics as safety, chemistry and economics. I have testified 28 times on topics such as responsibility for accidents, chemical exposures and environmental issues.

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Procurement, Negotiations Expert #6613

I have 18 years of experience in the field of procurement and supply chain management, with specific knowledge in the areas of procurement, negotiations, and contracts. I have published on such topics as electrical engineering and process control. Traveled to and worked in over 40 countries globally in my professional career.

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Organic Synthesis Expert #6832

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of organic synthesis with specific knowledge in the areas of drug synthesis and discovery, and medicinal chemistry. I have published on such topics as synthesis of biologically active compounds and protein small molecule interactions. I have testified 8 times on topics such as patent…

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Domestic Violence, Partner Abuse Expert #6852

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of domestic violence with specific knowledge in the areas of family violence, spousal abuse and power and control. I have published on such topics as domestic violence, counseling and battering intervention. I have testified 25 times on topics such as domestic violence, effects of…

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Programming Languages Expert #6880

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of computer science with specific knowledge in the areas of programming languages, model-driven development and Web-based applications. I have published on such topics as object-oriented programming, security authorization and software engineering.

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Dispute Resolution Expert #7032

I have 45 years of experience and specialize in the field of construction with specific knowledge in the areas of contract disputes, dispute resolution processes and expert witness testimony. I have published on such topics as alternative dispute resolution. I have testified 45 times on topics such as construction costs, overruns, interference, productivity loss, and…

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Oil, Gas, Technology, Seismic Expert #7436

I have 37 years of experience, and specialize in the field of earth science in fuilds, that means oil and gas, groundwater and environemenal analysis..

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Legal Ethics Expert #7533

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of antitrust with specific knowledge in the areas of litigation, intellectual property and legal ethics. I have published on such topics as antitrust and quantum physics, and expertise and antitrust in the new administration. I have testified on antitrust, attorney fees and legal ethics.

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Engineering Expert #7652

I have 32 years of experience, and specialize in the field of engineering with specific knowledge in the area of architectural engineering. I have published on such topics as moisture control in building envelopes. I have testified 20 times on topics such as foundations, moisture control and construction defects.

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Medical Devices Expert #7726

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of biomedical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of medical devices, maintenance, safety and risk mitigation. I have published on such topics as medical equipment selection, medical technology management, telemedicine and equipment safety. I have testified on device failure, inspection responsibility and design…

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Security Affairs Expert #7782

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of security affairs with specific knowledge in the areas of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency(COIN), intelligence and nuclear terrorism security.

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Claims Refining, Safety Expert #8183

I have 35 years of experience in the field of refining and petrochemicals, with specific knowledge of management, operations, and economics. I have published on such topics as transfer pricing and economics. I have testified 15 times on topics such as value, contracts, and business interruption.

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Signal Processing, Engineering Expert #8272

I have 36 years of experience, and specialize in the field of electrical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of digital signal processing, imaging and embedded systems. I have published on such topics as computer software, digital signal processing and image processing. I have testified 99 times on topics such as embedded systems, digital…


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Antitrust, Regulation, Internet Expert #8504

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of economics with specific knowledge in the areas of competition, pharmaceuticals and telecommunications. I have published on such topics as competition policy, technological policy and ecomerce developments. I have testified on a proposed merger, generic drug entry and the need for a new facility.

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Cosmetic Surgery, Wound Care Expert #8521

I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cosmetic surgery with specific knowledge in the area of hair transplants, laser surgery, liposuction and facial plastic surgery. I have published on such topics as cosmetic surgery. I have testified on cosmetic surgery.

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Nuclear Reactor, Electronics Expert #8825

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of nuclear physics with specific knowledge in the areas of radiation detection, radioactive materials and radiation simulation. I have published on such topics as nuclear reactions, nuclear reactors and nuclear astrophysics.

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Handwriting Expert, Fraud Expert #8889

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of document examination with specific knowledge in the areas of handwriting analysis, forgery and document authentication. I have published on such topics as medical records alteration. I have testified 15 times on topics such as forged documents, signature authentication and holographic wills.

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Bank Loans, Lending Expert #9007

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of banking with specific knowledge in the areas of bank lending, bank operations and customary banking practices. I have published on such topics as credit crisis and commercial lending, failures in our banking system and fraud committed by insiders. I have testified 35 times…

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Police Policies Expert #9201

I have 37 years of experience, and specialize in the field of policing with specific knowledge in the areas of use of force, arrest, search and seizure, and management. I have published on such topics such as effective communications and effective law enforcement. I have testified on use of force and use of deadly force.

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Digital Embedded Systems Expert #9225

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of Electronics with specific knowledge in the areas of FPGA’s, embedded design and microprocessors.

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Communications, Wireless Expert #9369

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of semiconductors with specific knowledge in the areas of computers, cell phones and wireless.


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Railroad, Safety, Accident Expert #9639

I have 42 years of experience in the field of railroad safety, with specific knowledge of hazardous materials transportation, mechanical tank car specifications, and operating and safety rules. I have published on such topics as expert witness reflections. I have testified on railroad safety operations, safety appliance action and leaking hazardous materials from tank cars.

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Foreseeability, Shoplifting Expert #9341

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of security management with specific knowledge in the areas of inadequate security, premises liability and retail loss prevention. I have published on such topics as violence in the workplace, premises liability and internal theft. I have testified 20 times on topics such as standard…

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Construction Documents Expert #9789

I have 55 years of experience and specialize in the field of architecture with specific knowledge in the areas of design, building codes and accessibility. I have published on such topics as synagogue design, store design and hurricane response. I have testified 6 times on topics such as code compliance, design defects and office practice.

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Consumer Behavior, Trademark Expert #9878

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of consumer behavior with specific knowledge in the areas of branding, trademarks and retailing. I have published on such topics as brand equity, trademark dilution and consumer price judgments. I have a broad background of experience and education with 13 years of retail industry…


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Claim Practices, Bad Faith Expert #9911

I have 50 years of experience, and specialize in the field of insurance claims with specific knowledge in the areas of practices and procedures.

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Personal Injury, Wrongful Death Expert #10157

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of forensic economics with specific knowledge in the areas of economic damages, lost earnings and lost profits. I have testified 70 times on topics such as personal injury, wrongful termination and business interruption damages.


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Accounting Fraud Expert #10245

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of accounting with specific knowledge in the areas of fraud, audit and tax. I have testified 50 times on topics such as fraud, tax and audit.

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Accident Investigation Expert #10415

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mechanical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of machine design, testing and analysis, traffic collisions and equipment related accidents. I have published on such topics as statics and dynamics, dynamic testing, material strength, and accident reconstruction. I have testified 99 times on…

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Community Development Expert #10464

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of community development with specific knowledge in the areas of development, assessment and management. I have testified 15 times on topics such as rural community development, economic development and business incubation. Broad and very experienced.

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Farm Equipment Expert #10682

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of agricultural equipment manufacturing, marketing and sales with specific knowledge in the areas of agricultural equipment, the impact of farm incomes on the purchase of equipment and worldwide use of agricultural equipment. I have published on such topics as future farmers, tractor forecasting trends…

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Geriatrics, Elder Fraud Expert #10703

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of geriatric psychiatry with specific knowledge in the areas of testamentary capacity, undue influence and long term care. I have published on such topics as dementia, long term care and capacity. I have testified 25 times on topics such as testamentary capacity, undue influence…

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Semiconductors Expert #10760

I have 22 years of experience, and specialize in the field of solid-state devices with specific knowledge in the areas of nanoelectronics, photovoltaics and semiconductor materials. I have published on such topics as semiconductor technology, photovoltaics and electronic devices.

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President Expert #10827

Respiratory Protection

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eDiscovery, Relativity Expert #10991

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer forensics with specific knowledge in the areas of data acquisition, data analysis and eDiscovery. I have testified 7 times on topics such as criminal murder case, several IP theft cases and family law matter. I have appeared on TV several times as…

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Electrodiagnosis Expert #11042

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neurology with specific knowledge in the areas of peripheral nerve testing, magnetic resonance imaging and pain management. I have published on such topics as pain management, peripheral nerve disorders and MR imaging. I have testified 20 times on topics such as epilepsy, peripheral…

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Franchise Marketing Expert #11228

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of marketing with specific knowledge in the areas of retail (franchise), food and consumer products and business services.

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Commercial Insurance Expert #11328

I have 36 years of experience, and specialize in the field of property and casualty insurance with specific knowledge in the areas of coverages, policy interpretation, and loss projection. I have testified on coverage appropriateness, transfer of risk, and loss exposure.

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Valuation, Forensic Accounting Expert #11490

I have 24 years of experience, and specialize in the field of forensics and valuation with specific knowledge in the areas of business valuation and forensic accounting.


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Loss Reserve, Captive Expert #11493

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of casualty self-insurance with specific knowledge in the areas of reserving, pricing and captives. I have published on such topics as retention analysis, contingent commissions and discounting reserves.

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Property and Casualty Expert #11545

I have 36 years of experience in the field of property and casualty insurance, with specific knowledge of insurance bad faith, commercial auto, general liability, umbrella and property insurance, business interruption and flood. I have published on such topics as using expert witnesses. I have testified 10 times on topics such as property insurance and…

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Propulsion, Turbojet Expert #11811

I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of propulsion system integration and testing with specific knowledge in the areas of propulsion system operation and requirements, system integration and safety. I have testified on system design requirements, specifications and requirements.

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Commercial Real Estate Expert #11850

I have 42 years of experience and specialize in the field of commercial properties with specific knowledge in the areas of office and industrial properties and apartment communities. I have published on such topics as the US multi-housing market in 2005. I have testified on apartment management standards of care, commercial property leasing and development…

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Software Development Expert #12094

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of software development with specific knowledge in the areas of C++, Java and software engineering. I have testified 10 times on topics such as software copyright, software patent infringement and breach of software agreement.

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Ocean Shipping Expert #12292

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of ocean shipping with specific knowledge in the areas of commercial management, vessel operations and claim settlement. I have published on such topics as commercial ship management, financial management of ships and vessel operations. I have testified on breach of shipping contract and breach…

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Catastrophic Injury, Birth Injur Expert #12403

I have 3 years of experience, and specialize in the field of life care planning with specific knowledge in the areas of spinal cord injury, birth injury and chronic illnesses. I have testified on spinal cord injury, mental disease and chronic pain.

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Automotive Repair Expert #12438

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of automotive repair with specific knowledge in the areas of collision repair, valuation and diminished value. I have published on such topics as vehicle repair and customer service. I have testified on vehicle repair, improper repairs and vehicle value as related to repairs.

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Diesel Trucks Expert #12442

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of diesel trucks with specific knowledge in the areas of brakes, engines and life support systems. I have published on such topics as commercial vehicle modifications, A/C systems and suspension systems. I have testified on brakes, technician safety and vehicle regulations.

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Arboriculture Expert #12514

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of business with specific knowledge in the areas of arboriculture, lawn care and ornamental care. I have published on such topics as micro-injection products, tree care, and lawn and landscape care. I have testified on safety in tree installation, safety in tree pruning and…

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Property, Residential Expert #12532

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of property management, REO – foreclosure and sales and marketing. I have published on such topics as training new agents in the real estate business. I have testified on neighborhood deed restrictions. When I started…


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Photojournalism Expert #12639

I have 33 years of experience and specialize in the field of photography with specific knowledge in the areas of photojournalism, advertising photography and photo editing. I have published on such topics as photo editing, advanced lighting techniques and time exposures. I have testified on landlord lease issues and copyright infringement.

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Medicine, Health, Health Care Expert #12645

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of obstetrics and gynecology with specific knowledge in the areas of medical staff affairs and academic medicine.

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Neural Networks Expert #12922

I have 22 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neural networks with specific knowledge in the areas of training algorithms, sizing and pruning algorithms. I have published on such topics as fast first order methods, network pruning algorithms and pattern recognition.

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International Trade Compliance Expert #13010

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of international trade compliance and trade strategy with specific knowledge in the area of customs, export control, free trade agreements, global supply chain and tax management. I have published on such topics as right-sizing automation, NAFTA and origin marking.

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Patent Infringement Damages Expert #13060

I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of damage quantification with specific knowledge in the areas of intellectual property, licensing disputes and contract disputes. I have testified 30 times on topics such as patent infringement damages, trademark infringement damages and trade secret misappropriation damages. I am a former licensing executive for…

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Environmental Soil Chemistry Expert #13102

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of environmental soil and water chemistry with specific knowledge in the areas of heavy metals, petroleum organics and pesticides. I have published on such topics as phytoremediation, toxicity and reclamation. I have testified on chromium, soil contamination and water chemistry.

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Multifamily, Land, Property Expert #13152

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate investments and development with specific knowledge in the areas of multifamily, acquisitions and development. I have published on such topics as leadership.


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Civilian And Military Aviation Expert #13351

I have 37 years of experience, and specialize in the fields of civilian and military aviation with specific knowledge in the areas of flight crew performance, airline operations, and aviation and airlines accidents. I have testified on airline crashes, airline medical emergencies and flight crew performance.

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Pulsed Power, High Voltage Expert #13456

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of electrical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of electrical shielding and grounding, insulator breakdown and high voltage generation. I have published on such topics as breakdown processes in insulators, high voltage pulsers and high power radio frequency generation.

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Fitness, Personal Injury Expert #13516

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of clinical psychology with specific knowledge in the areas of post-traumatic stress disorder, criminal cases and personal injury. I have published on such topics as various topics in clinical psychology.


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Intellectual Property, Strategy Expert #13526

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of licensing with specific knowledge in the areas of software, product management and communications industry. I have testified on licensing, license analysis and compliance. My combined and integrated expertise in licensing and product management is somewhat rare and synergistically beneficial in disputes related to…


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Electricity Operations Expert #13667

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of electricity operations with specific knowledge in the areas of natural gas generation, coal generation and nuclear generation. I have published on such topics as the reality of renewables. I have testified on combined cycle plant operations, power plant natural gas demand and combined…

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Capital Structure, Law, Finance Expert #13735

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of corporate finance with specific knowledge in the areas of debt covenants, executive compensation and limit orders. I have published on such topics as the financial impacts of state laws, the use of debt covenants and calculation of damage awards.


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Intellectual Property, Patents Expert #13865

I have 26 years of experience, and specialize in the field of intellectual property with specific knowledge in the areas of patents, trademarks and trade secrets. I have published on such topics as patents, trademarks and Internet law.


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Chip Design, Medical Devices Expert #13936

I have 18 years of experience, specializing in the field of electrical engineering and computer science. I have specific knowledge in the areas of chip design, VLSI design, system level design, computer architecture, wireless networks, medical devices, software design, operating systems and electronic system design. I have published on such topics as medical devices, computer…

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Power Plant Construction Expert #13978

I have 33 years of experience in the field of electric utility, with specific knowledge in the areas of power plants and executive management.

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Anger Assessment Expert #14565

I have 20 years of experience in the field of clinical and health psychology with specific knowledge of anger, emotions and pain. I have also published on such topics as anger, emotions and pain.

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Program Management Expert #14579

I have 32 years of experience and specialize in the field of construction, with specific knowledge of project management, estimating and scheduling.

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Computer Systems Analysis Expert #14612

I have 38 years of experience in the field of computer systems analysis with specific knowledge of large database systems, large application systems and systems conversions. I have published on such topics as teaching programming languages.

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Commercial Furniture Expert #14631

I have 22 years of experience in the field of commercial furniture, with specific knowledge of manufacturing, distribution, and sales.

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Chip Design Expert #14687

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of chip design and verification with specific knowledge in the areas of low power design and testing, Verilog and VHDL. I have published in over 40 conference and journal publications on such topics as low power design and verification, chip design synthesis and integrated…

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Power Plants, Gas Turbines Expert #14700

I have 45 years of experience, and specialize in the field of power plants with specific knowledge in the areas of gas turbines, steam turbines and compressors. I have published on such topics as gas turbines, steam turbines, and co-generation.

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Marketing, Online Marketing Expert #14713

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of information technology with specific knowledge in the areas of databases, software development and online marketing. I have published on such topics as software development, marketing and small business. I’ve successfully brought to fruition software development projects which other experts said were “impossible.”

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Geomatics Engineering, Geophysic Expert #14725

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of geomatics engineering and geophysics with specific knowledge in the areas of satellite remote sensing, earthquakes and natural hazards. I have published on such topics as geodynamics, geodesy and natural hazards. Several TV, radio, and printmedia interviews on satellite technology, earthquakes and tsunamis.

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Sound, Noise, Vibration Expert #14785

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of acoustics, noise, and vibration, with specific knowledge iof noise control, hearing loss and audibility, and annoyance.

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Applied Intelligence Expert #14790

I have 22 years of experience, and specialize in the field of engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of control, mecha-tronics and neural networks. I have published on such topics as robust-optimal adaptive control, artificial neural networks and evolutionary systems. I have degrees in chemical, materials, electrical, computer, and mechanical engineering that enables me…

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Software, Hardware, Internet Expert #14829

I have 9 years of experience, and specialize in the field of technology law with specific knowledge in the areas of software, intellectual property and privacy and security. I have published on such topics as managing software license disputes, internet marketing, network security and the law.I have extensive experience in software licensing and copyright law…


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Forensic Economics Expert #14835

I have 12 years of experience in the field of economics, with specific knowledge in the areas of economic damage valuations associated with death, injury and job termination, valuation of non-market public goods and assessing economic development projects. I have published on such topics as local regional labor markets, economic development.

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Aerospace, Defense, Six Sigma Expert #14842

I have 20 years of experience in the fields of industrial engineering and program management, with specific knowledge of aerospace, defense and manufacturing. I have published on such topics as lean manufacturing, ergonomics and return on investment.


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Economic Damages Expert #14904

I have 45 years of experience and specialize in the field of economic damages with specific knowledge in the areas of lost profits, fraud and federal taxation. I have published on such topics as professional standards for CPAs, professional firm practice management and federal taxation. I have testified 50 times on topics such as lost…

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Shopping Cart, E-Commerce Expert #14919

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of Internet computer science with specific knowledge in the areas of e-commerce, advertising and Internet service. I have published on such topics as e-commerce and shopping cart security. I have testified on Internet search engines. I have owned my own profitable Internet software, hosting,…

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Humanitarian, Charity, Global Expert #14949

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of humanitarian activities with specific knowledge in the areas of charities non-governmental organizations, foundations and international relief prgrams. I have published on such topics as crisis children, poverty and hunger.

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Employee Benefit Plans Expert #14960

I have 50 years of experience and specialize in the field of actuarial services with specific knowledge in the areas of life insurance, employee benefits and health insurance. I have published on such topics as expert witness and social security. I have testified on estate valuation, insurance fraud and breach of contract torts.

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Taxation, Fraud, Valuation Expert #14980

I have 21 years of experience in the field of accounting, with specific knowledge in the areas of tax, litigation, and valuation. I have testified 25 times on topics such as business valuation, accounting, and finance.

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Web Development, Content Expert #14983

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of web development with specific knowledge in the areas of online research, writing content and search engine optimization (SEO). I have published on such topics as do it yourself, how-to guides and step-by-step instructions.

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Garage Liability, Open Lot Expert #14999

I have 31 years of experience, and specialize in the field of coverage interpretation with specific knowledge in the areas of garage coverage, bad faith and industry standards.

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Project Portfolio Management Expert #15003

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of information technology with specific knowledge in the areas of enterprise resource planning, outsourcing and innovation. I have published on such topics as information technology productivity, project management and new product development. I have testified on lost sales due to patent infringement.

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Air Conditioning, Moisture Expert #15006

I have 29 years of experience, and specialize in the field of architectural engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of HVAC, building sciences and green buildings. I have published on such topics as moisture, mold and IAQ investigations. I have testified 17 times on topics such as air conditioning, mold and building sciences. I…

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Alien Tort Statue Expert #15035

I have 30 years of experience in the field of federal litigation with specific knowledge of torts in violation of international law (Alien Tort Statute), conflict of laws, and many aspects of federal practice and procedure. I have published on such topics as torts in violation of international law (Alien Tort Statute), regulating mercenary soldiers…

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Tax Controversy, Summons Expert #15038

I have 20 years of experience in the field of law, specializing in procedure and with specific knowledge of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) processes and tax procedure, civil procedure and tax liens, levies and summonses. I have published on such topics as tax limitation periods, tax issues in bankruptcy, administrative law, IRS procedures and processes,…

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Constraint Programming Expert #15093

I have 9 years of experience and specialize in the field of constraint solving with specific knowledge of interval computations, non-linear optimization and multi-criteria decision making. I have published on such topics as bio-medical engineering, computer security and theoretical computer science.

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Bankruptcy Plan Feasibility Expert #15096

I have over 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of real estate finance, real estate bankruptcy, mortgages and acquisitions. I have published on such topics as ad valorem taxation. I have testified on damages, bankruptcy plan feasibility and appropriate interest rates.

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Cocaine, Opiates, Ecstasy Expert #15131

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neuropharmacology with specific knowledge in the areas of drug abuse, anesthetic agents and corticosteroids. I have published on such topics as neurochemical and behavioral effects of cocaine on behavior, short and long-term physiological effects of ecstasy and brain reward pathways.

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Cognitive Radio, Sensor Networks Expert #15133

I have 10 years of experience in the fields of wireless communications and networking, with specific knowledge of high-speed wireless access, sensor networks, and cognitive radios. I have published on such topics as cooperative multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) systems, the energy efficiency of sensor networks and resource allocation in cognitive radio systems.

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Marketing Consumer Behavior Expert #15191

I have 15 years of experience in the field of marketing communication, with specific knowledge of advertising, media, and consumer and audience behavior. I have published on such topics as international marketing, consumer behavior and advertising. I have testified 10 times on topics such as communication effectiveness, brand equity and value, and audience knowledge and…

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Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Expert #15229

I have 18 years of experience in the field of mechanical and biomedical engineering, with specific knowledge in the areas of bio-mechanics, neuromuscular control, and dynamic systems modeling. I have published on such topics as knee joint (ACL) loading conditions, wrist and elbow movement coordination and loading, and knee prosthesis development. I have testified on…

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Trademark Infringement Expert #15242

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of intellectual property with specific knowledge in the areas of trademark infringement, trade dress infringement and false advertising. I have published on such topics as market research, surveys for litigation and online surveys. I have testified 60 times on topics such as trademark infringement,…

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Sellers, Buyers, Relocations Expert #15275

I have 4 years of experience and specialize in the field of residential real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of sellers, buyers and relocation. I have published on such topics as technology, real estate and foreclosures. I help people achieve their real estate goals!

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Alluvial Fans Expert #15278

I have 33 years of experience in the field of hydraulics with specific knowledge in the areas of open channels, arid region hydrology and alluvial fan. I have published on such topics as open channel hydraulics, hydraulic processes on alluvial fans and arid region hydrology. I have testified 20 times on topics such as flooding…

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Expert #15383

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of process design, with specific knowledge of chemical process, structural support and project management. I have testified on manufacturing work flow, process control.

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Legal Ethics, Claims Handling Expert #15416

I have 32 years of experience, and specialize in the field of civil trial defense with specific knowledge in the areas of medical liability, legal liability and medical device. I have published on such topics as physician liability, health care liability and risk management. I have testified on legal privilege and confidentiality. I formed my…

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Mechanistic Enzymology Expert #15440

I have 20 years of experience in the field of biochemistry, with specific knowledge of protein kinases, drug development, and high throughput screening. I have published on such topics as mechanistic chemistry, mechanistic enzymology and medicinal chemistry.

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Reinforced Concrete, Steel Expert #15256

I have 55 years of experience, and specialize in the field of structural engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of structural steel, reinforced concrete and structural stability. I have published on such topics as composite steel-concrete columns, design aids for reinforced concrete and shear strength of inverted T bridge girders. I have testified 6…

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Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer Expert #15442

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of thermal sciences and machine design with specific knowledge in the areas of oil field equipment, combustion and energy systems. I have published on such topics as ammonia combustion, energy savings self assessments and zircaloy reprocessing. I have testified on crane lifting capabilities and…


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Operating Systems, Networking Expert #15455

I have 50 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer science with specific knowledge in the areas of operating systems, networking and language processing. I have published on such topics as operating systems, computerized scheduling and ATM networking. I ran my own software firm for over 10 years, exiting when the market…

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Accident Reconstruction, Safety Expert #15462

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of accident reconstruction, safety engineering and slip, trip and fall. I have testified on vehicle accident reconstruction, safety of premises affter personal injury and crash severity.


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Construction Materials Expert #15465

I have 27 years of experience and specialize in the field of construction materials with specific knowledge of cement, concrete and masonry. I have published on such topics as durable concrete, evaluating causes of concrete problems and repair of concrete infrastructure. I have testified 10 times on topics such as concrete problems, causes of defects…

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Arthritis, Aging Expert #15468

I have 45 years of experience, and specialize in the field of nursing with specific knowledge in the areas of chronic pain, pain management and arthritis. I have published on such topics as pain management, chronic pain and instrument development.

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Cleaning, Sanitation Expert #15473

I have 9 years of experience, and specialize in the field of food microbiology with specific knowledge in the areas of food and meat safety, E. coli O157:H7 and salmonella typhimurim and HACCP implementation and validation. I have published on such topics as ecology and survival of E. coli O157:H7 and salmonella typhimurium in foods,…

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Contaminated Groundwater Expert #15474

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of chemical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of automotive airbag failures, explosions and fires, environmental contamination and worker exposure to hazardous chemicals. I have published on such topics as automotive airbag defects, epidemiology of hazardous chemicals and design of heat transfer equipment….

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Automation, Control, Robotics Expert #15580

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of robotics and control with specific knowledge in the areas of embedded controls, dynamics and sensing. I have published on such topics as robots, sensors and dynamics.

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Line Locaters Expert #15638

I have 25 years of experience in the field of engineering, with specific knowledge of construction, traffic signal construction and design.

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Aquatics Expert #15643

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of aquatics with specific knowledge in the areas of pool management, operations and aquatic training. I have published on such topics as sponsorships, sexual harassment and staff training. I have testified on drowning at a university pool.

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Thermal Sciences Expert #15687

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of thermal sciences, with specific knowledge of heat transfer, thermal properties and heat transfer fluid characterization. I have published on such topics as microencapsulated phase change materials, heat transfer fluids and passive cooling.

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Geoenvironmental Engineering Expert #15692

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of civil engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering and structural construction. I have published on such topics as tank settlements, pipeline geotechnical design, soft soil settlement and swelling soil damage mechanisms. I have testified 10 times on topics…

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Information Technology Expert #15695

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of information technology with specific knowledge in the areas of information security, computer forensics, and malicious code. I have published on such topics as information security, malicious code, and network configuration and management.

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Traffic Engineering Expert #15712

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer networking and telecommunications with specific knowledge in the areas of router architecture, internet architecture and forwarding engine architecture and programming. I have published on such topics as processor and TCAM coprocessor design and analysis, Internet traffic control architectures and protocols and web…

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Energy, Clean Technology Expert #15792

I have 26 years of experience in the field of energy finance, with specific knowledge in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, project finance, and power plant development. I have published on such topics as raising capital in the energy space.

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Reservoir Development Expert #15824

I have 13 years of experience and specialize in the field of petroleum reservoir engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of litigation, shale gas and reserves valuation. I have published on such topics as reserves definitions, uncertainty analysis and shale gas.

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Electrical Contracting Expert #15864

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of electrical contracting with specific knowledge in the areas of custom residential installations, contract disputes and installation workmanship. I have published on such topics as home automation, lighting control systems and electrical contractor selection. I have testified on electrical contracting.

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Control Systems Expert #15877

I have 37 years of experience, and specialize in the field of electrical and software engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of electrical and electronic, ultrasonic engineering and reliability. I have published on such topics as industrial ultrasonics, semiconductor system controls.

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Hip, Knee, Spine, Implants Expert #16099

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of orthopedics with specific knowledge in the areas of hip, knee, spine, general orthopedics. I have published on such topics as hip implants. I have testified 30 times on topics such as spine, hip and knee disorders. I am founder and chairman of the…

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Juvenile Justice, Child Welfare Expert #16114

I have 5 years of experience in the field of history, with specific knowledge of juvenile justice, juvenile delinquency and public policy. I have published on such topics as juvenile justice, children’s rights and juvenile delinquency.

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Employment Testing Expert #16204

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of psychology with specific knowledge in the areas of employment selection, pay equity and compliance reviews. I have published on such topics as artificially intelligent test design, employment test construction and test validation. A defining moment in one’s career is having research published in…

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Financial Software Expert #16318

I have 22 years of experience and specialize in the field of computer science and management information systems, with specific knowledge of software development, network administration and system security. I have published on such topics as software development, information technology education and genetic algorithms. I have testified on software development practices, programming standards and system…

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Private Equity, Underwriting Expert #16371

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of commercial real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of corporate finance, real estate development and corporate real estate. I have published on such topics as underwriting, loan workouts and asset management.

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Algorithms, Software, Pedagogy Expert #16388

I have 10 years of experience in the field of computer science, with specific knowledge of e-commerce, algorithms and real estate. I have published on such topics as engineering pedagogy, metaheuristics and artificial intelligence.

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Golf Courses, Design Expert #16394

I have 22 years of experience in the field of golf course design and construction. I have testified on generally accepted golf course construction practices and golf course design “Standards.”

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Neurology Expert #16473

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neurology.

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Product Design, Safety Products Expert #16495

I have 15 years of experience in the field of automotive safety, with specific knowledge of airbags and the steering wheel.

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Memory Management, Compilers Expert #16575

I have 23 years of experience and specialize in the field of programming language implementation, with specific knowledge of dynamic optimization, memory management and garbage collection, and debugging. I have published on such topics as compiling for data flow architectures, reliability and high performance.

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Semiconductor, Chip, Digital Expert #16663

I have 17 years of experience in the field of technology, with specific knowledge of semiconductors, hardware and software. I have published on such topics as macro trends in the semiconductor industry, technology investment implications and business model changes in technology.

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Home Design, Home Remodel Expert #16693

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of design build with specific knowledge in the areas of complete full house remodeling, kitchen and baths and room additions. I give GOD all the glory, I except all the faults and mistakes.

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Integrated Circuit Expert #16738

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of semiconductors, with specific knowledge of dynamic random access memory (DRAM), flash and integrated circuit (IC) fabrication. I have testified on flash and DRAM.

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Custom Homes Expert #16767

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of residential home construction with specific knowledge in the areas of new home construction, remodeling and renovation. I have testified 8 times on topics such as new home construction standards, job safety and workmanship.

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Credit Risk Models Expert #16792

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of economics with specific knowledge in the areas of financial economics, real options and mathematical and quantitative methods in economics. I have published on such topics as investments, American options and exotic options and American and real options in regime switching environment. I co-authored…

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Child Abuse, Child Custody Expert #16793

I have 30 years of experience in the field of psychiatry, with specific knowledge of child psychiatry and forensic psychiatry. I have published on such topics as cultural psychiatry. I have testified 15 times on topics such as child custody, insanity defense, and psychiatric malpractice.

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Drilling & Pipelines Expert #16806

I have 30 years of experience in the field of oil and gas industry training, with specific knowledge of drilling, production, automation and pipelines.

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Design Analysis Expert #16827

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of structures with specific knowledge in the areas of design, analysis, and repair and retrofit. I have published on such topics as pressure vessels, composite materials for structural applications and nondestructive evaluation.

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Regenerative Medicine Expert #16855

I have 40 years of experience in the field of health sciences with specific knowledge of microbiology, cell biotechnology and regenerative medicine. I have published on such topics as cancer, infectious disease and cell biotechnology.

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Fund Raising, Editor Expert #16865

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of public relations, with specific knowledge of fund development, publications and media relations. I have published on such topics as technology development, public education and research.

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Light Industrial, Warehouse Expert #17091

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate appraisal with specific knowledge in the areas of market value, damages and eminent domain. I have published on such topics as appraising tax credit properties, appraising for ad valorem taxes. I have testified 75 times on topics such as property value,…

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Antitrust, Energy Expert #17110

I have 30 years of experience in the field of economics, with specific knowledge of intellectual property and finance. I have published on such topics as economics and finance. I have testified 50 times on topics such as patent infringement damages, corporate litigation damages and finance. I have published a book endorsed by two Nobel…


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Urban and Regional Governing Expert #17296

I have 31 years of experience, and specialize in the field of human resources and urban and regional policy with specific knowledge in the areas of patronage and merit systems, metropolitan governing systems and local government administration. I have published on such topics as metropolitan government, patronage and merit staffing systems and urbna and regional…

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Product Procurement, Ethics Expert #17351

I have 50 years of experience and specialize in the field of retail, with specific knowledge of business ethics, marketing and management. I have testified 25 times on topics such as business ethics, marketing and advertising.

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Experimental Heat Transfer Expert #17371

I have 21 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mechanical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of heat transfer, mechanical vibrations and thermal sciences. I have published on such topics as experimental and theoretical heat transfer, acoustic scattering and vibration, and railroad bearing failure analysis. My work has identified the root…

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Canine Training Expert #17497

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of police and civilian K-9 training, with specific knowledge of police K-9 deployment, dog bites and police dog training.

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Planning, Drilling Expert #17616

I have 36 years of experience, and specialize in the field of oil industry with specific knowledge in the area of directional drilling.


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Integrated Circuit Expert #17638

I have 12 years of experience in the field of electronic design automation, with specific knowledge of physical design, design for manufacturing and bio chip CAD. I have published on such topics as placement, routing and clock network synthesis.

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Pedagogy, Physiology Expert #17661

I have 12 years of experience and specialize in the field of biomedical education, with specific knowledge of physiology, pharmacology and learning assessment.


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Applied Physics Expert #17690

I have 38 years of experience, and specialize in the field of applied physics with specific knowledge in the areas of plasma technology, and physics of ionosphere and magnetosphere. I have published on such topics as plasma physics and its applications to the lab, space and industry, electricity, and electromagnetics and engineering mechanics. I have…

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Software Engineering Expert #17740

I have 24 years of experience in the field of computer science, with specific knowledge of software engineering, information technology management, and information technology in financial markets. I have published on such topics as distributed systems, Web protocols, and software testings.

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Arts, Marketing, Ticketing Expert #17848

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of arts marketing, with specific knowledge of ticketing, revenue management and development.

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Customer Management Expert #18113

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marketing, with specific knowledge of customer management, database marketing and marketing communication measurement. I have published on such topics as customer relationship managemement, return on marketing investment and multichannel customer management.

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Tiffany, Art, Painting, Glass Expert #18122

I have 19 years of experience, and specialize in the field of 20th century decorative arts with specific knowledge in the areas of glass, jewelry and fine art. I have published on such topics as collecting, wristwatches and 20th century decorative arts. One of the leading appraisers for PBS’ program “Antiques Roadshow”. 13 years on…

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Fair Housing, Civil Rights Expert #18134

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of mortgage compliance, with specific knowledge of FHA quality control, RESPA and mortgage fraud. I have published on such topics as fair lending, FHA and mortgage fraud. I have testified 30 times on topics such as mortgage fraud, FHA regulations and compliance, and RESPA…

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Cortical Visual Impairment Expert #18760

I have 19 years of experience, and specialize in the field of opthalmology with specific knowledge in the areas of pedi neuro ophthalmology and pedi ophthalmology. I have published on such topics as cortical visual impairment in children.

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Residential Design Expert #19127

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of interior design with specific knowledge in the areas of residential design, interior ambient effects on office workers. I have published on such topics as color and mood change.

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Solid Mechanics, Viscoelasticity Expert #19130

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of mechanics of solids, with specific knowledge of fracture mechanics, adhesion mechanics and composite materials. I have published on such topics as fracture, mechanics of adhesion and mechanics of composites.

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Saddlery, Horse, Saddle Fitting Expert #19138

I have 20 years of experience in the field of English saddlery, with specific knowledge in the areas of saddle fitting, equine biomechanics, and gait analysys.

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Criminology, Discrimination Expert #19385

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sociology with specific knowledge in the areas of criminology, demography and statistics. I have published on such topics as geography and ecology of crime, demography and population and statistics and research methodology. I have testified 15 times on topics such as third party…


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Art Exhibitions, Sister Cities Expert #19416

I have 18 years of experience in the field of anthropology, with specific knowledge of students studying abroad and presenting art exhibitions. I have published on such topics as fireworks in Tultepec, Mexico; textiles; and identity. In 2002, I established a study abroad program for community college students to travel and learn in Lima, Peru.

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Dealership Management Expert #19436

I have 18 years of experience in the automotive field, with specific knowledge of all aspects of dealership management and leadership. I have published on such topics as lenders, buying practices, and the loan approval process. I have testified on contract dispute, service repair dispute, and contract negligence and misrepresentation.

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Accounting Ethics Expert #19498

I have 32 years of experience and specialize in the field of accounting with specific knowledge in the areas of auditing, accounting ethics and fraud. I have published on such topics as accounting ethics, subordination of judgment and audit options. I have testified on value of assets and quality of record keeping.

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Choice Models, Consumer Demand Expert #19511

I have 10 years of experience in the field of marketing, with specific knowledge of consumer demand, choice models and pricing. I have published on such topics as brand choice models, pricing, price competition, pharmaceutical drug compliance of patients, conjoint analysis and automobile brand switching behavior of buyers. I have a B.S. and M.S. in…

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Heat Transfer, Design, Structure Expert #19548

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of engineering design, with specific knowledge of oil field equipment, medical equipment and heat transfer analysis.


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Cognition, Personality Expert #19656

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of behavioral neuroscience with specific knowledge in the areas of cognition, memory and sexual behavior. I have published on such topics as models of relapse, memory and female sexual behavior.

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DNA Damage, Mutagenesis Expert #19660

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of molecular genetics, with specific knowledge of DNA damage and repair, radiation biology and anti-cancer drugs. I have published on such topics as DNA damage and repair, mutagenesis and anti-cancer drugs.

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Courts, Public Opinion Expert #19669

I have 26 years of experience and specialize in the field of political science, with specific knowledge of courts, public opinion and state politics. I have published on such topics as judicial decision-making, public opinion and state politics, including economic development.

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Physics, Education, Patents Expert #19672

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of physics with specific knowledge in the areas of physics education, computational physics and astronomy. I have published on such topics as general physics, magnetic systems and physics education. I have received numerous state, local, and national awards for teaching excellence and am noted…

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Political Violence Expert #19699

I have 5 years of experience in the field of political violence, with specific knowledge of civil war, international war, and forced migration. I have published on such topics as civil war, international war, and refugee migration.

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Remote Sensing, Frequency Expert #19704

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of ecology, with specific knowledge of watershed water quality, fire disturbance and species conservation. I have published on such topics as climate change and ecosystem function, water quality impacted by land management, and fire and urban landscape interactions.

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Electrochemical Nanofabrication Expert #19705

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of material science, chemical engineering and electrochemical engineering with specific knowledge in the area of electrochemical nanofabrication and materials synthesis, electrocatalysis, magnetic materials, sensors, corrosion, physics and thermodynamics of electrified interfaces. I have published on such topics as 30+ publications, 3 editorials, several book…

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Discrete Mathematics Expert #19709

I have 27 years of experience in the field of mathematics and computer science, with specific knowledge of discrete mathematics, NP-completeness, and graph theory. I have published on such topics as the complexity of one-in-three SAT (3SAT), Hamiltonian graphs, and systolic arrays.

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Geometry, Surfaces Expert #19727

I have 22 years of experience in the field of mathematics, with specific knowledge of geometry, calculus of variations and education. I have published on such topics as minimal surfaces, harmonic maps and Riemann surfaces.

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Education Assessment Expert #19740

I have 2 years of experience and specialize in the field of educational program assessment, with specific knowledge of program assessment design, program assessment implementation and program assessment maintenance.

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Goethe, Homer, Palaeography Expert #19743

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of classics, with specific knowledge of Homer, Virgil and Goethe, and the ancient world. I have published on such topics as Homer, Goethe and C.S. Lewis.

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American Cultural Studies Expert #19764

I have 23 years of experience and specialize in the field of education, with specific knowledge of education policy, cultural-American studies and democracy-social justice education. I have published on such topics as educator empowerment, social and cultural studies, and democracy and peace education. I am an associate professor in the school of education at the…

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Nanotechnology, Microelectronics Expert #19781

I have 5 years of experience in the history of science, with specific knowledge of nanotechnology, microelectronics and science policy. I have published on such topics as commercialization of academic research, tacit knowledge, and ethical, legal, and social issues in nanotechnology.

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Bible, Christian, Theology Expert #19784

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of Christian ministry and education, with specific knowledge of the Bible, theology, ministry, family issues, and Christian education. I have published on such topics as creative teaching methods in the classroom and the power of prayer.

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Shallow Lakes, Aquatic Ecology Expert #19802

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of aquatic ecology with specific knowledge in the areas of invertebrates, lakes and ponds. I have published on such topics as predator-avoidance behavior, invasion ecology and teaching undergraduates.

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Female Criminality Expert #19814

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of criminology with specific knowledge in the areas of juveniles, female offending and social science research methods. I have published on such topics as environmental crime, capital punishment and corporate law.

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Cell Signaling, Apoptosis Expert #19815

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of biochemistry, with specific knowledge of detoxification of electrophilic compounds and drugs, drug transport, multi-drug resistance in cancer cells, mechanisms of cell signaling and synthetic organic chemistry.

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Stage Direction, Acting, Design Expert #19820

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of theater, with specific knowledge of university theater, Shakespeare production and professional theater training. I have published on such topics as Shakespeare plays, plays with living authors and theater history.


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Catalysis, Platinum Expert #19839

I have 30 years of experience in the field of chemistry, with specific knowledge of catalysis, transition metals and metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD) and drenoleukodystrophy (ALD). I have published on such topics as catalysis, kinetics and mechanistic chemistry.

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Syntax, Morphology, Poetics Expert #19842

I have 42 years of experience in the field of syntax and the linguistic analysis of poetry, with specific knowledge of syntax, semantics, and phonology. I have published on such topics as syntax, the structure of English and German, metaphor, poetics, and phonology.

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Apocalyptic, Radical Islam Expert #19903

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of Islamic studies, with specific knowledge of apocalyptic, radical Islam and African Islam. I have published on apocalyptic, jihad and classical Islam. I have testified on apostasy from Islam.

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Statistics, Six-Sigma Expert #19909

I have 12 years of experience in the fields of statistics and management science, with specific knowledge of multivariate statistical analysis, stochastic models and quality control. I have published on such topics as risk pooling, supply chain network design and quality control.

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Laser-Cooled Atomic Gases Expert #19927

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of atomic physics, with specific knowledge of lasers, ultracold atoms and ultracold plasmas. I have published on such topics as atomic collisions, laser spectroscopy and Bose-Einstein condensation.

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Computer Networks Expert #19934

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer science education with specific knowledge in the areas of programming languages, operating systems and networks. I have published on such topics as the definition of computer science, programming languages and priority queues.

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Courts, Civil Rights, Gender Expert #19953

I have 22 years of experience and specialize in the field of constitutional and international law, with specific knowledge of civil rights and liberties, humanitarian law and gender rights. I have published on such topics as the U.S. Supreme Court and foreign policy, international criminal law and gender rights.


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Biotechnology, Cancer Expert #19969

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of cancer, biotechnology and infectious agents, with specific knowledge of cancer therapeutics, biotechnology and the biopharmaceutical industry, and vaccine, stem cells and immunotherapy. I have published on such topics as current status of cancer therapeutics development, trends in the biotech industry, stem cells and…

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Water Quality Expert #19971

I have 43 years of experience and specialize in the field of water quality with specific knowledge in the areas of endangered species, the Edwards Aquifer and springs. I have published on such topics as endangered species, the Edwards Aquifer and water quality. I have testified 6 times on topics such as water quality, endangered…

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Surgical Oncology, Appendix Expert #19972

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of general surgery and surgical oncology, with specific knowledge of gastrointestinal surgery, appendix and patient safety. I have published on such topics as cancer, general surgery and patient safety. I have testified on post-surgical complications.

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Urban History, Texas History Expert #19973

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of American history, with specific knowledge of urban history, Texas history and Southern history. I have published on such topics as urban institutions, race relations in Texas cities and the impact of urban reform on citizens.

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Health care, Research, Ethics Expert #19975

I have 16 years of experience and specialize in the field of clinical research, with specific knowledge of IRB, FDA studies and devices. I have published on such topics as health related quality of life after surgery.

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Anxiety Disorders Expert #19980

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of social work, with specific knowledge of anxiety disorders, grief and loss, and women’s issues.

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Molecular Biology Expert #19985

I have 27 years of experience in the field of cancer metastasis with specific knowledge of brain metastasis, extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling, and cell and molecular biology. I have published on such topics as molecular determinants of brain metastasis, neutrophic mechanisms in brain tumor invasion and specific extracellular matrix degradation, and the roles of heparanase/heparan…

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Juvenile Delinquency Expert #20001

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of criminal justice with specific knowledge in the areas of juvenile delinquency, youth gangs and victimology. I have published on such topics as female youth gangs, racial conflict and alternative forms of punishment.

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Satire, American Literature Expert #20008

I have 15 years of experience in the field of English language and literature, with specific knowledge of American literature, African American literature, and satire. I have published on such topics as African American satire and the Harlem Renaissance, and rhetoric.

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Neuromuscular Diseases Expert #20013

I have 4 years of experience and specialize in the field of neurology, with specific knowledge of neuromuscular disease, electrodiagnostic medicine and neuroinflammation. I have published on such topics as general neurology including stroke and epilepsy, neuromuscular disorders and neuroinflammation.

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Ethics, Philosophy Expert #20015

I have 4 years of experience and specialize in the field of philosophy, with specific knowledge of ethics, the history of philosophy and the philosophy of technology. I have published on such topics as medieval philosophy, phenomenology and technology.


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Banking Expert #20028

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of banking with specific knowledge in the areas of bank operations, strategy and reorganization. I have published on such topics as strategic planning, ethics and social responsibility and education. After 18 years in banking, I earned a PhD in strategy and have been employed…

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College Teaching Expert #20029

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of college teaching and administration with specific knowledge of writing, literature and administration. I have published on such topics as writing, literature and teaching.

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Lighting, Set Design Expert #20032

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of technical theater, with specific knowledge of lighting, set design and technical direction.

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Death, Killing Expert #20036

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of philosophy, with specific knowledge of biomedical ethics, death and killing. I have published on such topics as death and epistemology.

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Data Mining Expert #20055

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of statistics with specific knowledge in the areas of data mining, quality control and analysis of textual data. I have published on such topics as applied statistics in engineering, the detection of environmental change, and detection of themes in textual documents.

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Chain Pharmacy, Recruiting Expert #20072

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of pharmacy with specific knowledge in the areas of chain pharmacy, corporate pharmacy and management. I have published on such topics as chain pharmacy.

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Environmental Biology Expert #20083

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of science policy, with specific knowledge of environmental biology, developmental biology and faculty development. I have published on such topics as science policy, pollutants and development effects, and environment and development. I have testified on faculty promotion and tenure.

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Theory, Evaluation Expert #20090

I have 47 years of experience, and specialize in the field of education with specific knowledge in the areas of curriculum, theory and evaluation. I have published on such topics as education.


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Team Development, Collaboration Expert #20096

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of organizational development, with specific knowledge of team development, communication and change management. I have published on such topics as career development, team leadership and goal setting.

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Earnings Management Expert #20112

I have 7 years of experience, and specialize in the field of finance with specific knowledge in the areas of earnings management, asset pricing models and portfolio management. I have published on such topics as earnings management identification, stock market anomalies and market timing strategies.

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Latin American Politics Expert #20081

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of public opinion research and Latin American politics with specific knowledge of political attitudes and participation, the Mexican and Central American political systems, and democracy and political violence. I have published on such topics as the politics of several Central American nations and Mexico,…

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Systems, Applications, Security Expert #20118

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of information technology with specific knowledge in the areas of software, systems and security. I have published on such topics as software design, systems development and information security. Over 20 years of consulting experience.


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Occupational Therapy Expert #20130

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of occupational therapy and sensory integration with specific knowledge in the areas of autism spectrum disorders, sensory processing disorders and developmental disorders. I have published on such topics as sensory integration and sensory processing, research related to common pediatric and school-based interventions and handwriting…

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American Literature Expert #20139

I have 20 years of experience in the field of American literature, with specific knowledge of the American Renaissance, literary history, and Hawthorne. I have published on such topics as Burke and Paine, Melville’s Benito Cereno, and Irving’s major works.

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Concert Production, Jazz Expert #20141

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of music, with specific knowledge of jazz and commercial performance, live concert and studio production, and budgets and finance in the arts. I have published on such topics as musical repertoire lists, contracting instrumentalists for events, and musical compositions and arrangements.

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Neurology, Stroke, Trauma Expert #20151

I have 9 years of experience and specialize in the field of neurology, with specific knowledge of stroke, critical care neurology and trauma. I have published on such topics as stroke, cardiac arrest and neuroprotection.

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Spine, Interventional Pain Expert #20161

I have 4 years of experience and specialize in the field of interventional spine, with specific knowledge of interventional spine, pain and sports. I have published on such topics as interventional pain and spine. I have testified on interventional spine and pain.

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American History Expert #20163

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of American history with specific knowledge of the Civil War, reconstruction and Texas. I have published on such topics as the Civil War, reconstruction and Texas.

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Power Electronic Systems Expert #20166

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of power electronics with specific knowledge in the areas of inverters, photovoltaic energy systems and solar energy. I have published on such topics as photovoltaic microinverters, distributed energy resources and advanced control techniques. I have testified on compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL).

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Fisheries & Marine Ecology Expert #20170

I have 27 years of experience and specialize in the field of environmental science with specific knowledge in the areas of fisheries, marine ecology and aquatic biology. I have published on such topics as oil spill impacts, fish kills and water quality impacts. I have testified on fish kills, wastewater discharges and chemical spill impacts.

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Christian Theology Expert #20181

I have 26 years of experience in the field of religion with specific knowledge of religion, theology and evangelicalism. I have published on such topics as Christian theology, evangelical theology, and cults and new religions.

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Theater, Drama, Acting Expert #20185

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of theater practice and scholarship, with specific knowledge of acting, directing and intellectual property. I have published on such topics as American theater and drama, theater management and theater pedagogy.


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Polyolefins, Glycols, Diapers Expert #20186

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of catalysis, with specific knowledge of polyolefin catalysis, small molecule catalysis and polymer extrusion. I have published on such topics as Ziegler-Natta catalysts, late transition metals catalyts and mixed metal oxide catalysts.

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Theology, Catholic, Pope, Iraq Expert #20189

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of theoology, with specific knowledge of the Bible, Koran and Middle East. I have published on such topics as platonic physics, St. Paul and the historical critical method.

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History, Greek, Antiquities Expert #20193

I have 18 years of experience and specialize in the classics, with specific knowledge of language, art and culture. I have published on such topics as literature, art and epigraphy. I have testified on professional earnings and lectured on ethics and culture. I am an expert in antiquity and the relevance of the classical world…

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Product Design Expert #20201

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of project management with specific knowledge in the areas of complex projects, product design and systems engineering. I have published on such topics as managing complexity, risk management and process improvement.

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Auditing, Statistics Expert #20202

I have 25 years of experience in the field of accounting, with specific knowledge of financial reporting, auditing and ethics. I have published on such topics as supervision, forensic accounting and ethics.


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Educational Leadership Expert #20204

I have 25 years of experience in the field of educational leadership, with specific knowledge of organizational leadership, I/O psychology applications, and educational technology. I have published on such topics as computer security, educational leadership, and I/O psychology applications. I have testified on computer security.

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Early Childhood Education Expert #20205

I have 23 years of experience and specialize in the field of early childhood education, with specific knowledge of child development, family studies and teacher preparation. I have published on such topics as play and learning, the value of the arts in school curriculum, and teacher recruitment and retention. I have testified on child custody,…

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Agrochemicals, Molecular Design Expert #20206

I have 45 years of experience in the field of chemistry, with specific knowledge of environmental, toxicology and molecular design. I have published on such topics as agrochemistry, environmental chemistry and organic chemistry. I have testified on molecular similarity.

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Instructional Technology Expert #20207

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of education, with specific knowledge of instructional technology, curriculum and instruction, and instructional design. I have published on such topics as multimedia for interest sake, enhancing the power of anticipatory sets using multimedia, and developing technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) in teacher preparation programs.

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Survey Construction Expert #20210

I have 22 years of experience in the field of election, human resources and criminal law, with specific knowledge of statistical techniques, survey construction, and social stratification research. I have published on such topics as racial politics, voting behavior, and election law. I have testified 30 times on topics such as racial discrimination in elections…

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Mayan Archaeology Expert #20213

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of anthropology with specific knowledge in the areas of archaeology, the ancient Maya and Mesoamerican art. I have published on such topics as Mayan archaeology, the history of chicle (chewing gum) and historic railroads. I have testified on stone carvings and ancient Mesoamerican cultures….

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Conflict, Tasers, Use of Force Expert #20214

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of political science, with specific knowledge of use of force, tasers and international conflict. I have published on such topics as statistics, game theory and tasers. I have testified on a statistical expert.

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Flight Training Expert #20227

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of aviation with specific knowledge in the areas of flight training, simulators and crew resource management. I have published on such topics as aviation safety. I have testified on flight instruction.

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Microbial Testing Expert #20228

I have 27 years of experience and specialize in the field of microbiology with specific knowledge of sanitation, preservation and microbial testing. I have published on such topics as cosmetics microbiology, preservative challenge testing and container design to minimize microbial impact. I have testified on regulatory requirements for clean manufacture, whether attempts to reclaim products…

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Compensation Expert #20231

I have 20 years of experience in the field of business finance, with specific knowledge of financial objectives, executive and employee compensation, financial analysis and planning, capital programs, shareholder valuation, financial reviews, mergers and acquisitions, and business development. I have published on such topics as setting financial objectives, compensation and leveraged leases.

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Addictions, Female Inmates Expert #20238

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of social work, with specific knowledge of addiction, mental health and criminal justice. I have published on such topics as social work.

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Ergonomics Expert #20240

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the fields of human factors and neuropsychology, with specific knowledge of software design and evaluation, human computer interaction and neurological loss from tramatic brain injury. I have published on such topics as human factors and software design, evaluation, human computer interaction, and system usability and application…

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Java, System Development, C/C++ Expert #20241

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of information systems, with specific knowledge of intelligent systems, multi-agent systems and data mining. I have published on such topics as learning bidding strategies, data mining using genetic algorithms and information sharing.

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Foster Care, Adoptions, Trainer Expert #20250

I have 22 years of experience and specialize in the field of foster care and adoptions, with specific knowledge of child welfare, foster care and adoptions. I have published on such topics as social workers in child welfare. I have testified 15 times on topics such as adoptions, foster care and sexual abuse.

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Java Programming, Software Expert #20268

I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer science and software engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of programming languages, computer graphics and software security. I have published on such topics as secure functional programming techniques, static analysis of executable files and detection of copied source files. In one…

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Quality Control Expert #20295

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of applied statistics, with specific knowledge of quality control, environmental assessment and measurement. I have published on such topics as service quality, quality control and applied statistics. I have testified on cancer risk, sample size selection and environmental hazards.

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Psychology, Gender, Crime Expert #20309

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sociology with specific knowledge in the areas of social psychology, crime, deviance and gender. I have published on such topics as sexuality, crime, human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

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Consumer Behavior Expert #20316

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of organizational psychology, with specific knowledge of consumer behavior and human mating behavior. I have published on such topics as consumer behavior.

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Physics, Black Holes Expert #20318

I have 7 years of experience and specialize in the field of physics, with specific knowledge of theoretical and computational physics, cosmology, general relativity and higher education administration. I have published on such topics as cosmology, gravitational waves and non-traditional student education.

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Design Build, Retail, Office Expert #20335

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of construction, with specific knowledge of architecture, design/build and general construction. I am a licensed architect currently working as a design/build general contractor. I have worked on several sensitive projects for private companies and the federal government.


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Computational Fluid Dynamics Expert #20346

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of thermal-fluid sciences and materials science with specific knowledge in the areas of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), nanomaterials synthesis and safety of nanomaterials. I have published on such topics as CFD simulation of aerosol processes, flame aerosol synthesis of nanomaterials and biological effects of…

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Peri-Operative Nurse Expert #20352

I have 28 years of experience and specialize in the field of nursing, with specific knowledge of peri-operative and administrative. I have published on such topics as operating room design. I have testified on medical malpractice.

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Valuation, Economic Damages Expert #20364

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of financial accounting with specific knowledge in the areas of valuation, economic damages and capital markets. I have published on such topics as analysts’ forecasts, stock options and post-employment benefits. I have testified on economic damages.


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War, Conflict, Terrorism Expert #20368

I have 12 years of experience and specialize in the field of political science, with specific knowledge of conflict, terrorism and political behavior. I have published on such topics as war, terrorism and partisan politics.

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Database, Data Modeling Expert #20370

I have 25 years of experience in the field of information technology, with specific knowledge of modeling, security and IT strategy. I have published on such topics as data modeling, management of security and artificial intelligence.

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Segmentation, Econometric Models Expert #20371

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marketing with specific knowledge in the areas of marketing research, pricing and direct marketing. I have published on such topics as segmentation, pricing and direct marketing.

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Women in Politics Expert #20379

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of American politics, with specific knowledge of women in politics, campaigns and elections, and legislative behavior. I have published on such topics as gender discrimination, the incumbency advantage and candidate emergence.

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Climate Theory, Climate Models Expert #20381

I have 18 years of experience and specialize in the field of climate science, with specific knowledge of analysis, modeling and prediction. I have published on such topics as El Nino prediction, Sahelian drought and climate theory.

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Music History Expert #20385

I have 27 years of experience and specialize in the field of music history and education, with specific knowledge of music performance, history and ethnomusicology. I have published on such topics as percussion performance practices, compositions and music history.

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Expert #20394

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of analytical chemistry, with specific knowledge of ion analysis, process analysis and environmental analysis. I have published on such topics as ion exchange, aerosol chemistry and environmental pollution. I have testified on ion exchange, process chemistry and impurity analysis.

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Business Resumption Planning Expert #20397

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of telecommunications with specific knowledge in the areas of disaster recovery, network vulnerability analysis and telecommunications revenue recovery. I have published on such topics as business resumption planning, disaster recovery planning and emerging telecommunications technology. I have testified 24 times on topics such as…

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Cell-Material Interactions Expert #20401

I have 8 years of experience and specialize in the field of biomaterial science, with specific knowledge of tissue engineering, polyurethanes and inflammatory response. I have published on such topics as biodegradation mechanisms, scaffold fabrication and in vivo studies.

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International Accounting Expert #20404

I have 25 years of experience in the field of accounting, with specific knowledge of ethics, international financial reporting and information technology. I have published on such topics as international financial reporting, ethics, and information technology. I have provided expert witness consulting for a number of legal cases on matters such as accounting ethics, intellectual…

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Nanomaterials Expert #20412

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of nanomaterials with specific knowledge in the areas of biomaterials, semiconductor-based optical materials and biologically-inspired electronic materials. I have published on such topics as nanosilicon tissue engineering, luminescent semiconductor nanostructures and semiconductors fabricated on biological templates.

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Presidency, Economy Expert #20422

I have 21 years of experience in the field of the presidency, with specific knowledge of regulation, public opinion, and public administration. I have published on such topics as bureaucratic behavior, presidential leadership of the economy, and regulatory politics.

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Economics, Incentives Expert #20428

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sociology and business with specific knowledge in the areas of Japanese economy and business, human resources management and econometrics. I have published on such topics as lifetime employment, career mobility and changes in labor market dynamics in U.S. and Japan.

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Forensic Psychology Expert #20433

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of teaching about forensic psychology, with specific knowledge of attribution theory, jury decision-making, and memory and eyewitness testimony. I have published on such topics as police cynicism, hate and hate-based behavior, and perceptions of justice.

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Religion, Culture, Islam Expert #20436

I have 8 years of experience in the field of history, with specific knowledge of the United States, religion and the founding era. I have published on such topics as religion and the American Revolution, American Christians and Islam, and the Great Awakening of the 18th century.

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Postlarvae Production Expert #20454

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of aquaculture, with specific knowledge of shrimp culture, intensive nursery and intensive grow-out.

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Liver Diseases, Viral Hepatitis Expert #20456

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of liver diseases, with specific knowledge of viral hepatitis, drug toxicity and liver injury. I have published on such topics as fatty liver, hepatitis A, B, and C, and autoimmune diseases.

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Nautical Archeology Expert #20462

I have 32 years of experience in the field of nautical archaeology, with specific knowledge of shipwrecks, maritime sites, and deep-submergence archaeology. I have published on such topics as ship excavations, ancient seafaring, and ancient trade in the Mediterranean.

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Persuasion Expert #20484

I have 35 years of experience in the field of communication, with specific knowledge of persuasion, popular culture, and apocalyptic belief. I have published on such topics as rhetorical style, apocalyptic rhetoric, and popular culture.

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Residential Construction Expert #20486

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of residential construction with specific knowledge in the areas of building sciences, green building and safety. I have published on such topics as quality initiatives, mold prevention and remediation and indoor air quality. I have testified on construction manager duties and responsibilities. I have…

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Racial Profiling, Crime Analysis Expert #20530

I have 11 years of experience and specialize in the field of policing, with specific knowledge of use of force, racial profiling and police best practices. I have published on such topics as racial profiling, use of force and crime prevention. I have testified on police services needs.

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Health Services Management Expert #20531

I have 40 years of experience in the field of health services management, with specific knowledge of health care human resources, physician practice patterns and information systems management. I have published on such topics as health services organization and delivery. I have testified on physician malpractice.

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Wellness and Aging Expert #20540

I have 20 years of experience in the field of wellness and aging, with specific knowledge of personal training, risk management, and health promotion. I have published on such topics as active aging, the biology of aging, and legal aspects of sport.

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Dynamical Systems, Ecology Expert #20548

I have 30 years of experience in the field of mathematics, with specific knowledge of dynamical systems, difference equations and mathematical biology. I have published on such topics as dynamical systems, mathematical biology and difference equations. I am the author of two books and the editor in chief of two journals.

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Parasitology, Immunology Expert #20557

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of biology with specific knowledge in the areas of parasitology, immunology and molecular biology. I have published on such topics as parasite immune escape mechanisms, molecular biology of parasites and higher education administration in Qatar.

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Speech and Language Disorders Expert #20559

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of communication sciences and disorders with specific knowledge of child speech and language acquisition, speech patterns in languages and ADA policy. I have published on such topics as speech disorders, early intervention for developmental disabilities and cross language speech patterns. I have testified on…

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Race Relations Expert #20580

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of education with specific knowledge in the areas of minority and low-income student equity and access (K-12), collegiate student groups (including student athletes, fraternities and sororities) and structural racism. I have published on such topics as student displacement after Hurricane Katrina, hazing in collegiate…

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Rangeland Management Expert #20587

I have 30 years of experience in the field of rangeland management with specific knowledge of grazing management, livestock behavior and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. I have published on such topics as grazing management, animal behavior and future rangeland production systems. I have testified on livestock behavior.

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Innovation, Internet Marketing Expert #20598

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marketing with specific knowledge in the areas of strategy, e-commerce and global business. I have published on such topics as marketing strategy, e-commerce and global business. I have testified on e-commerce, internet marketing and marketing strategy.

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Microprocessors Expert #20630

I have 35 years of experience in the field of computer engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of microprocessors, electronic products and electrical devices. I have published on such topics as microprocessors, design of computer systems, and the National Electrical Code. I have testified 7 times on topics such as patent infringement, electrical safety…

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English, Writing, Editing Expert #20644

I have 36 years of experience, and specialize in the field of English with specific knowledge in the areas of business writing, editing. I have published on such topics as literary criticism.

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Java, Small, Perl, Python, Ruby Expert #20665

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of software, hardware and networks. I have published on such topics as hardware and software co-design, cache-coherence and network topology. I have testified on network device drivers, windows operating system architecture and encryption.

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Religion and Ecomomics Expert #20673

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of religion with specific knowledge in the areas of religion and economics, religion and politics and religion and labor. I have published on such topics as religion and poverty, religion and politics and religion and misuse of power. My work addresses issues of religion…

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Surface Science, Plasma, X-Ray Expert #20679

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of surface science, with specific knowledge of electronic materials, plasma processing and electrochemistry. I have published on such topics as interconnects, transistor metallization and electrodeposition.

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Bible, Hebrew, Testament Expert #20680

I have 33 years of experience, and specialize in the field of theology with specific knowledge in the areas of bible, Hebrew bible and Old Testament. I have published on such topics as public theology and the bible.

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Nephrology, Nursing, Medicine Expert #20688

I have 38 years of experience, and specialize in the field of medical and surgical with specific knowledge in the areas of nephrology, hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. I have not published but I have reviews and added material to medical- surgical nursing textbooks. I contributed material to a pharmacology text book. I am a mentor…

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Test Preparation Expert #20689

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of education with specific knowledge in the areas of mediation, preparation for professional tests and biology. I have published on such topics as handbooks for preservice teachers, instructional design and training materials for professional and continuing education. I have testified on dismissal of educational…

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Music Composition, Music Theory Expert #20700

I have 0 year of experience, and specialize in the field of music with specific knowledge in the areas of theory and composition, music publishing and copyright. I have published on such topics as music composition. I have been teaching music composition and music theory in institutions of higher education for more than 13 years….

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Systems Engineering Expert #20729

I have 30 years of experience in the field of defense and research, with specific knowledge of dynamics, control and systems engineering. I have published on such topics as satellite modeling and control, testbeds for robotic testing of satellites and state-of-the-art assessments.

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Neuroscience, Behavior Expert #20730

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of neuroscience, with specific knowledge of brains, behavior and neurolaw. I have published on such topics as neuroscience and the law, how brains perceive reality, and time perception.


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Drilling, Rigs Expert #20731

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of commercial and economic dynamics with specific knowledge in the areas of drilling, production and oilfield services. I have published on such topics as the energy cycle, future impacts of lifting Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) moratoriums and financing oilfield fixed assets. I have testified…

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Rhetoric, Composition Expert #20735

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of English, with specific knowledge of composition, discourse analysis, and business and science writing. I have published on such topics as political analysis and pedagogy in higher education.


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Intellectual Diversity Expert #20788

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of intelllectual diversity, newsroom culture, minority issues and urban issues with specific knowledge of news coverage and minority, class and social justice. I have published on such topics as intellectual diversity, censorship by omission and urbanization displacement.

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Research, Cognition Expert #20823

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of the teaching and learning processes, with specific knowledge of mathematics education, school reform and research methods. I have published on such topics as educational and psychological measurement.


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Strategic Management Expert #20835

I have 40 years of experience in the field of strategic management with specific knowledge of information management, economics and analytic methods. I have published on such topics as profitable superior growth, sustained competitive advantage, and risk and return relationships. I have testified on utility rates, market scope and level of competition.

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Outsourcing, Switching Costs Expert #20837

I have 6 years of experience and specialize in the field of information technology (IT) outsourcing, with specific knowledge of contract discontinuation, IT security and sourcing agility. I have published on such topics as outsourcing, security and work-life balance.

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Forest Pest Management Expert #20846

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of forest pest management with specific knowledge in the areas of bark beetle suppression, oak wilt and forest entomology. I have published on such topics as southern pine beetle biology and control, oak wilt management and pine bark beetles in Central America. I have…

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Marine Conservation Expert #20863

I have 30 years of experience in the field of marine biology with specific knowledge of endangered species, scientific diving and conservation. I have published on such topics as biodiversity, cave biology and ecology. I have testified on land use, endangered species protection and conservation.

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Expert #20879

I have 37 years of experience and specialize in the field of higher education, with specific knowledge of social work, human behavior, adulthood and relationships. I have published on such topics as midlife and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues (LGBT).

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Mexico, Intelligence Services Expert #20885

I have 5 years of experience and specialize in the field of Mexican politics, with specific knowledge of opposition movements, intelligence services and the military. I have published on such topics as the presidential election of 1940, the consolidation of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (the Institutional Revolutionary Party) in the 1940s and the demilitarization of…

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Composite Materials, Fatigue Expert #20897

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of composite materials, with specific knowledge of fatigue, fracture and durability. I have published on such topics as damage mechanics, fatigue and failure assessment.

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Asia, Ethnicity, Immigration Expert #20900

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of migration with specific knowledge in the areas of South Asia, Southeast Asia and East Asia and other parts of Asia. I have published on such topics as migration of Nepalese and Bhutanese Refugee Resettlement, internal displacement, immigration and refugee issues. I am a…


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Nuclear Energy, Fuel, Safety Expert #20931

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of energy and energy systems with specific knowledge in the areas of nuclear engineering, energy conversion and safety. I have published on such topics as advanced energy systems, power plants and waste management.

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Immunology, Diagnostics Expert #20936

I have 20 years of experience in the fields of biology and immunology, with specific knowledge of host-pathogen interaction, molecular diagnosis and biosafety. I have published on such topics in research articles, book chapter and meetings proceedings.

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Health Administration Expert #20945

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of health care with specific knowledge in the areas of ethics, leadership and communications. I have published on such topics as ethics for administrators, ethics issues and leadership.

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Fracture, Failure Expert #20952

I have 27 years of experience and specialize in the field of stress analysis, with specific knowledge of fracture mechanics, failure and finite element methods. I have published on such topics as fracture mechanics, aging and remnant life analysis.


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Project Management, Training Expert #20956

I have 20 years of experience in the field of project management and business analysis, with specific knowledge in the areas of business analysis and project management.


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Cell Biology, Calcium, Optics Expert #21005

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of cell biology, with specific knowledge of fluorescence, T cell biology and microscopy. I have published on such topics as T cells, microscopy and synthesis of fluorescent molecules.


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Mathematics Assessment Expert #21009

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mathematics education with specific knowledge in the areas of mathematics assessment and evaluation, mathematics curriculum and mathematics teacher development. I have published on such topics as teacher content knowledge, assessment and student learnng of mathematics. My area of research is mathematics assessment and…

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Nanoscience, Optics, Photonics Expert #21062

I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of optics and plasma science with specific knowledge in the areas of optics and communications, electromagnetics and metamaterials. I have published on such topics as optical nanostructures, fiber optics and electromagnetics.


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Endocrine Disruption Expert #21078

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of endocrine disrupting chemicals with specific knowledge in the areas of the effects of such chemicals on sexual development, environmental quality and public health. I have published on such topics as Endocrine disrupting chemicals, environmental estrogens and sex determination and sexual development. I have…

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Stream Restoration Expert #21097

I have 3 years of experience and specialize in the fields of fluvial geomorphology and environmental hydrology, with specific knowledge of the human impact on rivers and watersheds, urbanization and stream restoration. I have published on such topics as urban rivers, stream restoration and mountain streams.

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Middle East, Islam, Women Expert #21137

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of Middle Eastern studies with specific knowledge in the areas of culture, history and religion. I have published on such topics as Islamic culture, Arab-Islamic culture and literature. I have presented briefs and papers to professional conferences and the US Department of State on…

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Plant Pathology Expert #21143

I have 36 years of experience in the field of plant pathology with specific knowledge of disease management, diagnosis and plant parasitic nematodes. I have published on such topics as disease loss, host resistance to disease and disease management.

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Business Statistics Expert #21147

I have 20 years of experience in the field of statistics, with specific knowledge of business statistics, medical statistics and statistical modeling. I have published on such topics as regression modeling, medical statistics and nonparametric statistics. I have testified on evasion of import duties.

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Time Series Modeling Expert #21155

I have 15 years of experience in the field of economics, with specific knowledge of applied econometrics, international trade and finance. I have published on such topics as trade policy, incentives in organizations and enviroment.

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Residential Appraisals Expert #21159

I have 23 years of experience in the field of real estate appraisal, with specific knowledge of residential appraisal, commercial appraisal and real estate principles. I have published on such topics as valuation, effect of stigmas on values, and physical and functional depreciation. I have testified on retrospective and historical values, value changes and land…

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Web-Based Learning Expert #21161

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of learning technologies, with specific knowledge of Web-based learning, digital equity and e-learning. I have published on such topics as digital equity, e-learning and technology in education.

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Shoreline Erosion Expert #21188

I have 5 years of experience and specialize in the field of geography with specific knowledge of coastal processes, shoreline erosion and barrier islands. I have published on such topics as hurricane impacts to barrier islands, shoreline erosion and sediment transport. I have testified on rip currents.

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Information Security Expert #21283

I have 23 years of experience in the field of information technology (IT) with specific knowledge of information security (IS), telecommunications and IS strategy. I have published on such topics as open source software development, IT investment and interorganizational information systems. I have almost 40 publications in peer reviewed journals, almost 20 conference proceedings, and…

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Motivation, Emotion, Culture Expert #21291

I have 8 years of experience and specialize in the field of social psychology, with specific knowledge of movitation, emotion and science and research methods. I have published on such topics as motivation, emotion, culture, research methods and philosophy and history of science.


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Ritual, Mythology, Theater Expert #21294

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of myth, ritual, and performance structures and systems, with specific knowledge of robotics, media and cultural development. I have published on such topics as ritual, mythology and shamanism.

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Biotechnology, Proteomics Expert #21299

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of bioanalytical chemistry, with specific knowledge iof proteomics, process analytics and therapeutic proteins. I have published on such topics as proteomics, process analytics and therapeutic proteins.

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Dopamine, Reward, Drug Abuse Expert #21303

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of neuroscience, with specific knowledge of reward, drug abuse behavior and dopamine physiology.

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Marketing Research, Forecasting Expert #21306

I have 30 years of experience in the field of marketing, with specific knowledge of marketing research, forecasting and strategy. I have published on such topics as marketing strategy, psychometric and structural equation modeling. I have testified on damage assessment and forecasting.

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Nuclear fusion, Nuclear physics Expert #21308

I have 38 years of experience and specialize in the field of physics, with specific knowledge of nuclear physics, plasma physics and laser physics. I have published on such topics as confining high temperature plasmas in magnetic traps, creation of high energy electrons in the radiation belts and building early warning systems for solar storms…

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Environmental Toxicology Expert #21312

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of environmental toxicology with specific knowledge in the areas of ecotoxicology, wildlife toxicology and risk assessment. I have published on such topics as perchlorate, persistent organic pollutants and wildlife exposure.

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Redistricting, Elections, Voting Expert #21333

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of political science with specific knowledge in the areas of redistricting, gerrymandering and the Voting Rights Act. I have published on such topics as redistricting, elections and the Voting Rights Act. I have testified 10 times on topics such as gerrymandering, redistricting and the…

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Molecular Biology Expert #21343

I have 29 years of experience and specialize in the field of molecular biology/biophysics, with specific knowledge of nucleic acids, protein-DNA interactions and bionanotechnology. I have published on such topics as DNA flexibility and folding, DNA recombination/topology and gene regulation.

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Metal, Toxicology, Environment Expert #21348

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of environmental toxicology with specific knowledge in the areas of geochemistry, metal toxicology and lead poisoning. I have published on such topics as molecular toxicology of metals, geospatial assessment of environmental contamination and environmental contamination and at-risk populations. I have had experience working for…


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Anti-Trust, Damage Theory Expert #21364

I have 3 years of experience in the field of economics, with specific knowledge of personal injury, wrongful death and commercial litigation. I have published on such topics as dental incomes, wages and unmet need.

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Wireless Communications, Radio Expert #21366

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of wireless communications with specific knowledge in the areas of protocols and algorithms, communication devices and networks. I have published on such topics as wireless communications for 802.11, 4G software radios and systems and ad-hoc protocols.


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Education Expert #21374

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of education with specific knowledge in the areas of Latinos and education, access issues in education, and educational accountability in the U.S. I have published on such topics as Latinos and higher education, Alaska Natives and higher education, and the accountability movement in the…

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Steroid Hormone Receptor Expert #21383

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of molecular endocrinology, with specific knowledge of steroid hormone signaling and environmental endocrine disruption. I have published on such topics as molecular mechanisms of steroid hormone receptor function.

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Invertebrate Zoology, Entomology Expert #21388

I have 21 years of experience in the field of ecology, with specific knowledge of invertebrate zoology, entomology and sociobiology. I have published on such topics as population structure and dynamics, chemical communication and social parasitism.

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Bioethics, Homelessness Expert #21396

I have 7 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sociology with specific knowledge in the areas of medical sociology, bioethics and poverty. I have published on such topics as medical sociology, homelessness and bioethics.

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Biostatistics Expert #21405

I have 35 years of experience in the field of statistics, with specific knowledge of health, demography and surveys. I have published on such topics as health policy, surveys and methodology.

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Gender Discrimination Expert #21420

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of gender issues with specific knowledge in the areas of sex based discrimination, sexual harassment and work place discrimination. I have published on such topics as sexual harassment in the US military and the gender-based wage gap. I have testified 10 times on topics…

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Literature, Film, Culture Expert #21444

I have 39 years of experience, and specialize in the field of comparative literature with specific knowledge in the areas of literature, film and culture. I have published on such topics as biography, fiction and film. I am active as a film reviewer and a book reviewer and have received national awards for both activities.

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Expert #21456

I have 15 years of experience in the field of communication studies, with specific knowledge in the areas of persuasion, rhetoric, and sociopolitical change. I have published on such topics as Religious discourse and post 9/11 responses, President Clinton’s use of visual bytes in the Town Hall debates, and Latin American liberation theology and sociopolitical…

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Cardiovascular Diseases Expert #21457

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of neurodegenerative disease, with specific knowledge of Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease and stroke. I have testified 10 times on topics such as Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

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Appetite, Drugs of Abuse Expert #21460

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of behavioral pharmacology, with specific knowledge of ephedrine, cocaine and phentermine. I have published on such topics as appetite and drugs.

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Soil Science, Soil Mapping Expert #21466

I have 5 years of experience and specialize in the field of soil science, with specific knowledge of water infiltration and soil mapping. I have published on such topics as soil mapping, cracking soils and precision agriculture.

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Nutrition Expert #21468

I have 9 years of experience, and specialize in the field of human nutrition with specific knowledge in the areas of cardiovascular disease, dietary fats and gut microflora. I have published on such topics as fish oils and lipoprotein production, lipoprotein-gene interactions and second generation prebiotics. I have had a multidisciplinary research career spanning the…

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Chinese Politics Expert #21487

I have 6 years of experience in the field of Chinese politics with specific knowledge of Chinese media practices, Chinese media policy and regulation, and Chinese foreign policy. I have published on such topics as Chinese media practices, Chinese media policy and regulation, and Chinese foreign policy.

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Behavior, Ecology, Genetics Expert #21504

I have 10 years of experience in the field of biology, with specific knowledge of genetics, statistics and behavior. I have published on such topics as chemical ecology, molecular phylogenetics and animal behavior.

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Death Penalty, Prison Violence Expert #21513

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of criminology, with specific knowledge of crime, violence and prison issues. I have published on such topics as capital punishment, prison violence, and change and race relations. I have testified 25 times on topics such as future dangerousness, prison violence and overcrowding.

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Pedology, Soil Salinity Expert #21534

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of soils and environmental science with specific knowledge in the areas of pedology classification, mineralogy and wetlands, and salinity. I have published on such topics as mineralogy (sepiolite), hydroloogy and pedology. I have testified on environmental soil relationships, soil salinity and wetlands and land…

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Quantum Mechanics, Spectroscopy Expert #21551

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of molecular physics with specific knowledge in the areas of quantum mechanics, spectroscopy and chemical dynamics. I have published on such topics as quantum mechanics, spectroscopy and chemical dynamics. I have testified on personal character.

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Environmental Toxicology Expert #21557

I have 17 years of experience and specialize in the field of environmental toxicology, with specific knowledge of pollution, toxicology and contaminated site cleanup. I have published on such topics as environmental chemistry, toxicology and toxicity testing.

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Women, Voting, Latinos Expert #21566

I have 8 years of experience, and specialize in the field of political science with specific knowledge in the areas of political behavior (voting), public policy and quantitative and qualitative analysis. I have published on such topics as voting behavior, immigration and public opinion.

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Arthropod-Vectored Diseases Expert #21583

I have 22 years of experience, and specialize in the field of medical and veterinary entomology with specific knowledge in the areas of disease transmission dynamics, human health risk assessment and biological threat agent identification and response operations. I have published on such topics as assessment of biological and chemical hazards associated with natural disasters…

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Multivariate Statistics Expert #21589

I have 41 years of experience, and specialize in the field of statistics with specific knowledge in the areas of nonparametric methods, multivariate methods and applied Probability. I have published on such topics as nonparametric methods, multivariate methods and applied probability. I have testified on statistical sampling studies of property assessment levels and analysis of…

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U.S. History, Race Relations Expert #21590

I have 8 years of experience, and specialize in the field of history with specific knowledge in the areas of race relations, Florida and Native Americans. I have published on such topics as Native Americans, race relations and colonialism.

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Hyperspectral Imaging Analysis Expert #21617

I have 8 years of experience, and specialize in the field of entomology with specific knowledge in the areas of imaging analysis and insect ecology. I have published on such topics as insect ecology, imaging analysis and sampling.

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Urban Education, Accountability Expert #21632

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of education policy with specific knowledge in the areas of urban education, dropout and accountability. I have published on such topics as NCLB, English language learners and minority students.

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Cross-Cultural Communication Expert #21635

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of education with specific knowledge in the areas of literacy, bilingualism and educational rights. I have published on such topics as literacy, bilingualism and diversity. I have testified on university employment practices, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), parent’s educational rights and bilingual education.

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English Learners Expert #21656

I have 13 years of experience and specialize in the field of education, with specific knowledge as of bilingual education, language and literacy, and teacher preparation. I have published on such topics as biliteracy development, teacher preparation and achievement gaps.

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Neonatology, Neonatal Immunity Expert #21667

I have 34 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neonatology with specific knowledge in the areas of neonatal infection, neonatal immunity and general neonatology. I have published on such topics as neonatal infection, neonatal immunity and general neonatology.

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Expert #21668

I have 22 years of experience, and specialize in the field of dust storms and dust particles with specific knowledge in the areas of their environmental effects, impacts on infrastructure and their effects on health. I have published on such topics as effect of dust storms on hurricanes, potential homeland security effects of airborne particles…

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geophysics, gravity, magnetics Expert #21670

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of geophysics with specific knowledge in the areas of gravity, magnetic and regional geology. I have published on such topics as tectonic evolution, crustal margins and gravity and magnetic studies.

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Petroleum Engineering Expert #21672

I have 50 years of experience in the field of chemical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of energy, environment and materials. I have published on such topics as energy availability and costs, sustainability and petrochemicals from biomass. I have testified on adhesives for building construction and the suitability of lubricating oils.

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Leadership, Teaching, Evaluation Expert #21678

I have 30 years of experience in the field of educational leadership development, with specific knowledge of principal induction programs, mentoring and leadership development in schools. I have published on such topics as beginning and aspiring school leadership programs, professional development of school leaders, and mentoring for principals and assistant principals. I have testified on…

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Expert #21700

I have 20 years of experience in the field of archaeology, with specific knowledge of Maya culture, Texas prehistory, and cultural resource management. I have published on such topics as Texas archaeology, Maya archaeology, and complex societies.

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Nutrition and Colon Cancer Expert #21762

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of nutrition, with specific knowledge of dietary fiber, omega 3 fatty acids and colon cancer. I have published on such topics as dietary fiber, colon cancer, nutrition public policy, evidence-based review systems and dietary guidelines.

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Cardiothoracic Surgery Expert #21785

I have 15 years of experience in the field of cardiothoracic surgery, with specific knowledge of bypass, surgical care, and cardiac metabolism. I have published on such topics as bypass, inflammation, and aprotinin.

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Traumatic Brain Injury Expert #21813

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of clinical neuropsychology with specific knowledge in the areas of Spanish language assessments, dementia and multicultural assessment. I have published on such topics as multicultural competence, medicare and medicaid billing fraud and the neuropsychology of bilingualism. I have testified 10 times on topics such…

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Consumer Products Expert #21815

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of advertising with specific knowledge of alcohol, tobacco and consumer products. I have published on such topics as alcohol advertising, tobacco advertising and soft drink advertising.

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Expert #21837

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of molecular biology, with specific knowledge of alcoholism, drug abuse and epigenetics. I have published on such topics as alcohol tolerance, epigenetic gene regulation and ion channel gene expression.

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Expert #21841

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of science education, with specific knowledge of curriculum and instruction, science education leadership and education technology. I have published on such topics as Probeware and improving science instruction.

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Energy Commodity Trading Expert #21850

I have 15 years of experience in the field of energy commodity trading and risk management, with specific knowledge of natural gas, electricity and risk management. I have published on such topics as options, risk management, and physical and financial commodity market linkages.

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Building Code Compliance, Steel Expert #21855

I have 38 years of experience in the field of structures, with specific knowledge of civil engineering, construction and building code compliance. I have published on such topics as structures and foundation design. I have testified 40 times on topics such as civil engineering, construction and building code compliance.

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Accident Reconstruction, Damages Expert #21859

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of engineering mechanics with specific knowledge in the areas of low-damage collision analysis, reconstruction and general mechanics or dynamics analysis. I have published on such topics as mechanics of non-linear thin-film materials, precision non-contact measurement using photogrammetry, and motion reconstruction using three-dimensional videogrammetry. I…


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Child Psychology Expert #21920

I have 7 years of experience and specialize in the fields of special education and mental health, with specific knowledge of child psychopathology, psychological testing and research/statistics. I have published on behavioral management techniques. I have testified on testing assessment.

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Theoretical Computer Science Expert #21975

I have 31 years of experience, and specialize in the field of information science with specific knowledge in the areas of cryptography, secret sharing and genetics. I have published on such topics as theory of codes, secret sharing and random number generation. I have testified on cryptosystems, digital telephony and coding theory.

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Forecasting, Strategic, Planning Expert #22031

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of ecomomic analysis, with specific knowledge of forecasting, planning and strategy. I have published on such topics as the economic outlook, sales forecasting and input and output analysis.


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Musculoskeletal Oncology Expert #22098

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of musculoskeletal oncology with specific knowledge in the areas of sarcoma, soft tissue tumors and bone tumors. I have published on such topics as sarcoma, soft tissue tumors and bone tumors. I have testified 10 times on topics such as sarcoma, soft tissue tumors…

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Nuclear Physics, Atomic Physics Expert #22125

I have 39 years of experience and specialize in the field of physics, with specific knowledge of nuclear physics, atomic physics and accelerator mass spectrometry. I have published on such topics as nuclear physics, atomic physics and acceleratory mass spectrometry. I have testified on slip and fall and staged automobile accidents.

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Security Disputes Expert #22148

I have 47 years of experience and specialize in the field of security disputes, with specific knowledge of customer disputes, firm disputes, and regulatory matters. I have published on such topics as statistical analysis of risk, structured finance litigation, and effective use of expert witnesses. I have testified 99 times on topics such as supervision,…

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Sex Offense, Probation, Parole Expert #22168

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of sex offense evaluation, with specific knowledge of recidivism probability, treatment process and efficacy. I have testified 30 times on topics such as sex offense recidivism risk.

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Employee Benefits Expert #22209

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of financial planning with specific knowledge in the areas of insurance, investments and employee benefits. I have published on such topics as life insurance, long-term care and investments.

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Consumer Behavior, Advertising Expert #22218

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marketing with specific knowledge in the areas of consumer behavior, advertising and brand names. I have published on such topics as phonetic symbolism of brand names, bilingual advertising processing and the effectiveness of cigarette warning labels aimed at teens. I prepared an expert…


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Criminal Justice Expert #22234

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of criminal justice with specific knowledge in the areas of probation and prisons. I have published on such topics as criminal justice.

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Decision Support Systems Expert #22264

I have 30 years of experience in the field of database technology with specific knowledge of online analytical processing (OLAP), cubes and updating. I have published on such topics as decision support systems, OLAP, and multi-dimensional databases. I have testified on OLAP, cube building and database updating.

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Protein, Enzyme, Catalysis Expert #22290

I have 6 years of experience in the field of chemistry, with specific knowledge of biochemistry, biophysics and protein engineering. I have published on such topics as biological development, Alzheimer’s disease and polymer catalysts.

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Natural Gas, Fuel, Oil Expert #22316

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of energy with specific knowledge in the areas of electricity, finance and natural gas. I have published on such topics as energy derivative pricing and energy forecasting, fuel development and energy markets and design. I have testified on risk management, hedging and energy procurement…

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Spinal Implants, Pedicle Screws Expert #22323

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of orthopaedic biomechanics with specific knowledge in the areas of implant design, implant biomechanics and implant evaluation. I have published on such topics as vertebral augmentation, spinal biomechanics and diagnostic devices. I have testified on catheter systems, disc arthoplasty and pedicle screw systems. My…

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Petroleum, Refining Expert #22330

I have 38 years of experience, and specialize in the field of crude oil refining with specific knowledge in the areas of economics, linear programming and product trading. I have published on such topics as crude oil pricing fundamentals, distillation blending and fuel oil supply, demand and pricing. I have testified on refinery yields, feedstock…

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Signal and Power Electronics Expert #22375

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of electrical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of power electronics, motor drives and advanced vehicles. I have published on such topics as 300 papers in the above areas and more. I have testified 10 times on topics such as electronics, motor drives,…

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Travel Management, Innovation Expert #22385

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of travel management with specific knowledge in the areas of cost-avoidance, risk management and collective buying. I have published on such topics as risk management, travel management and negotiation techniques. I have testified 30 times on topics such as risk management, travel taxes and…

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Banking, Cotton Gins Expert #22389

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of agricultural economics with specific knowledge in the areas of banking, finance and management.

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Water Resources Expert #22394

I have 39 years of experience in the field of civil engineering with specific knowledge of water resources, hydrology and sustainability. I have published on such topics as contaminant transport, pipe and canal drainage networks and near field discharges. I have testified on behavior of pipeline systems and waterway behavior.

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Biostratigraphy Expert #22412

I have 53 years of experience and specialize in the field of geology with specific knowledge in the areas of biostratigraphy, micropaleontogy and tectonostratigraphy. I have published on such topics as upper cretaceous stratigraphy of Mexico, Texas, and Arkansas using planktonic foraminifera, triassic, jurassic and cretaceous radiolarian biostratigraphy of North America and origin of the…

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Expert #22438

I have 7 years of experience, and specialize in the field of inorganic-oregano-metallic chemistry with specific knowledge in the areas of catalysis, small molecule activation and transition metals. I have published on such topics as nitrogen activation, nano-particles and silicons.

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Media Ethics, Journalism Ethics Expert #22461

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of ethics with specific knowledge in the areas of media and journalism. I have published on such topics as media ethics, online journalism and intercultural communication.

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Cross Cultural Research Expert #22515

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marketing and consumer behavior with specific knowledge in the areas of media effects, consumer judgment and decision making and advertising effects. I have published on such topics as effects of television programs on viewer attitudes, values, and beliefs, effects of cross cultural values…

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Kidney, Dialysis, Renal Expert #22525

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of nephrology with specific knowledge in the areas of chronic kidney disease, dialysis and hypertension. I have published on such topics as mineral and bone disease, practice management and anemia management.

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Rhetoric, Cold War, Writing Expert #22560

I have 6 years of experience, and specialize in the field of technical communication and rhetoric with specific knowledge in the areas of rhetoric, rhetorical analysis and technical communication. I have published on such topics as professional communication, interdisciplinary collaboration and rhetoric.


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Recruiting, Distribution Expert #22587

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of investment management with specific knowledge in the areas of portfolio management, sales and marketing. I have published on such topics as recruiting trends, compensation trends and networking techniques.


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Valuation, Trading Expert #22590

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of financial markets with specific knowledge in the areas of valuation, active portfolio management and regulation. I have published on such topics as market efficiency, equity pricing and bond pricing. I have testified on sub-prime mortgage-backed assets, market manipulation and active portfolio management.


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Persuasive Language Expert #22597

I have 21 years of experience and specialize in the field of persuasive language with specific knowledge of rhetoric, marketing and public relations. I have published on such topics as computer-mediated communication, distance education and use of persuasive language.

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Marine Shrimp Culture Expert #22633

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mariculture with specific knowledge in the areas of shrimp farming, marine fish farming and offshore aquaculture. I have published on such topics as shrimp farming, marine fish farming and offshore aquaculture. I have testified on methods used to tell wild caught fish from…

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Analog Circuits and Systems Expert #22641

I have 40 years of experience in the field of electrical engineering, with specific knowledge of analog systems, electromagnetics and electrical geophysics. I have published on such topics as electrical geophysics methods and applications, instrumentation designs and low frequency electromagnetics communications. I have testified on instrumentation intellectual property dispute, analysis of factory equipment involved in…

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Pubic Speaking, Journalism Expert #22647

I have 25 years of experience in the field of communication, with specific knowledge in the areas of public address, communication theory, and journalism. I have published on such topics as crisis communication, mass media, and race relations.

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Edema, Gastrointestinal, Gut Expert #22710

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of medical physiology with specific knowledge in the areas of cardiovascular physiology, gastrointestinal physiolopgy and intestinal motility. I have published on such topics as intestinal motility, cardiovascular dysfunction and intestinal edema.

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Mortgage Lending Expert #22731

I have 39 years of experience and specialize in the field of mortgage lending with specific knowledge in the areas of warehouse lending, mortgage insurance and loan servicing. I have published on such topics as mortgage regulations, mortgage strategies and mortgage operations. I have testified on mortgage regulatory matters, loan servicing contract violations and loan…

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Risk Analysis, Evaluation Expert #22851

I have 20 years of experience in the field of risk and decision analysis, with specific knowledge in the areas of oil and gas exploration, production and investment project evaluation. I have published on such topics as mathematics and statistics, petroleum engineering and risk and decision analysis. I have testified on gas field valuation.


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Roofing Failure, Insurance Claim Expert #22871

I have 37 years of experience, and specialize in the field of roofing consulting and roofing contracting with specific knowledge in the areas of roof system failures, roofing cost estimates and storm damage evaluation and pricing. I have testified on roofing system failure. I was the recipient of the NTRCA Industry Leader Award, the most…

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Fractures, Orthopedic Implants Expert #23063

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of orthopaedic trauma with specific knowledge in the areas of fractures, orthopaedic implants and trauma care. I have published on such topics as femur fractures, biomechanical studies on cartilage and pelvic fractures. I have testified on femur fractures.

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Hardware Upgrades, Maintenance Expert #23120

I have 9 years of experience in the field of information technology, with specific knowledge of security, networking and automation.

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Nonlinear Equations Expert #23160

I have 26 years of experience in the field of mathematics, with specific knowledge of equivariant nonlinear analysis, nonlinear symmetric differential equations and variational problems with symmetries. I have published on such topics as equivariant degree theory, Hopf bifurcation with symmetries, and existence of periodic solutions in symmetric differential equations.

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Lung Disease, Exercise Expert #23179

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of health care delivery and management with specific knowledge in the areas of lung disease, oxygen delivery and exercise. I have published on such topics as rehabilitation for patients with lung disease, exercise and gas exchange and oxygen delivery and disease management.

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Acoustics Expert #23195

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of acoustics, with specific knowledge of industrial noise control, acoustical environmental impact assessments, and noise and sound. I have published on such topics as horizontal directional drilling and long-term environmental sound level measurements. I have testified on the community impact of new industrial facilites,…

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Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics Expert #23220

I have 30 years of experience in the field of biology, with specific knowledge of biochemistry, molecular genetics and microbiology. I have published on such topics as fungal biology, control of gene expression and genomics.

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Energy, Technology Expert #23238

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of engineering, energy, software and hardware with specific knowledge in the areas of energy, solar, product management, product marketing, sales, business development, energy, software, wireless, semiconductors, and telecommunication.


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Fire Protection Expert #23315

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of fire protection engineering.

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Benzene, Cadmium, Dioxins Expert #23320

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of industrial hygiene, with specific knowledge of exposure assessments and exposure controls. I have published on such topics as drilling mud toxicity, paper mill effluent toxicity, and construction health and safety. I have testified 18 times on topics such as asbestos exposure, benzene exposure,…

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Presbyopia, Intraocular Lenses Expert #23373

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of physiological optics, with specific knowledge of accommodation, presbyopia and optics. I have published on such topics as accommodation, presbyopia and physiological optics.

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Technology, Digital Media Expert #23392

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of software development, with specific knowledge of Internet services, digital media and content distribution. I have testified 7 times on topics such as MP3 audio compression technology, content storage and delivery systems, and existing intellectual work product.


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Petrophysics, Inversion Expert #23417

I have 16 years of experience and specialize in the field of electromagnetic and resistivity logging, with specific knowledge of induction logging, tool design, and modeling and inversion. I have published on such topics as multi-component resistivity logging, directional resistivity logging and resistivity logging data processing.

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Exploration Geophysics Expert #23423

I have 40 years of experience in the field of exploration geophysics with specific knowledge of seismology, blasting and exploration seismology. I have published on such topics as shear-wave exploration seismology, near-surface geophysics and environmental geophysics. I have testified 6 times on topics such as damage due to vibrations, vibroseis exploration sourcing and blasting from…

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Product Development, Testing Expert #23494

I have 32 years of experience in the field of medical devices, with specific knowledge of product development, testing and evaluation and regulatory requirements. I have published on such topics as vascular implants, endovascular devices, stents, stent grafts and product testing. I have testified on product design, device production and product quality.


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Airway, Outpatient Expert #23508

I have 19 years of experience, and specialize in the field of anesthesiology with specific knowledge in the areas of airway management, anesthesia for ear, nose and throat and outpatient anesthesia.

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Web Commerce, Logistics Expert #23620

I have 25 years of experience in the field of web commerce business and technology, with specific knowledge in the areas of web technology, logistics, and customer service. I have published on such topics as trends in web commerce business, outstanding leadership traits, and customer service. I am experienced large public company chief executiveo officer….

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Biomedical Flows Expert #23648

I have 30 years of experience in the field of fluid dynamics with specific knowledge of computational aerodynamics, biomedical flows and building aerodynamics. I have published on such topics as flow around cars, flow around buildings and blood flow through veins. I have done consulting work for major automotive industries in the past 20 years….

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Cross-Functional Team Leadership Expert #23739

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of electrical and computer engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of control and optimization systems, energy systems and decision support systems. I have published on such topics as energy reduction, optimization systems and automation systems.

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Mechanical Engineering Expert #23809

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mechanical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of control, estimation and metal injection molding. I have published on such topics as metal injection molding, electroslag remelting and selective laser sintering.

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Expert #23816

I have 8 years of experience and specialize in the field of nanotechnology, with specific knowledge of plasmonics, nanoparticles and nanostructured films. I have published on such topics as optical properties of nanogratings, nanostructured films and plasmonics.

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Nursing, Workforce Numbers Expert #23862

I have 26 years of experience and specialize in the field of nursing and higher education, with specific knowledge of adult health, health care research and health care administration. I have published on such topics as workforce numbers, nursing administration and research.

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Aircraft Valuation Expert #23865

I have 45 years of experience in the field of aviation with specific knowledge of financing, operations and valuation. I have published on such topics as aircraft performance and features, design requirements and value. I have testified on damage and diminution of value.

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Public Policy Analysis Expert #23866

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of applied economic analysis with specific knowledge in the areas of impact of macroeconomic institutions on social welfare, federal income tax burden distribution and public sector management metrics. I have published on such topics as distribution of the federal income tax burdens, impact of…

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Merchandising, Consumer Behavior Expert #23894

I have 6 years of experience in the field of retailing, with specific knowledge in the areas of consumer behavior and multi-channel retailing. I have published on multi-channel retailing.

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Global Business, Databases Expert #23927

I have 15 years of experience in the fields of intormation technology (IT), strategic management and project management, with specific knowledge of database management systems and e-commerce, project management body of knowledge (PMBOK), and global/international business. I have published on such topics as IT, e-commerce, and strategic management. I have testified on database management systems,…

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Commercial, Due Diligence Expert #23944

I have 28 years of experience in the field of real estate appraisal, with specific knowledge of commercial real estate, industrial real estate and loan pool assessment.


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Petroleum Reservoir Fluids Expert #23948

I have 50 years of experience in the field of petroleum engineering, with specific knowledge of reservoir fluid properties. I have published on such topics as reservoir engineering, and reservoir fluid properties from simple analysis of laboratory reports to preparing fluid properties for compositional simulation. I have testified 20 times on topics such as reservoir…

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Dynamic Random Access Memory Expert #23985

I have 11 years of experience and specialize in the field of dynamic random access memory (DRAM) semiconductor manufacturing with specific knowledge of dry etch vacuum systems, CVD thin film deposition and Six Sigma. I have published on such topics as reticle haze detection and management.

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Negotiations, Efficiency Expert #23992

I have 4 years of experience and specialize in the field of economics of health care practices, with specific knowledge of anesthesiology, managed care contracts and efficient staffing models.

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Audit Defense Services Expert #24006

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of state and local taxes, with specific knowledge of sales and use taxes, consumption taxes and tax automation. I have published on such topics as convenience store audits, lease agreements and general sales tax knowledge.

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Retail, Shopping Centers Expert #24069

I have 32 years of experience, and specialize in the field of retail real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of retail shopping centers, retail tenants and retailers. I have testified on residual value after taking by eminent domain, impact of environmental impairment on value.

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Shutdown Systems Expert #24091

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of control systems with specific knowledge in the areas of design layout, physical drawings and shutdown systems. I have published on such topics as instrument design practices.

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Crystal Nucleation Expert #24095

I have 6 years of experience and specialize in the field of chemical physics, with specific knowledge of crystal nucleation and growth, heavy element molecules and quantum theory. I have published on such topics as phase equilibrium in binary melts, heavy element clusters, and crystal nucleation and growth.

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Osteopathic Manipulation Expert #24113

I have 5 years of experience, and specialize in the field of osteopathic medicine with specific knowledge in the area of osteopathic manipulation. I have published on such topics as osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM)in low back pain, OMM in pregnancy and OMM in hospitalized patients with pneumonia.

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Chartered Financial Analyst Expert #24148

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of investments with specific knowledge in the areas of trust investments, trust administration and the uniform prudent investor act. I have published on such topics as life insurance trusts.

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Mergers and Acquisitions Expert #24203

I have 5 years of experience and specialize in the field of corporate strategy with specific knowledge of mergers and acquisitions, organizational restructuring and strategic alliances. I have published on such topics as mergers and acquisitions, organizational restructuring and organizational learning.

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Drug Delivery, Angiogenesis Expert #24209

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of drug delivery, with specific knowledge of monoclonal antibodies, immunotherapy and cancer. I have published on such topics as novel monoclonal antibodies for treating cancer or viral diseases, drug targeting and delivery, and angiogenesis.

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Literature, Terrorism, Anarchism Expert #24279

I have 18 years of experience and specialize in the field of English and literature, with specific knowledge of Joseph Conrad, Modernism and distance learning. I have published on such topics as Joseph Conrad, composition and folklore.


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Family, Race, Culture Expert #24373

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of sociology, with specific knowledge of family, race and culture. I have published on such topics as family, race and culture. I have testified on parental duties, child responsibilities to family and culture of the family.

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Brain Tumors, Spine Surgery Expert #24467

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of neurosurgery, with specific knowledge of brain tumors, trauma, spine surgery and developmental anomalies

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Real Estate Appraisal Expert #24470

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of real estate appraisal, fair and equitable taxation issues and real property dispute resolution.

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Innovation, Chemicals, Food Expert #24535

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of agriculture with specific knowledge in the areas of pesticide performance, crop response and research data. I have testified on pesticide performance.

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Pharmaceutical Research Expert #24560

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of pharmacology with specific knowledge in the areas of prescription drugs, research ethics and evidence-based practice. I have published on such topics as cardiovascular disease. I have testified on toxicology, irrational prescribing and alcohol intoxication. I have been consulted by industry on market placement…

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False Allegation of Sexual Abuse Expert #24351

This sample expert has over 30 years of experience and specializes in the field of clinical social work, with specific knowledge of false allegations of child sexual abuse, substance abuse and standard of care in clinical social work. Published on such topics as recovered memories of sexual abuse, cults and satanic ritual abuse and substance abuse. Testified 6 times on topics such as possible false allegations of sexual abuse and substance abuse. Am a clinical social worker and tenured university professor with over 10 years of experience in providing case evaluation, case consultation and expert testimony in civil and criminal cases involving possible false allegations of sexual abuse, substance abuse and the standard of care in clinical social work. I provide training for protective service workers, supervisors, lawyers and judges on false allegations of sexual abuse, proper forensic interviewing and substance abuse.

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Pilot, Training, Air Travel Expert #24550

I have 19 years of experience, and specialize in the field of aviation, pilot training with specific knowledge in the areas of aircraft operation, insurance coverage and weather flying. I have published on such topics as winter threats to flying safety, thunderstorm avoidance and Kingair electrical system. I have testified on critical thinking and operation,…

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Maritime, Medical, Internet Expert #24655

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of law and legal terminology, with specific knowledge of admiralty, criminal and immigration law. I have testified 90 times as a language and terminology expert.

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Legal, Political, Contracts Expert #24669

I have 24 years of experience in the field of law, with specific knowledge of criminal, federal, contracts, licenses, and bankruptcy. I have testified on medical reports, professional evaluations, financial documents and reports, and related correspondence. I have spent 6 years on top federal cases, including terrorism, drug cases, financial cases and more.


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Proof-Reading, Reviewing Expert #24684

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of translation and interpretation with specific knowledge in the areas of law, international trade and governmental affairs.

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Family Limited Partnerships Expert #24912

I have 7 years of experience, and specialize in the field of business valuation with specific knowledge in the areas of closely-held businesses, family limited partnerships and intangible asset allocation. I have testified on business valuation.

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Civil And Environmental Engineer Expert #24960

I have 13 years of experience, and specialize in the field of civil engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of asphalt pavement, asphalt binder and crack sealant. I have published on such topics as pavement instrumentation, pavement performance and pavement design and analysis.

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Mentoring, Deaf Expert #24969

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of American Sign Language and English interpreting with specific knowledge in the areas of semantic intent, conceptual accuracy and mentoring.

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Brain Surgery, Stroke Expert #25011

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neurosurgery with specific knowledge in the areas of vascular neurosurgery, brain tumors and head injuries. I have published on such topics as aneurysms, arterio-venous malformations and strokes. I have testified 30 times on topics such as aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, neurosurgical operative treaments and…

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Data Connectivity Expert #25118

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of tickets and ticketing with specific knowledge in the areas of ticket policies, admissions procedures and data connectivity.

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Heat and Mass Transfer Expert #25133

I have 50 years of experience in the field of chemical engineering with specific knowledge of heat and mass transfer, higher education and surface chemistry. I have published on such topics as surface phenomena, wetting and distillation column design. I have testified 14 times on topics such as performance appraisal.

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Behavioral Decision Making Expert #25144

I have 22 years of experience and specialize in the field of behavioral decision making with specific knowledge of social dilemmas, conservation psychology and computer-mediated communication. I have published on such topics as social dilemmas, stakeholder participation and energy conservation.

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Gender, Culture, Sociology Expert #25200

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sociology with specific knowledge in the areas of intercultural communication, gender and immigration. I have published on such topics as women’s rights, France, Tunisia, Morocco and Islamic family law. I have published extensively on law in North Africa.


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Curriculum, Program Evaluation Expert #25238

I have 29 years of experience and specialize in the field of kinesiology, with specific knowledge of physical education, fitness and exercise. I have testified on safety and the physical education environment.

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Statistical Analysis Expert #25415

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of mechanical design, with specific knowledge of electromechanics, industrial applications and pulsed power. I have published on such topics as electromechanics, technical standards and engineering education.

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Contaminated Sites Expert #25498

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of environmental engineering with specific knowledge of contaminant releases, contaminant dispersion in air, water and soil, and exposure assessment. I have published on such topics as air, water, soil and sediment pollution, contaminant release and movement in the environment, and assessment and remediation of…

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Petroleum, Oil, Natural Gas Expert #25557

I have 35 years of experience in the field of petroleum engineering, with specific knowledge of reservoir engineering and reserve evaluation. I have published on such topics as coalbed methane, gas well decline rates, and horizontal well reserves. I have testified 15 times on topics such as oil and gas property evaluation, and reserves.

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Machinery, Equipment Expert #25718

I have 35 years of experience in the field of valuation, with specific knowledge in the areas of machinery and equipment, industrial plants, and manufacturing. I have published on such topics as valuation. I have testified 99 times on topics such as valuation.

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Critical Care, Education Expert #25727

I have 28 years of experience, and specialize in the field of education with specific knowledge in the areas of critical care, quality and inservice.


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Realbasic, Java Expert #25733

I have 22 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer science with specific knowledge in the areas of software, hacking and password recovery.

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Heterogeneous Catalysis Expert #25765

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of catalysis, with specific knowledge of nanoparticle synthesis, inorganic chemistry and chemical kinetics. I have published on such topics as catalyst synthesis, nanoparticle synthesis and nanoparticle properties.

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Remediation, Groundwater Flow Expert #25771

I have 20+ years of research experience, and specialize in the field of reservoir characterization and contaminant hydrogeology with specific knowledge in the areas of pore structure and hydrocarbon recovery, fluid flow and mass transport in porous media, environmental aqueous geochemistry, remediation technologies and radionuclide transport. I have published on such topics as petroleum engineering,…

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Geochemistry Expert #25872

I have 15 years of experience in the field of energy, with specific knowledge of marine geology, geochemistry and environmental impact. I have published on such topics as natural seepage of oil and gas, gas release from gas hydrate reservoirs and biogeochemistry of hydrocarbon seepage. I have testified on seafloor installations, oil and gas exploration,…

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Immunology, West Nile Virus Expert #25878

I have 13 years of experience and specialize in the field of immunology, with specific knowledge of viral immunology and vaccine development.

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Logistics, Marketing Channels Expert #25803

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marketing channels with specific knowledge in the areas of pricing, supply chain management and corporate responsibility. I have published on such topics as marketing of pharmaceuticals, health services and consumer goods, international market entry and expansion (especially in franchising) and relationship marketing. I…

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Radiation Carcinogenesis Expert #25900

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of radiation carcinogenesis with specific knowledge in the areas of mechanisms of carcinogenesis, low dose effects and radiation biology. I have published on such topics as radiation carcinogenesis, cancer biology and low dose effects.

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Nonlinear Optics, Photonics Expert #25913

I have 25 years of experience in the field of applied mathematics, with specific knowledge of nonlinear optics and epidemiology. I have published on such topics as light pulse propagation in the atmosphere and pulse propagation in photonic structures.

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Aerosol, Pollution Expert #26058

I have 5 years of experience and specialize in the field of atmospheric science, with specific knowledge of meteorology, indoor pollution and outdoor pollution. I have published on such topics as indoor pollution.

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Workplace Discrimination Expert #26186

I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of human resource management with specific knowledge in the areas of workplace discrimination, human resource assessment development and work-family issues. I have published on such topics as organizational training and development, work-family issues and workplace discrimination and diversity.

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Therapy, Risk Assessment Expert #26192

I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of radiation therapy with specific knowledge in the areas of treatment practices, record and verify systems and forms of communication regarding the continuity of care. I have published on such topics as intensity modulated radiation therapy, head and neck cancers and principles and practice…


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Missile Defense Expert #26283

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of defense with specific knowledge of missile defense, weapons of mass destruction and international business. I have published on such topics as missile defense, international strategy and entrepreneurship.

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Real Property Expert #26354

I have 42 years of experience and specialize in the field of real property litigation, with specific knowledge of commercial landlord tenant law, real property causes of action and ethics. I have published on such topics as commercial landlord tenant law, ethics and computer practices for lawyers. I have testified 30 times on topics such…

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Magnetism, Density Waves Expert #26402

I have 9 years of experience and specialize in the field of physics, with specific knowledge of condensed matter. I have published on such topics as magnetism, superconductivity and quantum phase transitions.

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Organic Chemistry, Organoboranes Expert #26425

I have 27 years of experience in the field of chemistry, with specific knowledge of organic chemistry, organometallic bhemistry and medicinal chemistry. I have published on such topics as organic and organometallic chemistry.

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Industrial, Land, Dock High Expert #26434

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of industrial real estate, with specific knowledge of warehouse, transportation and land.


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Programming Languages Expert #26452

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of high assurance software with specific knowledge in the areas of type systems, semantics and program analysis. I have published on such topics as program generation, advanced type systems and hardware description languages. I am the developer of the multi-stage programming paradigm, which is…

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Medical Ethics, Informed Consent Expert #26457

I have 5 years of experience in the field of bioethics, with specific knowledge in the areas of informed consent, confidentiality, and genetic research. I have published on such topics as human subjects research, genomic research, and pediatric confidentiality.

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Distributed Systems Expert #26506

I have 20 years of experience in the field of computer science with specific knowledge of distributed computing, communication networks and parallel algorithms. I have published on such topics as distributed shared memory, parallel algorithmic models and sensor networks.

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Obesity, Nutrition, Malnutrition Expert #26540

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of nutrition and dietetics with specific knowledge in the areas of obesity, weight management and obesity. I have published on such topics as medical nutrition therapy, obesity and weight management. I have worked behind the scenes to help lawyer’s build and understand clinical (nutrition)…


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Dementia, Stroke, Estrogen Expert #26546

I have 17 years of experience and specialize in the field of health science, with specific knowledge of neuroscience and pharmacology. I have published on such topics as stroke, steroids and glioma. I have testified 10 times on topics such as stroke, threapy and recombinant tissue plasminogen activator.


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Cholesterol Transport Expert #26556

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of biochemistry, with specific knowledge of lipoproteins, cholesterol transport and drug delivery. I have published on such topics as lipid lowering drugs, enzyme structure and function, patents on drug delivery, delivery of anti-cancer agents and cellular uptake of anti-cancer drugs.

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Leukemia, Lymphoma, Myeloma Expert #26582

I have 3 years of experience and specialize in the field of pathology, with specific knowledge of surgical pathology, clinical pathology and hematopathology. I have published on such topics as lymphoma, lung and skin.

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Heath Care Ethics Expert #26585

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of public health law, with specific knowledge of bioterrorism, access to care, health disparities and ethics.

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Economic Migration Expert #26589

I have 34 years of experience in the field of economic development with specific knowledge of Mexico, China and migration. I have published on such topics as undocumented migration from Mexico to the US, Chinese internal migration and migration theory. I have testified on living conditions in Mexico.

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Database Systems, Algorithms Expert #26594

I have 18 years of experience and specialize in the field of computing, with specific knowledge of database development, information technology and software development project management. I have published on such topics as database systems, information and communication technologies for development, and knowledge societies.

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Herbicide Utilization Expert #26634

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of agricultural sciences and management with specific knowledge of fertilizers, pesticides and soil/crop damage. I have published on such topics as crop production and management, ruminant nutrition and herbicide utilization. I have testified on proper livestock containment.

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Financial Expert #26650

I have 4 years of experience and specialize in the field of corporate finance, with specific knowledge of executive turnover, executive compensation and corporate restructuring. I have published on such topics as diversification.

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Distance Learning Expert #26656

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of distance learning with specific knowledge in the areas of virtual environments, mobile technology and pedagogy and collaboration. I have published on such topics as collaboration in virtual environments, learning using mobile technology (iphone and cell phones) and immersive environments.

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Anti-Arrhythmic, Heart Failure Expert #26675

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cardiovascular research with specific knowledge in the areas of cardiology, electrophysiology and pharmacology. I have published on such topics as arrhythmias, heart failure and anti-arrhythmic drugs.

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Carbon Nanotubes, Complex Fluids Expert #26678

I have 15 years of experience in the field of chemical engineering, with specific knowledge of nanotechnology, complex fluids and carbon nanotubes. I have published on such topics as carbon nanotubes, complex fluids rheology, and biomolecular and biomedical models.

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Health and Fitness Expert #26687

I have 30 years of experience in the field of health, fitness and schools, with specific knowledge of sudden death during exercise, health, fitness clubs and youth fitness. I have published on such topics as exercise and drug physiology.

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Microscopy, Anatomy, Physiology Expert #26707

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cell and tissue anatomy with specific knowledge in the areas of microscopy, scientific visualization and cell function. I have published on such topics as thermal heat flow, anesthesia hypothermia and science education.


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Material Science, Polymers Expert #26711

I have 33 years of experience and specialize in the field of material science, with specific knowledge of nanotechnology, wastewater treatment and rheology. I have published on such topics as nanotechnology, water treatment and rheology. I have testified on nanotechnology and pigments.

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Organic Chemistry Expert #26718

I have 46 years of experience in the field of organic chemistry with specific knowledge of chemical synthesis, chemical analysis and drug synthesis. I have published on such topics as the synthesis of heterocyclic, aromatic and carbocyclic synthesis, analysis, microwave-assisted reactions and the mechanism of reactions. I have testified 8 times on topics such as…

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Programming Expert #26723

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of computer science, with specific knowledge of programming languages, software development and algorithms. I have published on such topics as computer science education, computer simulations and programming languages.

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Software Measurement Expert #26727

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of software engineering, with specific knowledge of software quality, testing and measurement, and reliability, safety, and dependability. I have published on such topics as software quality and testing, software reliability, safety and dependability, and measurement and improvement of software products.

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Genetics, Cell Biology Expert #26730

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of genetics and psychology, with specific knowledge of cell biology, tumor genetics and sex-aggression. I have published on such topics as tumor metastasis, developmental processes and the structure of consciousness.


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Genetics, Gene Technology Expert #26746

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of genetics, with specific knowledge of fruit fies, neurobiology and neurodegeneration. I have published on such topics as genetics, technology and neural development.

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Expert #26749

I have 12 years of experience in the field of computer science, with specific knowledge of software engineering, multi-agent systems and reinforcement learning. I have published on such topics as verification of multi agent systems, automation of business processes and automated negotiation in multi-agent systems.

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Human Factor Expert #26756

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of industrial engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of ergonomics, human factors and safety. I have published on such topics as integration of human factors engineering into ship and offshore design, cooling suits, physiological response and task performance in hot environments for the…

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Software Engineering Expert #26792

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of software engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of object-oriented programming, multimedia and web applications. I have published on such topics as software development timelines, declarative programming languages and the deployment of Web applications.

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Polymer Matrix Composities Expert #26821

I have 7 years of experience and specialize in the field of polymer matrix composites, with specific knowledge of fatigue, impact and low cost vacuum infusion processing. I have published 7 journal articles, 25+ conference papers and 10+ presentations.

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Serial Murder, Serial Killer Expert #26823

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of law enforcement with specific knowledge in the areas of serial murder, investigation and profiling. I have published on such topics as serial murder, profiling a criminal and criminal investigation. I have testified on police procedures.

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Productivity, Trade Expert #26825

I have 7 years of experience in the field of economics, with specific knowledge of productivity, trade and microeconometrics. I have published on such topics as productivity, exporting and foreign direct investment.

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Behavioral Health, Neuroscience Expert #26843

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of psychiatry research and clinical trials with specific knowledge in the areas of bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression, addiction to cocaine, methamphetamines and cognitive functioning. I have published on such topics as bipolar disorder, addiction and co-occurring disorders.

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Retina, Genetics Expert #26860

I have 37 years of experience, and specialize in the field of ophthalmology with specific knowledge in the areas of genetics, retinal diseases and macular degeneration. I have published on such topics as these same areas. I have been directly involved in the mapping of more genes for hereditary eye disease than any other primary…

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Policing Cybercrime Expert #26867

I have 8 years of experience and specialize in the field of criminology, with specific knowledge of cybercrime, policing and white-collar crime. I have published on such topics as piracy, police and industry collaborations, and prosecuting cybercrime.

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Respiratory Therapy Expert #26878

I have 32 years of experience, and specialize in the field of respiratory care and respiratory therapy with specific knowledge in the areas of mechanical ventilation, resuscitation and lung disease. I have published on such topics as pulmonary rehabilitation with exercise of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, sleep disordered breathing and pulmonary function (lung…

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High Energy Physics Expert #26916

I have 12 years of experience and specialize in the field of particle physics, with specific knowledge of the interaction of particle and radiation with matter, particle interactions and properties, and experimental methods in high energy physics. I have published on such topics as new particle searches, new detectors for particle and radiation detection, and…

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Medicinal Chemistry Expert #26947

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of organic chemistry, with specific knowledge of medicinal chemistry, fluorescent dyes and asymmetric catalysis. I have published on such topics as peptidomimetics, medicinal chemistry and synthetic dyes. I have testified on pharmaceutical processes, pharmaceutical composition of matter and organic synthesis.


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Markov Chains, Probability Expert #26949

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of probability and random processes with specific knowledge in the areas of predictions under uncertainty, testing data reliability, hypothesis testing based on empirical data and Monte Carlo simulation of possible scenarios. I have published on such topics as a research mathematician at a PhD…

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Interviewing, Interrogation Expert #26961

I have 13 years of experience and specialize in the field of investigations, with specific knowledge of interviewing, interrogation and false confessions. I have published on such topics as false confessions, interrogation and interviewing.

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Electronics, Technology, Devices Expert #26968

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of materials science and engineering, with specific knowledge of applied physics, nanoscience and eemiconductors. I have published on such topics as semiconducting films, molecular devices and electronic materials.

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Hardwood Flooring, Liability Expert #26989

I have 4 years of experience and specialize in the field of hardwood flooring, with specific knowledge of installation methods and legal aspects.

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Operations Management Expert #26991

I have 33 years of experience and specialize in the field of management with specific knowledge of operations management, human resources management and strategic policy. I have published on such topics as defamation, staffing, wind power and strategic policy. I have testified on defamation and wind power.

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Expert #27016

I have 26 years of experience and specialize in the field of arboriculture and tree care, with specific knowledge of tree care, tree health and tree identification. I have published on such topics as urban forestry and tree care.

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Rangeland Management Expert #27038

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of rangeland management with specific knowledge of ecosystem management, ecological restoration and ecosystem services. I have published on such topics as restoration ecology, arid land management and rangeland management. I have testified 8 times on topics such as environmental damages.

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Reproductive Biology Expert #27044

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of reproductive biology, with specific knowledge of pregnancy, endocrinology and uterine biology. I have published on such topics as pregnancy, uterine biology, and embryonic and fetal development.

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Management Science, Economics Expert #27047

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of statistics with specific knowledge in the areas of management science, health care and econometrics. I have published on such topics as statistics, health care and economics. I have testified on statistics.

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Athletic Training, Fitness Expert #27064

I have 12 years of experience and specialize in the field of athletic training, with specific knowledge of sports medicine, exercise sciences and allied health care. I have published on such topics as physiological effects of eccentric exericse.

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Plant Disease Expert #27071

I have 22 years of experience and specialize in the field of plant disease and stress, with specific knowledge of biotechnology, genetics and molecular biology. I have published on such topics as programmed cell death, biofuels and transgenic plants.

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Wildlife Science Expert #27078

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of wildlife science with specific knowledge of avian ecology, wind energy and endangered species. I have published on such topics as wildlife habitat, impacts to populations and impact assessment. I have testified on injury.

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Genetic Disease Expert #27084

I have 7 years of experience and specialize in the field of clinical genetics, with specific knowledge of CHARGE syndrome, congenital heart defects and chromosomal microarray analysis. I have published on such topics as CHARGE syndrome, chromosomal microarray analysis and other genetic diseases. I have testified on osteogenesis imperfecta.

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Enviroment Planning Expert #27091

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of environment planning with specific knowledge in the areas of sustainability, resilience, and environmental hazards. I have published on such topics as perceived risk, sustainability, and emergency management. I have testified on emergency response and protective action, environmental justice, and evacuation.

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Evolution, Habitat Use Expert #27094

I have 13 years of experience, and specialize in the field of biology with specific knowledge in the areas of ornithology, wildlife ecology and evolution. I have published on such topics as bird habitat use requirements, evolution of bird behaviors and ecology of bird behavior.

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Pest Control, Bed Bugs Expert #27096

I have 21 years of experience, and specialize in the field of entomology with specific knowledge in the areas of pest management, fire ants and structure-infesting pests. I have published on such topics as fire ant control, integrated pest managment in schools and insecticide evaluations. I have testified on fire ant biology, pest control and…

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Exercise, Heart, Lung Expert #27140

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of sport nutrition and exercise prescription for chronic diseases with specific knowledge in the areas of heart, sport supplements and lung, hypertension, diabetes, obesity. I have published on such topics as exercise prescription and nutrition, metabolic calculations and chronic diseases and rehabilitation. I am…

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Geometry Expert #27150

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mathematics, with specific knowledge in the areas of geometry, topology, and teaching. I have published on such topics as geometry, topology, teaching, and general mathematics. I was once employed as an actuary.

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CEO Succession and Selection Expert #27155

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of management, with specific knowledge of CEO succession and selection, corporate governance and multinational companies’ strategies in emerging markets. I have published on such topics as CEO succession and selection, corporate governance, and multinational companies’ strategies in emerging markets.

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Biomass Conversion Expert #27164

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of biomass conversion to fuels and chemicals with specific knowledge in the areas of desalination, fermentation and compressor design. I have published on such topics as biomass conversion, heat transfer and desalination. I have testified on biomass pretreatment, steel processing and waste water treatment.

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Ophthalmology Expert #27168

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of neuro-ophthalmology, with specific knowledge of optic nerve disease, TBI and tumors. I have published on such topics as neuro-ophthalmology, drug side effects and MS.

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Outpatient Surgery Center Expert #27174

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of nursing, with specific knowledge of surgery, outpatient surgery centers and recovery rooms.

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Ferroelectrics, Smart Materials Expert #27233

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of engineering mechanics, with specific knowledge of mechanics of materials, fracture mechanics and smart materials. I have published on such topics as composite materials, fracture mechanics and ferroelectric materials.

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Model System Genetics Expert #27236

I have 28 years of experience and specialize in the field of molecular, cell and developmental biology, with specific knowledge of model system genetics, molecular biology and recombinant DNA. I have published on such topics as using drosophila genetics to study Angelman syndrome, cell-cell communication (signaling) and transcriptional regulation.


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Higher Education, Backup Expert #27251

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of education, with specific knowledge of computer backup, security procedures and employee retention.

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Expert #27271

I have 18 years of experience and specialize in the field of macroeconomics, with specific knowledge of the effects of economic policies, valuation of banks and markets, and inflation. I have published on such topics as alternative exchange rate regimes, open economy payment systems, and default and international financial crises. I have testified on economic…

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Critical Care Expert #27282

I have 5 years of experience and specialize in the field of respiratory care, with specific knowledge of critical care, emergency care and education. I have published on such topics as critical thinking skills.

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Computational Geometry Expert #27320

I have 25 years of experience in the field of computer science, with specific knowledge of image processing, computational geometry, and data analysis and visualization. I have published on such topics as image segmentation, drug search and screening, and volume visualization.

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Nursing Expert #27352

I have 37 years of experience in the field of nursing, with specific knowledge of standards of practice, nursing practice act and differentiated competency levels. I have published on such topics as health promotion, culture and stress. I have testified on medical negligence.

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Membrane Desalination Expert #27356

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of membrane technology with specific knowledge in the areas of desalination, fouling control and membrane bio-reactor (MBR). I have published on such topics as full-scale reverse osmosis processes, concentration polarization and process modeling and optimization.

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Stress, Emotion, Memory Expert #27359

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of neurobiology, with specific knowledge of memory, stress and emotion. I have published on such topics as memory systems in the brain, the role of the amygdala in memory processing and stress effects on memory.


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Geographic Information Systems Expert #27361

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of geospatial sciences, with specific knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing and photogrammetry. I have published on such topics as extraction of impervious cover using GIS, GIS for emergency management, and using GIS for Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) banking requirements.

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Explosives, Detection, Safety Expert #27364

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of explosives with specific knowledge in the areas of blast, damage and effects. I have published on such topics as explosives, sensors and nanotechnology.

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Racial Profiling, Ethnicity Expert #27370

I have 27 years of experience, and specialize in the field of technology with specific knowledge in the areas of racial profiling, data communications and geographic information systems. I have published on such topics as ethnicity profiling for community policing, Internet ethics and geomapping fundamentals.

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Genetic Regulation Expert #27375

I have 30 years of experience in the field of genetic regulation, with specific knowledge in the areas of affinity chromatography, transcription factor purification, and proteomic characterization. I have published on such topics as gene regulation, cell signaling, and muscular dystrophy.

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Ethnicity Expert #27386

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of developmental psychology with specific knowledge in the areas of infant development, parent-child relationships and Mexican Americans. I have published on such topics as the effects of infant child care on children’s socio emotional development, the quality of the parent-infant relationship and attachment security….

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Expert #27388

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of Geophysics with specific knowledge in the areas of seismic processing, seismic attributes and AVO. I have published on such topics as data processing, AVO analysis and seismic interpretation.

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Alzheimer Disease, Malaria Expert #27389

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of Alzheimer disease with specific knowledge in the areas of amyloid, oxidative damage and cytoskeleton. I have published on such topics as Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease and vasculature.

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Business Ethics Expert #27394

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of business leadership, with specific knowledge of business ethics, management and process improvement. I have published on such topics as business ethics, leadership and organizational improvement.

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Strategy Leadership Expert #27395

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of management with specific knowledge of leadership, strategy and organization behavior. I have published on such topics as strategy leadership and organizational behavior. I have testified on wrongful termination.

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Credit Derivatives, Triple Point Expert #27420

I have 14 years of experience in the field of financial markets and trading, with specific knowledge in the areas of derivatives, energy trading and trading systems. I have published on such topics as structured transaction in energy trading, credit default swaps and auction rate securities. I have testified 8 times on topics such as…

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System and Process Reuse Expert #27428

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of operations management with specific knowledge of software engineering, simulation and system dynamics. I have published on such topics as project management, supply chain dynamics and management science. I have testified on common knowledge in software engineering.

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Molecular Biology Expert #27437

I have 23 years of experience in the field of molecular biology, molecular genetics, systems biology and neuro-toxicology, with specific knowledge of environmental intoxicants, genetic materials and advance bio-technologies. I have published on such topics as molecular biology and genetics, cell signaling and gene regulation, and neuro-toxicology.

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Education, State Standards Expert #27441

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of chemical education with specific knowledge in the areas of teaching methods, assessment of student learning and state standards. I have published on such topics as educational technology, improved teaching methods and therapeutic modalities.

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Expert #27448

I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of Forest Resource Management, Economics, and Policy with specific knowledge in the areas of forest bio-energy, forest product trade and markets and disturbances (climate change, wildfire, invasive species). I have published on such topics as economics and policy of bio-energy, economic impacts of trade…

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Proteomics, Biosensor Expert #27450

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of bio-organic chemistry with specific knowledge in the areas of molecular recognition, self-assembly and nano-science. I have published on such topics as DNA recognition, peptide recognition and self-assembly.

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Exercise Physiology Expert #27464

I have 26 years of experience and specialize in the field of exercise physiology with specific knowledge of nutrition, training and fitness. I have published on such topics as dehydration, fatigue and human performance. I have testified on hyperthermia, professional athletics and muscle physiology.

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Computer System Design Expert #27474

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of electronics and computers with specific knowledge in the areas of computer system design, digital circuits, low-power design, electronics, physics and telecommunication. I have published on such topics as computer architecture, digital circuits, fault-tolerance, high-speed electronics, clocking circuitry and computer and digital arithmetic. I…

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Electrical Fire Expert #27499

I have 10 year of experience, and specialize in the field of electrical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of radar and communications, electrical power and electrical forensics. I have published on such topics as radar and communications, electrical power and (with others} articles of national electrical code. I have testified on cause of…

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Preventive Stress Management Expert #27513

I have 33 years of experience, and specialize in the field of psychology in business with specific knowledge in the areas of stress, conflict and health. I have published on such topics as preventive stress management, leadership and burnout and depression.

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Alternative Energy Expert #27524

I have 30 years of experience in the field of energy and the environment with specific knowledge in the areas of alternative energy, nuclear energy, and environmental transport. I have published on such topics as geothermal energy, multiphase flow, energy conservation and nuclear energy. I have testified on product liability.

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Expert #27581

I have 24 years of experience, and specialize in the field of oil and Gas Exploration with specific knowledge in the areas of seismic data processing, seismic data acquisition and seismic interpretation.

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Horticulture, Watermelon Expert #27599

I have 19 years of experience, and specialize in the field of horticulture with specific knowledge in the areas of vegetable breeding, vegetable production and vegetable biotechnology. I have published on such topics as vegetable grafting, watermelon variety development and vegetable biotechnology. I have developed new varieties of watermelon, cucumber and cantaloupe. I have field…

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Cereal Chemistry, Food Defense Expert #27619

I have 39 years of experience and specialize in the field of bakery quality assurance, with specific knowledge of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), traceability and recall, and food defense.

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Medical Geology Expert #27655

I have 45 years of experience and specialize in the field of earth science with specific knowledge of coal science, environmental issues and medical geology. I have published on such topics as coal, environmental health, lunar science and mineralogy.

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Econometrics, Statistics Expert #27672

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of operations and supply chain management with specific knowledge in the areas of econometric and statistical analysis of operations, electronic services and service operations management. I have published on such topics as technology as a driver of service quality, how advanced technology supports manufacturing…


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Design, Computers, Automation Expert #27680

I have 36 years of experience and specialize in the field of manufacturing, with specific knowledge of shipbuilding, process manufacturing and engineering design methods. I have published on such topics as shipbuilding, pulp and paper manufacture, and cost accounting.

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Biomedical Research Expert #27700

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of biomedical research, with specific knowledge of mathematical modeling, space physiology and gravitational biology. I have published on such topics as theoretical chemistry, space biomedical research and mathematical modeling of biomedical systems.

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Executive Search Expert #27715

I have 32 years of experience and specialize in the field of health care leadership, with specific knowledge of executive search, leadership development and performance evaluation. I have published on such topics as executive search.

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Molecular Pathology, Genetics Expert #27732

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of diagnostic genetics, with specific knowledge of cancer genetics, cytogenetics and laboratory compliance. I have published on such topics as array CGH, cancer genetics, technology development and management.

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Wildfire, Prescribed Fire Expert #27738

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of wildland fire ecology, with specific knowledge of wildfire cause, wildland fire damage and wildland fire effects. I have published on such topics as prescribed fire effects on vegetation and fuels, wildfire effects on vegetation and fuels, and estimating fuel types and loads.

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Financial Analysis, Damages Expert #27753

I have 35 years of experience in the field of statistics and financial analysis, with specific knowledge of discrimination in federal matters, personal injury damages and business valuations. I have published on such topics as probability, economics and interest tables. I have testified 70 times on topics such as statistics in employment discrimination, personal injury…

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Civic Leader, Finance Expert #27775

I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of labor management with specific knowledge of leadership training, process improvement and diversity. I have published on such topics as diversity and employee development. I have testified 10 times on topics such as policies and procedures, discrimination and safety.

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Seismic Mapping Expert #27778

I have 34 years of experience in the field of geophysics with specific knowledge of reflection seismology, passive seismic and microseismic mapping. I have published on such topics as geophysical exploration techniques, case histories and instrumentation. I have testified on gas storage integrity from , microseismic injection activity.

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Plastics Processing Expert #27786

I have 22 years of experience and specialize in the field of plastics, with specific knowledge of plastic materials, root cause analysis and fuel systems. I have published on such topics as barrier performance to fuels, internal stress analysis and global market trends on automotive fuel systems.

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Cancer Stem Cell Expert #27808

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of cancer biology, with specific knowledge of signal transduction, tumor metastasis and cancer stem cell. I have published on such topics as hedgehog, smoothened and liver cancer.

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Disease and Disorder, Health Expert #27827

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of infectious diseases, with specific knowledge of tuberculosis. I have published on such topics as tuberculosis. I have testified on tuberculosis.

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Roadway Construction Expert #27853

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of civil engineering, with specific knowledge of roadway construction, drainage construction and utility construction. I have published on such topics as roadway and drainage construction, solid waste management and utility construction. I have testified on residential drainage and site drainage.

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Stock Valuation Expert #27863

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of accounting, with specific knowledge of stock valuation, event studies and capital markets. I have published on such topics as securities litigation, corporate disclosure policies and stock valuation models.

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Chemical Physics, Semiconductors Expert #27864

I have 29 years of experience, and specialize in the field of semiconductor technology with specific knowledge in the areas of wafer processing, materials analysis and reverse engineering. I have published on such topics as wafer processing, materials analysis and reverse engineering.

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Transfer Pricing, Cost-Sharing Expert #27895

I have 5 years of experience, and specialize in the field of economics with specific knowledge in the areas of health policy, econometrics and transfer pricing. I have published on such topics as obesity, labor discrimination and urban sprawl.

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Federal Workers Compensation Expert #27912

I have 20 years of experience in the field of disability law, with specific knowledge of social security disability, federal workers’ compensation, and veterans disability. I have published on such topics as Social Security offset.

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Direct Sales Expert #28069

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of marketing, with specific knowledge of the Internet, direct sales and network marketing. I have published on such topics as network marketing law, Internet, direct sales and multi-level marketing (MLM) network marketing. I have testified 10 times on topics such as Internet marketing, direct…

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Business Operations Expert #28101

I have 8 years of experience and specialize in the field of general business operations, with specific knowledge of project management, human resources, and accounting and finance.

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Wrongful Death, Personal Injury Expert #28178

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of economics with specific knowledge in the areas of health economics, litigation support and damages estimation. I have published on such topics as health economics, health policy and pharmaceutical patents. I have testified 20 times on topics such as economic damages, risk sharing contracts…


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Cartography Expert #28294

I have 18 years of experience and specialize in the field of geography, with specific knowledge of GIS, cartography and GPS. I have published on such topics as historical cartography, hazards and GIS.

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Statistical Sampling Plans Expert #28307

I have 32 years of experience, and specialize in the field of statistical science with specific knowledge in the areas of sampling, regression and reliability. I have published on such topics as reliability, traffic engineering and network modeling. I have testified on insurance fraud, voting fraud and employment discrimination.

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Leadership Development Expert #28338

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of leadership development, with specific knowledge of competency assessment, executive training and talent development. I have published on such topics as leadership development, management training and recruiting and retaining millennial.

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Business Writing Expert #28352

I have 32 years of experience and specialize in the field of communication with specific knowledge in the areas of business writing, presentation skills and executive presence. I have published on such topics as interpersonal skills, public speaking and technical presentations, and business and creative writing.

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Retail Sales, Purchasing Expert #28385

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of operations and sales, with specific knowledge of retail, contract negotiation and procurement.

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Cancer Research, Biochemistry Expert #28396

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of cancer and inflammatory diseases, with specific knowledge of protein chemistry, enzyme inhibitors, and molecular genetics and DNA. I have published on such topics as carcinogenesis, proteomics and genomics.

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Real Estate Development Expert #28478

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of marketing and management, with specific knowledge of strategy, board structure, planning, customer service and real estate development. I have published on such topics as marketing strategy and sales, planning, customer service, market research, management strategies and promotions.

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Digital Image Processing Expert #28561

I have 30 years of experience in the field of digital image and video processing, with specific knowledge in the areas of compression, processing, and acquisition. I have published on such topics as video compression, image and video quality, and video processing. I have testified on digital image processing and cable television.

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Technology, Regulations Expert #28587

I have 45 years of experience in the field of video and image coding, with specific knowledge in the area of international standards. I have published on such topics as video/image compression, video and image quality, and video audio multiplexing and demulti-plexing.


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Cellular Networks Expert #28635

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of wireless systems and networks with specific knowledge in the areas of wireless LANs, celluar networks and persoanl area networks. I have published on such topics as cellular networks, personal area networks and medical systems.

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Persuasion, Emotion Expert #28637

I have 7 years of experience, and specialize in the field of social psychology with specific knowledge in the areas of persuasion, attitude measurement and emotion. I have published on such topics as attitudes, happiness and emotion.

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Elevators And Escalators Expert #28660

I have 26 years of experience and specialize in the field of vertical transportation, with specific knowledge of elevator operation, escalator operation and codes involving vertical transportation. I have testified on hydraulic jack failure, elevator misleveling and elevator installation and modernization issues.

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Data Recovery Expert #28682

I have 25 years of experience in the field of data forensics, with specific knowledge in the areas of electronic discovery, data recovery, and file system analysis. I have published on such topics as forensic examination of digital information, data recovery. and electronic discovery. I have testified 25 times on topics such as data forensics,…

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Geophysics Expert #28753

I have 28 years of experience, and specialize in the field of geophysics with specific knowledge in the areas of O&G exploration, seismic services and subsurface risking. I have published on such topics as subsalt exploration, subsurface evaluation and seismic processing and imaging. I have testified on subsurface identification of salt. PhD in nuclear physics,…

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Geographic Analysis Expert #28758

I have 7 years of experience in the field of geographic information systems with specific knowledge in the areas of development, analysis and design. I have published on such topics as database management and geographic analysis.

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Optics Expert #28766

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of optics with specific knowledge in the areas of fiber optics, lasers and cable television. I have published on such topics as laser diodes, epitaxy and fiber optic communications. I have 7 issued US patents in the areas of laser diodes, semiconductor lasers, and…

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Patent, Chemistry, Plant Expert #28777

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of intellectual property with specific knowledge in the areas of patents, trademarks and contracts.


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Numismatics Expert #28780

I have 28 years of experience and specialize in the field of numismatics with specific knowledge in the areas of US and foreign coins and currency. I have published on such topics as valuation, Texas Colonial Jola and Aramco gold. I have testified on rare coin valuations. I have been a numismatist for 46 years…

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Physical Therapy Expert #28803

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of physical therapy with specific knowledge in the areas of hand therapy, physical agents and cardiorespiratory therapy. I have published on such topics as iontophoresis. I have testified on hot pack injury.

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Real Estate Valuation Expert #28810

I have 36 years of experience, and specialize in the field of commercial real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of appraisal, right of way acquisition and brokerage.

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Business Development Expert #28811

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of business development with specific knowledge in the areas of telecommunication, finance and real estate investment. Seasoned corporate strategist, experience in financial products, securing project finance, and business process re-engineering targeted at medium sized corporations. Specialized in raising finance and nurturing businesses for merger…

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Control and Systems Engineering Expert #28855

I have 42 years of experience and specialize in the field of control and systems engineering, with specific knowledge of robotics, artificial intelligence and system of systems. I have published on such topics as control and systems engineering, robotics and artificial intelligence.

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Timber Appraisal Expert #28880

I have 43 years of experience, and specialize in the field of forestry with specific knowledge in the areas of timberland appraisal, conservation easements and environnmental assessment. I have published on such topics as timber and timberland appraisal, landscape tree appraisal and wildlife linkages.

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Human Exercise Expert #28882

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of human exercise and work physiology with specific knowledge in the areas of neural control of the circulation, Baroreflex control of blood pressure and environmental heat and cold stress. I have published on such topics as listed previously. I have testified 15 times on…

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Cancer Chemotherapy Expert #28888

I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of medicinal chemistry with specific knowledge in the areas of synthesis, cancer drug discovery and DNA-interactive agents. I have published on such topics as G-quadruplex DNA, anticancer natural products and hetero cyclic synthesis.

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Site Remediation Expert #28956

I have 36 years of experience in the field of environmental science and engineering with specific knowledge of environmental site characterization, remediation and economic analysis. I have published on such topics as pesticides, economic analysis and remediation. I have testified 20 times on topics such as oilfield site remediation, environmental site assessment and testing, and…

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Chemical Education Expert #28961

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of capillary electrophoresis with specific knowledge in the areas of porous polymer monoliths, two dimensional separations and chemical education. I have published on such topics as development, characterization and application of chemical separation strategies.

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Organizational Change Management Expert #28993

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of information technology, with specific knowledge of change management, project management and enterprise resource planning.

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Certified Fraud Examiner Expert #29016

I have 7 years of experience and specialize in the field of forensic accounting, with specific knowledge of fraud, information technology and internal controls. I am a certified fraud examiner, certified information systems auditor, certified internal auditor and a certified public accountant. My background in forensic accounting and information technology gives me significant insight into…

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Life Care Planning Expert #29127

I have 22 years of experience, and specialize in the field of life care planning with specific knowledge in the areas of physical therapy, life care planning and rehabilitation. I have published on such topics as life care planning.

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Geospatial Science Expert #29187

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of geospatial science with specific knowledge in the areas of geographic information systems, mapping science and urban management. I have published on such topics as geographic information systems, urban infrastructure management and spatial data analysis. I have testified on patent infringement in geographic information…

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Hand Surgery, Tendonitis Expert #29034

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of hand surgery with specific knowledge in the areas of distal radius fracture, carpal tunnel and ulnar neuropathy. I have published on such topics as wrist arthritis, trigger fingers and bone cementing technique. I have testified 10 times on topics such as wrist fractures,…

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Air Quality, Ozone, Climate Expert #29345

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of environmental law with specific knowledge in the areas of air quality and climate change. I have published on such topics as air quality. I initiated a industry and environmentalist and government effort to reform the air quality planning requirements in the Clean Air…

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Scientist, Philosopher Expert #29404

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of urology with specific knowledge in the areas of endourology, cancer, prosthetics, incontinenece and lithotripsy. I have published on such topics as cancer and incontinence.

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Differential Equations Expert #29526

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of applied mathematics with specific knowledge in the areas of engineering mathematics, differential equations and applications to real world models. I have published on such topics as differential equations, dynamical systems and boundary value problems.

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Childhood Obesity Expert #29542

I have 19 years of experience, and specialize in the field of psychology with specific knowledge in the areas of pediatric obesity and eating disorders. I have published on such topics as obesity and eating disorders.

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Expert #29560

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of space weather with specific knowledge in the areas of space radiation, magnetospheric modeling. I have published on such topics as space physics. Recently I have been involved in academic administration relating to part-time graduate school for adults in the liberal arts. I frequently…

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Electronic Payments Expert #29569

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of electronic payments with specific knowledge in the areas of automated clearing house (ACH), rules and regulations. I have published on such topics as operations, risk and corporate use of automated clearing house (ACH).

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Exercise Science, Fitness Expert #29571

I have 34 years of experience, and specialize in the field of education with specific knowledge in the areas of exercise science, wellness and sport. I have published on such topics as laterality, curriculum design and physical activity. I have spent three years as a mid-management level department head at a private university.

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Medical Genetics Expert #29587

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of medical genetics with specific knowledge in the areas of clincial genetics, biochemical genetics, and inborn errors of metabolisms. I have published on such topics as skeletal dysplasias, urea cycle disorders, and clinical trials.

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Crime Rates, Criminal Justice Expert #29589

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of criminology and criminal justice with specific knowledge in the areas of institutional and community corrections, crime and crime control policy and policing. I have published on such topics as crime and crime control, predicting recidivism and private corrections. I have testified on predicting…

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Biomechanics Expert #29603

I have 23 years of experience in the field of applied biomechanics, with specific knowledge of bio-mechanics, electromyography, and human reflexes. I have published on such topics as reflexes and muscular pre-activation, EMG fatigue, and human force responses.

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Edcuation, Aerobatics, Flight Expert #29642

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of aviation with specific knowledge in the areas of flight training, corporate aviation and university aviation programs.

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Taxation Law, IRS Collections Expert #29662

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of law with specific knowledge in the areas of taxation and business organizations. I have published on such topics as contingent legal fees. I have testified on taxation of individuals and taxation of partnerships.

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Distance Education Expert #29664

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of distance education with specific knowledge in the areas of instructional technology, multimedia and programming.

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Spintronics, Graphene Expert #29710

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of nanoscience with specific knowledge in the areas of spintronics, electronics and magnetism. I have published on such topics as nanoscience, graphene and spintronics.

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Plant Pathology Expert #29746

I have 27 years of experience, and specialize in the field of plant pathology with specific knowledge in the areas of plant disease problems and plant cultural problems. I have published on such topics as new diseases. I have testified on chemical injury, plant injury, and cultural issues.

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Expert #29784

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer science with specific knowledge in the areas of software engineering, networking and ecommerce. I have published on such topics as software design, software security and legal systems. I served as a hardware engineer, manager, salesman, software engineer, and professor. I have a…

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Chemistry, Toxicology, Risk Expert #29786

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of environmental chemistry with specific knowledge in the areas of fate and transformation, risk assessment and toxicology. I have published on such topics as site characterization, pollutant transformation and effect and chemical analysis in environmental matrices.

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Meat Science Expert #29787

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of meat science with specific knowledge in the areas of food safety, meat quality, and growth and development. I have published on such topics as growth and development of feeder cattle, multiple hurdle pathogen intervention systems, and quality management within the meat industry. I…

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Real Estate Appraisal Expert #29788

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate appraisal with specific knowledge in the areas of right of way acquisition, oil and gas leasing and seismic permitting. I have testified 10 times on topics such as just compensation and drill site damages. Varied background in real estate and energy….

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Geophysics Expert #29793

I have 27 years of experience and specialize in the field of geophysics, with specific knowledge of petroleum, coal and environment. I have published on such topics as innovative geophysical technologies, coal geophysics and environmental site investigations. I have testified on mine safety, mine rescue and advanced geophysical technologies.

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Hydrogeology Expert #29813

I have 26 years of experience in the field of hydrogeology and engineering geology with specific knowledge of ground hydrology, water resources engineering and aquifer mechanics. I have published on such topics as ground water management, aquifer storage, and recovery and irrigation efficiency. I have testified on impacts of ground water pumping, water rights and…

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Antivirals, Saponins, Rotavirus Expert #29826

I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of virology and microbiology with specific knowledge in the areas of molecular biology, antivirals and anti-tumor agents. I have published on such topics as anti-virals for HIV, reverse genetics systems and anti-tumor agents.

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Petroleum Geophysics Expert #29838

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of petroleum geophysics. I have published on such topics as interpretation, acquisition and processing of seismic data.

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Public Relations Expert #29842

I have 9 years of experience, and specialize in the field of public relations with specific knowledge in the areas of crisis communication, media relations, and campaign planning. I have published on such topics as crisis management, media relations, and corporate social responsibility.

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Emergency Management, Evacuation Expert #29860

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of emergency management with specific knowledge in the areas of risk communication, emergency preparedness and emergency response. I have published on such topics as risk communication, emergency preparedness, and emergency response. I have testified on risk communication, emergency preparedness, and emergency response.

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Sociology Expert #29866

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of urban sociology with specific knowledge in the areas of crime, community engagement, and urban policy. I have published on such topics as sex offender legislation, quality of life and access to infrastructure and resources. I currently run an institute regarding urban policy research,…

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Control Theory Expert #29871

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of control theory with specific knowledge in the area of applications of control in statistics and medicine. I have published on such topics as control theory, statistics and bioengineering

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Bioanalytical Chemistry Expert #29887

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of bioanalytical chemistry with specific knowledge in the areas of capillary electrophoresis, HPLC and protein analysis. I have published on such topics as capillary electrophoresis, proteomics and liquid separations.

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Marine Chemistry Expert #29903

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of environmental science with specific knowledge in the areas of environmental chemistry and marine chemistry. I have published on such topics as radionuclides and trace metals in environment.

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Plasma Discharges, Heat Transfer Expert #29966

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of plasma physics and engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of semiconductor manufacturing plasmas, computational modeling. I have published on such topics as plasma physics and engineering.

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Physiology, Exercise, Cardiology Expert #29997

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of rehabilitation, with specific knowledge of cardiac rehabilitation, physiology of fitness and exercise. I have published on such topics as cholesterol and exercise, senior citizen fitness and fitness of Division 1 college football players.

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Brand Manager, Marketing Expert #30004

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marketing strategy with specific knowledge in the areas of international trade, marketing research and marketing planning. I have published on such topics as consumer behavior and cross-cultural marketing.

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Open Water Lifeguarding Expert #30064

I have 39 years of experience, and specialize in the field of open water lifeguarding and safety with specific knowledge in the areas of lifeguarding, lifeguard training, and lifeguard agency management.

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Due Diligence, Inspections Expert #30083

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of commercial real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of land development, transactions and property management. I have testified on flood plain development, hurricane damage and land development.

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Writing, Media, Literature Expert #30097

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of journalism with specific knowledge in the areas of broadcast news, online journalism, and new media such as blogs. I have published on such topics as online journalism, new media, and blogging.

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Research Expert #30148

I have 5 years of experience and specialize in the field of research, with specific knowledge of evaluation, health and psychology. I have published on such topics as workforce development.

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Expert #30150

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of auctions, marketing and hybrid listings. I have published on such topics as real estate auctions, real estate owned and TARP, HAMP loan modifications and short sales. I have testified on Ethics, Auction Fundamentals and…

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Aging, Management, Health Expert #30162

I have 19 years of experience and specialize in the field of geriatric care management, with specific knowledge of elder care, counseling and aging resources. I have published on such topics as cognition in older adults.

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Employee Training Expert #30193

I have 17 years of experience in the field of human resources with specific knowledge in the areas of employee relations, recruiting and organization development. I have published on such topics as organizational justice and employee communications. I have testified on benefits management.

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Delinquent, Personal Income Tax Expert #30225

I have 25 years of experience in the field of accounting, with specific knowledge of individual and business taxation. I have published on such topics as alternative minimum tax, estate and trust tax preparation, and starting your own business.

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Green Building Assessment Expert #30295

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of corporate real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of real estate strategy, advisory and green building initiatives.

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Interpreting Expert #30341

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of interpreting with specific knowledge in the areas of legal, medical and chemistry. I have published on such topics as theoretical electro-chemistry, and applied electro-chemistry.

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Pavement Materials Expert #30365

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of pavements.

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Forensic Engineering, Design Expert #30372

I have 48 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mechanical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) design, plumbing design and electrical design. I have testified on federal construction contract interpretation, potable water distribution system failures and smoke damage.


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Oil and Gas Industry Expert #30390

I have 28 years of experience in the field of oil and gas industry, with specific knowledge of oil and gas exploration and production, strategy and technology. I have published on such topics as decision making in the oil and gas industry, technology commercialization and leadership.

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Food Service Consulting Expert #30465

I have 45 years of experience, and specialize in the field of food service consulting with specific knowledge in the areas of food facility design, food service managemen,t and food consulting. I have published on such topics as impingement air baking and impingement cooling. I combine 35 years of food management with 25 years of…

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Construction Defects Expert #30479

I have 19 years of experience and specialize in the field of architecture, with specific knowledge of design, construction documents and construction. I have published on such topics as waterproofing, construction defect investigation and window testing. I have testified 7 times on topics such as construction defect.

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Journalism, Media, Crime Expert #30511

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of journalism with specific knowledge in the areas of crime, law, and border issues. I have published on such topics as daily court proceedings, crime stories, and issues impacting the border and Hispanics.

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Genetics Expert #30513

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of genetics with specific knowledge in the areas of genomics, immunogenetics, and autoimmunity. I have published on such topics as genetics, autoimmunity, and genomics. I have testified on DNA genotyping and genetic diversity.

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Life Transitions, Addiction Expert #30514

I have 7 years of experience, and specialize in the field of group dynamics with specific knowledge in the areas of identity development, life transitions and trauma and addiction. I have published on such topics as bisexual identity development, group and grief.

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Human Resources Expert #30528

I have 31 years of experience, and specialize in the field of human resource management with specific knowledge in the areas of workplace aggression, violence, and bullying. I have published on such topics as aggression and violence, safety and security, and workplace culture and climate. I have testified 6 times on topics such as workplace…

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New Crops Expert #30570

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of new crops with specific knowledge in the areas of proso, amaranth and oilseeds. I have published on such topics as breeding, alternative crops and wheat. I have testified on crop loss and crop insurance.

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Subsea Fabrication Expert #30605

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of subsea fabrication and testing with specific knowledge in the areas of management, safety, and quality documentation.

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Anesthesia Expert #30661

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of anesthesia with specific knowledge in the areas of clinical anesthesia, labor and delivery anesthesia, and anesthesia education. I have published a systematic review on brain activity monitoring.

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Underwriting Expert #30662

I have 21 years of experience and specialize in the field of employee benefits and insurance with specific knowledge in the areas of insurance, employee benefits and underwriting. I have published on such topics as partially self-funded plans, medical tourism and stop-loss insurance.

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Housecalls, Geriatrics, Teaching Expert #30698

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of geriatrics with specific knowledge in the areas of dementia, nursing home and ALF and wound care.


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Parenting, Children Issues Expert #30705

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of psychotherapy with specific knowledge in the areas of children, adolescent and marriage and family. I have published on such topics as anger and rage, handling difficult situations and sexual orientation. I have testified 50 times on topics such as child custody, child abuse…

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Numerical Methods Expert #30853

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer science with specific knowledge in the areas of application development, numerical modeling and database management. I have published on such topics as data modeling, computer security and numerical methods. I have testified on theft of trade secret.

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Platinum, Complexes, Lipophilic Expert #30858

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of chemistry with specific knowledge in the areas of bio-inorganic, platinum anti-tumor drugs. I have published on such topics as platinum drugs anticancer agents. I have been doing research in area of platinum complexes as anti-tumor agents, for the past 30 years..

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Child And Adolescent Psychiatry Expert #30893

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of psychiatry, with specific knowledge of children and adolescents, addiction and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). I have published on such topics as ADHD and psychosocial treatment. I have testified 20 times on topics such as placement and competancy.

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Periodontics Expert #30916

I have 24 years of experience, and specialize in the field of periodontics with specific knowledge in the areas of dentistry, periodontal disease, and dental implants. I have published on such topics as microbiology, periodontitis, and dental implants.

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Petroleum Marketing Expert #30947

I have 50 years of experience, and specialize in the field of petroleum marketing and handling equipment with specific knowledge in the areas of sales, service and installation. I have testified on cause of thermal expansion on above ground piping and effects of corrosion on buried metallic components.

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Intellectual Property, Valuation Expert #30961

I have 1 year of experience, and specialize in the field of economic damages with specific knowledge in the areas of intellectual property, valuations and labor economics. I expect to testify on labor issues in a trail in May 2012.


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Tourism, Behavior, Value Expert #30992

I specialize in the field of tourism with specific knowledge in the areas of tourists, cruising and satisfaction. I have published on such topics as perceived value, cruising and tourism.

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Buying, Selling Expert #30998

I have 3 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of buying, selling and negotiating.

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International Arbitration Expert #31011

I have 37 years of experience and specialize in the field of litigation and dispute resolution with specific knowledge in the areas of labor and employment, civil rights and international commercial arbitration. I have published on such topics as employee rights and remedies, international labor law and dispute resolution methods. I have testified 10 times…

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Bankruptcy, Oil and Gas, Mining Expert #31024

I have 20 years of experience in the field of valuation and appraisal, with specific knowledge of electric utilities, oil and gas, and telecom industries. I have published on such topics as fair value, Monte Carlo analysis and financial reporting requirements. I have testified 8 times on topics such as economic damages, fair market values…


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Nursing Infusion Therapy Expert #31104

I have 36 years of experience, and specialize in the field of oncology nursing with specific knowledge in the areas of chemotherapy, symptom management and pain management. I have been a nurse for many years in both the inpatient and outpatient areas and currently provide education for nurses on oncology-related topics as well as clinical…

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Music Education Expert #31114

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of music education with specific knowledge in the areas of marching band, arranging and transcription of various styles, and music theory and analysis. I have published on such topics as recorded arrangements by marching bands.

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Energy Finance Expert #31128

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of corporate finance with specific knowledge in the areas of energy finance, project finance and financial analysis. I have published on such topics as the role of corporate finance in maximizing shareholder value, measuring shareholder value and financing an arctic gas delivery system. I…

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Signal Processing, Ethernet Expert #31155

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of signal processing with specific knowledge in the areas of digital communications, echo cancellation and gigabit ethernet. I have published on such topics as adaptive filters, minimum-phase filters and dual tone multiple frequency detection.

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Sales And Business Development Expert #31163

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of financial services with specific knowledge in the areas of merchant processing, check processing and card issuing.

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Pediatiatric Epilepsy Expert #31197

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of pediatrics with specific knowledge in the areas of pediatric neurology, pediatric epilepsy and pediatric headaches. I work in a pediatric neurology clinic at a large children’s hospital. I see up to 30 patients in clinic every week and am currently participating in ongoing…

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Adolescence, Substance Abuse Expert #31220

I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of substance abuse with specific knowledge in the areas of adolescents, culture and prevention. I have published on such topics as engaging youth in drug prevention, culturally grounded prevention programs and systematic modes of cultural adaptation of programs.

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Remote Sensing, Hyperspectral Expert #31250

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing with specific knowledge in the areas of spatial analysis, modeling and programming and application development. I have published on such topics as GIS and global positioning system (GPS) for emergency response, LiDAR data analysis and hyperspectral…

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Adaptive Control Expert #31256

I have 20 years of experience in the field of electrical engineering, with specific knowledge of control systems, and genomic signal processing. I have published on such topics as adaptive and robust control, proportional–integral–derivative (PID) control and genomic signal processing.

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Actuary, Actuarial, Pension Expert #31258

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of actuarial science with specific knowledge in the areas of pensions, post-retirement medical benefits and defined benefit plans. I have published on such topics as 403(b) plans. I have served as a consulting actuary since 1978 and am a senior principal and senior actuary…

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Outsourcing Expert #31280

I have 12 years of experience in the field of information technology (IT), with specific knowledge of computers, applications and outsourcing. I have published on such topics as disaster recovery, business continuity and IT outsourcing.

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Geology, Carbon Sequestration Expert #31290

I have 29 years of experience in the field of data analysis, with specific knowledge of geophysics, oil and gas exploration, and production and project management. I have published on such topics as data management maturity models, value of data management and computer applications for geoscience. I have testified on computer networking professional services.

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Planning, Forecasting Expert #31293

I have 10 years of experience in the field of accounting, with specific knowledge of bank reconciliations, bookkeeping and budgeting.


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Network, IT, Forensic Expert #31314

I have 15 years of experience in the field of computer security, with specific knowledge of networking, information technology security and forensics.


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Structural Engineering Expert #31316

I have 36 years of experience, and specialize in the field of structural engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of roofing, waterproofing, and building envelopes. I have published on such topics as building envelopes, roofing and EIFS. I have testified 90 times on topics such as roofing, waterproofing, and building envelopes.

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Tax, Payroll, Bookkeeping Expert #31364

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of accounting and tax preparation, with specific knowledge of accounting, tax and payroll.

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Sales Growth, Strategic Planning Expert #31368

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of life insurance, with specific knowledge of sales and marketing, management and leadership, and risk management and expense systems. I have published on such topics as sales and growth strategies, corporate alignment and leadership.

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Agricultural Engineering Expert #31374

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of agricultural engineering, with specific knowledge of machine design, precision agriculture and information technologies. I have published on such topics as cotton engineering, sensor development and image processing. I have testified on machine design, assessment of causes of personal injury and software performance.

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Trademark, Copyright, License Expert #31405

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of law with specific knowledge in the areas of business, international trade and intellectual property. I have published on such topics as intellectual property protection and enforcement, managing risk in international transactions and import and export regulation. Have also been an adjunct professor of…


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Power Grids, Energy Expert #31406

I have 16 years of experience and specialize in the field of power grids, with specific knowledge of state estimation, security and control. I have published on such topics as blackouts, fuel cells and control.

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Computer Science And Engineering Expert #31407

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer science and engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of computer hardware design, computer architecture, and fault tolerant computing. I have published on such topics as computer design, fault tolerant computing, and engineering education.

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Operations, Strategy Expert #31409

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of information technology (IT), with specific knowledge of IT strategy and IT service management. I have published on such topics as IT performance benchmarking and IT configuration management.


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Power Electronics, Pulse Power Expert #31503

I have 13 years of experience in the field of electrical engineering, with specific knowledge of power electronics, power devices and renewable energy. I have published on such topics as silicon carbide devices for pulse power application, wind energy for utility applications and power devices for motor control.

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Industrial Hygiene and Safety Expert #31516

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of industrial hygiene and safety with specific knowledge in the areas of chemical exposure assessment, safety management and indoor air quality. I have testified 7 times on topics such as microbial (molds and bacteria) contamination and remediation.

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Medical Imaging And Devisces Expert #31568

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of medical imaging and devices with specific knowledge in the areas of imaging, electronic medical records systems, and DOD businesses.

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Petroleum, Drilling, Leasing Expert #31600

I have 25 years of experience in the field of oil and gas production, with specific knowledge of drilling, completion and production. I have testified on oil and gas leases, drilling and completion techniques, and workover operations. I have held several executive positions with private and public oil and gas companies, as well as mining…


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Persian, Iran, Literature Expert #31626

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of Persian literature and Iranian culture with specific knowledge in the areas of modern fiction, modern poetry and translation.

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Taxable Estates, Farm, Ranch Expert #31632

I have 35 years of experience in the field of real estate appraisal, with specific knowledge of farm and ranch land, and commercial and residential real estate. I have testified 30 times on topics such as condemnation appraisals, divorce appraisals and law suit appraisals.

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Taxation, Regulation, Inflation Expert #31643

I have 30 years of experience in the field of economics, with specific knowledge of public sector economics, economic principles, and environmental and resource policy design. I have published on such topics as municipal water rates, optimal tariff policy and application of fundamental principles.


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Expert Witness, Investigation Expert #31675

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of employment law compliance, with specific knowledge of federal state discrimination laws, human resources consulting and legal compliance training. I have published on such topics as alternative dispute resolution, employment law compliance, and harassment awareness and prevention. I have testified 10 times on topics…

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Feed Additives, Toxic Plants Expert #31653

I have 39 years of experience, and specialize in the field of veterinary toxicology with specific knowledge in the areas of feed additives, heavy metals and weapons of mass destruction (chemical and biological). I have published on such topics as poisonous plants, treatment of intoxications and risk assessment of gossypol in animals. I have testified…

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Data Warehouse, Data Mart Expert #31720

I have 12 years of experience and specialize in the field of information technology, with specific knowledge of databases, data warehouses and business intelligence. I have published on such topics as Microsoft SQL server analysis services, Microsoft SQL server reporting services and MDX.

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Dealer Operations Expert #31756

I have 30 years of experience in the field of automotive dealer operations, with specific knowledge of sales, marketing, and training. I have testified on dealer open points.

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American Indian, Courts Expert #31816

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of courts with specific knowledge in the areas of jail overcrowding, docket management and tribal justice systems. I have published on such topics as American Indian law and policy, international law and transnational corporate crime.

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Periodontology Expert #31962

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of periodontics, with specific knowledge of implants, systemic diseases and pathogenesis. I have published on such topics as treatment of failing implants, oral and systemic diseases, and oral manifestation of AIDS. I have testified on necessary post-trauma treatment and adequacy of care.

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Podiatry Expert #31964

I have 12 years of experience and specialize in the field of podiatry, with specific knowledge of trauma, foot and ankle. I have published on such topics as traumatic reconstruction, ligament reconstruction and long-term post-surgical morbidity. I have testified on tendon rupture, and foot and ankle trauma.

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Petroleum Refining Expert #32184

I have 39 years of experience and specialize in the field of engineering, with specific knowledge of chemical process design, simulation, negotiating contracts, evaluating designs and equipment, environmental permitting and assisting in discovery.

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Labor, Employment Law Expert #32200

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of clinical and forensic psychology with specific knowledge in the areas of labor and employment law (sexual harassment, discrimination, wrongful termination,, personal injury and cases involving alleged emotional injuries. I have published on such topics as psychological trauma, psychological treatment and forensic psychology. I…


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Patent Rights, Laser Expert #32297

I have 19 years of experience, and specialize in the field of nursing with specific knowledge in the areas of family, laser hair removal and geriatric, psychiatric. I have had the opportunity to experience nursing in many areas. I believe my knowledge, dedication, enjoyment, and leadership among my jobs has made nursing a remarkable profession….

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Breast Cancer, Endocrinology Expert #32434

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of endocrinology with specific knowledge in the areas of pregnancy, breast cancer and health disparities. I have published on such topics as see endocrinology.


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Molecular Mechanisms Of Cancer Expert #32472

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of biochemical mechanisms of cancer, with specific knowledge of molecular biology, biochemistry and statistics. I have published on such topics as breast cancer, cancer inhibitors and role of receptors in cancer.

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Animal Physiology, Obesity Expert #32576

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of obesity and diabetes, with specific knowledge of molecular biology, cloning, biochemistry and animal physiology. I have published on such topics as obesity, diabetes and immunology.

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Franchise Law, Franchis Contract Expert #32715

I have 10 years of experience in the field of real estate franchising, with specific knowledge in the areas of franchise disclosure documents, franchise contracts and agreements and mergers, and acquisitions. I have published on such topics as developing a plan for growth and expansion, the success of the independent real estate community and new…

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Life Care Planning Expert #32725

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of life care planning with specific knowledge of spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury and cerebral palsy. I have published on such topics as life care planning, vocational damage assessments and providing expert testimony. I have testified 80 times on topics such as life…

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Bad Faith, Claims Expert #32737

I have 23 years of experience in the field of insurance, with specific knowledge of bad faith, claims handling and insurance coverage. I have published on such topics as enviromental insurance and ERISA. I have testified on bad faith, insurance and claims handling.


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Drug Design, Synthesis Expert #32769

I have 31 years of experience and specialize in the field of medicinal chemistry, with specific knowledge of drug design and total synthesis of natural products. I have published on such topics as design and development of new kinase inhibitors as chemotherapeutic agents, PET imaging of chemotherapeutic agents and synthetic natural products.

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Polymer Chemistry Expert #32858

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of polymer science with specific knowledge in the areas of polymer chemistry, water-soluble polymers and stimuli-responsive polymers. I have published on such topics as controlled radical polymerizations, living polymerizations and polymeric micelles and vesicles.

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Computing Ethics Expert #32859

I have 27 years of experience and specialize in the field of computing, with specific knowledge of computing ethics, operating systems and project management. I have published on such topics as professional skills, accreditation and assessment.

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Expert #32885

I have 20 years of experience in the field of health care, banking, tele-com, internet services, with specific knowledge in the area of forensic accounting, valuations, economic damages, international transfer pricing, and corporate governance.

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Performance Management Expert #32893

I have 22 years of experience in the field of leadership and management, with specific knowledge of strategic planning, performance management and conflict resolution. I have published on such topics as emotional intelligence for managers, employee motivation and employee satisfaction.

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Pediatrics, Nursing, Medicine Expert #32907

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of pediatrics.

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Real Analysis Expert #32911

I have 30 years of experience in the field of mathematics, with specific knowledge of analysis and investment mathematics. I have published on such topics as analysis, matrix theory and general mathematics.

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Tax Law Expert #32918

I have 22 years of experience, and specialize in the field of tax law with specific knowledge in the areas of corporate, partnership and international. I have published on such topics as international tax law, partnership and corporate tax law and oil and gas tax law.

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Mathematics Education Expert #32919

I have 29 years of experience and specialize in the field of teaching mathematics, with specific knowledge of math education, student programs and teacher training. I have published on such topics as number theory, math textbooks and math education.

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Climate, Hurricanes, Hydrology Expert #32946

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of climatology with specific knowledge in the areas of hurricanes, drought and hydrologic modeling. I have published on such topics as modeling power outages from hurricanes, drought prediction and soil moisture modeling.

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Electromagnetism Materials Expert #32950

I have 30 years of experience in the field of electromagnetics, with specific knowledge of materials, superconductivity, and magnetic fields. I have published on such topics as new materials for high-performance electromagnets, metal-matrix composites for ultimate strength, and nuclear fission power technology.

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Neuroscience, Electrophysiology Expert #32973

I have 17 years of experience in the field of neuroscience, with specific knowledge in the areas of electrophysiology, synaptic transmission, and neuromodulation. I have published on such topics as hippocampus, neocortex, and neuromodulation.

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Forecasting and Econometrics Expert #33032

I have 21 years of experience in the field of statistics, with specific knowledge in the areas of forecasting and econometrics, design of experiments, and statistical modeling. I have published on such topics as event study methodology, mixed linear models, and quality control.

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Plant Disease, Irrigation Expert #33051

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of agriculture with specific knowledge in the areas of plant diseases, precision agriculture and agriculture technologies. I have published on such topics as plant pathogen detection, differentiation between plant pathogens and other plant stresses and plant pathogen quantification. A major theme of my research…

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Laser Measurements, Hypersonics Expert #33063

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of aerospace engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of laser measurements, hypersonic, rarefied, and reacting flows and non-equilibrium chemistry. I have published on such topics as laser diagnostics, rarefied atmospheres and reentry flows.

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Agronomy, Sorghum, Energy Crops Expert #33073

I have 17 years of experience in the field of agronomy, plant breeding, and genetics, with specific knowledge in the areas of sorghum and energy crops. I have published on such topics as genetic inheritance of agronmically important traits and crop development for alternative uses.

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Neurotoxicology Expert #33103

I have 21 years of experience and specialize in the field of toxicology with specific knowledge in the areas of drugs and alcohol abuse, metabolic toxicology and hyperthermia, and obesity and diabetes. I have published on such topics as neurotoxicology and amphetamine hyperthermia, and metabolic disorders.

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Consumer Health, Aging Expert #33130

I have 11 years of experience in the field of health and gerontology, with specific knowledge in the areas of caregiving, environmental health, and consumer health. I have published on such topics as environmental health, caregiving, and consumer health.

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Training, Economics, Policy, Law Expert #33157

I have 4 years of experience, and specialize in the field of environmental management with specific knowledge in the areas of policy, economics and training. I have published on such topics as coastal training.

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Rangeland Improvement Expert #33185

I have 30 years of experience in the field of rangeland improvement, with specific knowledge in the areas of herbicide and chemicals, mechanical brush control, and prescribed burning. I have published on such topics as chemical brush control, conducting prescribed burns, and wildfire fuel reduction and abatement.

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Dietary Supplements, Labeling Expert #33208

I have 10 years of experience in the field of nutrition, toxicology, food science, with specific knowledge in the areas of bioactive plant compounds, antioxidants, and molecular mechanisms in the prevention of chronic diseases. I have published on such topics as bioactive plant compounds, food drug interactions, antioxidants, and pharmacokinetics of polyphenolics.

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Neuro-oncology Expert #33243

I have 25 years of experience in the field of cancer research, with specific knowledge in the areas of neuro-oncology, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer. I have published on such topics as neurodegeneration, animal models for cancer, novel therapy, and inherited neurological disorders.

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Secretarial Science Expert #33250

I have 33 years of experience in the field of applied technology, with specific knowledge in the area of secretarial science. I have published on such topics as ethics, assessment and education.

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Neurology, Cognitive Dysfunction Expert #33267

I have 4 years of experience and specialize in the field of neurology, with specific knowledge of cognitive dysfunction, headaches and seizures. I have published on such topics as brain infections, epilepsy and medical ethics. I have testified on stroke, headache and seizures.

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Construction Safety, OSHA Expert #33282

I have 20 years of experience in the field of safety and risk management, with specific knowledge in the areas of construction, workers’ compensation, safety and risk management. I have published on such topics as safety, workers’ compensation, negotiation skills and quality issues in the construction industry. I have testified on occupational safety issues, workers’…

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Diversity, Technology Expert #33294

I have 12 years of experience in the field of higher education, with specific knowledge in the areas of diversity, college teaching and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. I have published on such topics as academically gifted African-American students, college teaching and STEM students in black colleges.


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Dairy Marketing Expert #33335

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of agricultural economics with specific knowledge of milk marketing and policy, pesticides and organic agriculture, and bilateral oligopoly structures. I have published on such topics as dairy marketing, pesticide use reduction and agricultural policy. I have testified 15 times on topics such as milk…

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Brokerage, Appraisal Expert #33361

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of real estate, with specific knowledge of multifamily housing, appraisal and valuation of properties and marketing.

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Pulmonary Disease, Asbestos Expert #33367

I have 21 years of experience, and specialize in the field of pulmonary diseases with specific knowledge in the areas of occupational lung injury, lung cancer and mesothelioma. I have published on such topics as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and mesothelioma. I have testified 99 times on topics such as asbestosis, asbestos-related cancer,…

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Geriatrics, Case Management Expert #33392

I have 17 years of experience in the field of long-term care, with specific knowledge of geriatric care management, and counseling for families of elderly. I have published on such topics as choosing a nursing home, how to get someone to quit driving, and getting the most from your doctor’s appointment.

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Seniors, Geriatric, Care Plan Expert #33446

I have 12 years of experience in the field of senior care, with specific knowledge in the areas of long-term care, assessments, and care plans. I am an excellent advocate for senior adults. My respect for their rights and wishes enable me to see the bigger picture of care needed to help maintain independence, safety,…

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Minerals, Geochemistry Expert #33562

I have 32 years of experience in the field of aqueous geochemistry, with specific knowledge in the areas of fluid-rock reactions, aqueous geochemistry, and hydrogeology. I have published on such topics as mineral solubilities, reaction rates between fluids and minerals and adsorbtion of metals to mineral surfaces.

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Probation, Parole Expert #33566

I have 1 year of experience in the field of criminal justice, with specific knowledge in the areas of risk and needs assessment, probation, and parole. I have published on such topics as parole, organizational change, and risk and needs assessment.

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Asset Management Expert #33675

I have 17 years of experience and specialize in the field of real estate, with specific knowledge of property management, asset management and lease administration.

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Casino Gaming, Public Affairs Expert #33731

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of casino gaming management with specific knowledge in the areas of Indian gaming, casino gaming and strategic communications. I have published on such topics as Indian gaming, public relations, and casino operations and management.

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Neuropsychology Expert #33733

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of neuropsychology, with specific knowledge of traumatic brain injury, anoxia and Alzheimer’s disease. I have published on such topics as mild traumatic brain injury. I have testified 25 times on topics such as traumatic brain injury, anoxia/hypoxia and life care planning.

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Life Care Planning Expert #33782

I have 3 years of experience in the field of life care plans, with specific knowledge in the areas of medical legal nursing, medical cost projections, and catastrophic injuries.

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Child Care, Juvenile Justice Expert #33800

I have 21 years of experience, and specialize in the field of juvenile justice with specific knowledge in the areas of program standards, facility operations and acceditation.

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Investor Relations Expert #33812

I have 30 years of experience in the field of corporate disclosure and investor relations with specific knowledge in the areas of finance, communications and securities, laws. I have published on such topics as investor relations and securities laws compliance.

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Child Care Expert #33843

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of child care with specific knowledge in the areas of licensing, accreditation and child development. I have published on such topics as campus child care.

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Apartments, Tenant-Landlord Laws Expert #33889

I have 5 years of experience and specialize in the field of landlord-tenant issues, with specific knowledge of leases and the lease package, security deposit issues and eviction.

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Lattice-Ordered Rings Expert #33913

I have 16 years of experience and specialize in the field of lattice-ordered rings and algebras. I have published on such topics as lattice orders on matrix algebras, lattice orders on triangular matrix algebras.

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Oil and Gas Exploration Expert #33918

I have 41 years of experience and specialize in the field of oil and gas exploration and development with specific knowledge in the area of geophysics. I have published on such topics as oil and gas geophysics. I have testified on falsified seismic data and interpretation of seismic data.

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Nonprofit, Leadership Expert #33946

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of association management with specific knowledge in the areas of trade associations, professional societies and volunteer leaership. I have published on such topics as association management, strategic planning and change management.

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Early Childhood Education Expert #33948

I have 35 years of experience in the field of early childhood education with specific knowledge in the areas of effective leadership and team building skills, and early childhood education. I have published on such topics as effective leadership skills needed to become an effective manager, leading with purpose and legal issues of operating child…

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Geriatric Care Management Expert #34082

I have 30 years of experience in the field of aging with specific knowledge in the areas of geriatric care management, dementia and fall risk. I have published on such topics as elderly driving, home safety assessment and Medicare.

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Drug Design, Oncology Expert #34242

I have 4 years of experience, and specialize in the field of preclinical drug discovery with specific knowledge in the areas of drug design, drug metabolism and biochemical toxicology. I have published on such topics as melanoma, prodrug design and development and biochemical toxicology.


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Market Assessment, Logistics Expert #34263

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of animal health products with specific knowledge in the areas of marketing, finance and logistics.

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Nursing, Emergency Services Expert #34273

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of administration with specific knowledge in the areas of nursing, acute care and long term care. I have published on such topics as leadership.

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Numerical Methods, Astrodynamics Expert #34297

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer science with specific knowledge in the areas of numerical methods, simulation and software. I have published on such topics as numerical methods, aerospace applications and software visualization.

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Depression, Anxiety Expert #34378

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of vocational rehabilitation with specific knowledge in the areas of vision and physical rehabilitation, family and domestic violence. Along with a colleague, I developed an evaluation tool to identify areas of strength and weakness for a person navigating the rehabilitation process. The evaluation is…


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Child Abuse Expert #34402

I have 20 years of experience in the field of criminal law with specific knowledge of child abuse, sexual predators and Megan’s Law. I have published on such topics as child abuse, Megan’s Law and human trafficking.

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Medical Nanotechnology Expert #34411

I have 21 years of experience, and specialize in the field of bioanalytical chemistry with specific knowledge in the areas of bionanotechnology, nanoparticle toxicology and chemical sensors. I have published on such topics as the targeted ablation of tumors using nanotubes, the interactions of nanotubes with living cells and the measurement of intracellular nanotube concentrations…

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Orbifolds, Groupoids Expert #34510

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of mathematics, with specific knowledge of noncommutative geometry, mathematical physics, topology and geometric analysis.

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Digital Signal Processing Expert #34515

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of computer engineering and science with specific knowledge in the areas of software and hardware systems, embedded systems and communication systems. I have published on such topics as large scale software simulation, real time embedded systems and parallel software systems. I have testified on…

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Risk Management Expert #34516

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of insurance placement, with specific knowledge of commercial insurance.

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Expert #34519

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of academic, government, and IFI economics, with specific knowledge of financial economics, Islamic law and economics, and Middle-East economic development. I have published on such topics as Islamic law, economics, and finance, investment and growth in the Middle East, and time series properties of…

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Distributed Systems, Cluster Expert #34537

I have 37 years of experience and specialize in the field of environmental consulting, with specific knowledge of real estate transactional support and Brownfield redevelopments.

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Consumer Electronics Expert #34541

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of industrial engineering and product development with specific knowledge in the areas of consumer electronics, Asia manufacturing and product development. I have published on such topics as process control.

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Micro-Nano Robotics Assembly Expert #34589

I have 17 years of experience and specialize in the field of engineering, with specific knowledge of robotics, microsystems and nanosystems. I have published on such topics as microassembly, 3D packaging and human-robot interaction.

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Cardiology, Biotech Expert #34614

I have 22 years of experience in the field of medicine with specific knowledge in the areas of cardiology, biotech, and biomedical engineering.

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Strategy Formulation Expert #34699

I have 25 years of experience in the field of strategy formulation and implementation, with specific knowledge in the areas of process facilitation, leadership development, and managing change. I have published on such topics as leadership results, leadership development, and leading change.

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Developer Platforms Expert #34708

I have 13 years of experience in the field of mobile wireless, with specific knowledge in the areas of software, services, and platforms. I have published on such topics as content ecosystems, web runtime, and application stores.

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Drill, Gas, Exploration Expert #34725

I have 36 years of experience in the field of oil and gas, with specific knowledge in the areas of drilling, completions, and workovers. I have published on such topics as casing drilling (internal) and alternative conductor methods (internal). I have testified on accidental combustion and injury.

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Subdivision Developments Expert #34737

I have 26 years of experience and specialize in the field of real estate appraisal, with specific knowledge of commercial real estate. I have testified on the value of real estate, real estate fraud and the quality of another’s appraisal report/analysis.

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Animal Nutrition Expert #34746

I have 29 years of experience in the field of animal science, with specific knowledge in the areas of feeds and feeding, animal nutrition, and feed analysis. I have published on such topics as animal nutrition. I have testified on animal behavior related to personal injury.

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Early Childhood Expert #34774

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of education with specific knowledge in the areas of early childhood, special Education and non-profit management.

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Software, Signal Processing Expert #34779

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of software and signal processing with specific knowledge in the area of software, signal processing, orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), display technology, Web applications, communications (wireless and wireline), MPEG, ADSL, WiMAX, LTE, bluetooth, display technology and patent validity analysis. I have published on such topics…


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Consulting, Appraisal Expert #34820

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of real estate, with specific knowledge of real estate appraisal, real estate brokerage and mortgage banking.


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Investigations, Death & Dying Expert #34876

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of forensic science with specific knowledge in the areas of medicolegal death investigations, adult and child physical and sexual assaults and child forensic interviewing. I have published on such topics as use of forensic entomology in determining post mortem interval. I have been presented…

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Subprime, Lending, Fraud Expert #34890

I have 15 years of experience in the field of mortgage lending and mortgage finance, with specific knowledge in the areas of lending, securitization, and the elements of fraud. I have published on such topics as mortgage fraud, securitization, rating agencies, and wide range of lending practices.


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Ophthalmic Surgery Expert #34904

I have 24 years of experience and specialize in the field of ophthalmology with specific knowledge of cataract surgery, refractive surgery and lasik. I have published on such topics as cataract surgery and presbyopia correcting lens implants. I have testified on cataract surgery standard of care and glaucoma care.

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Market Sizing, Forecasting Expert #34914

I have 20 years of experience in the field of market research, with specific knowledge of forecasting, market sizing and new product development. I have published on such topics as wireless Internet and research methods.

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Pediatric Physical Therapy Expert #34932

I have 38 years of experience in the field of physical therapy,with specific knowledge of higher education, accreditation and pediatric physical therapy. I have published on such topics as pediatric muscle testing, breast health and private practice physical therapy. I have testified on health care issues, higher education and physical therapy practice.

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Cerebral Aneurysms, Brain Expert #34947

I have 13 years of experience, and specialize in the field of interventional neuroradiology with specific knowledge in the areas of intracranial aneurysms, ischemic stroke and brain arteriovenous malformation. I have published on such topics as intracrnail aneurysm therapy, imaging , and hemodynamics, therapy and imaging of acute ischemic stroke and brain arteriovenous malformations. I…

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Cancer, Informatics Expert #34949

I have 30 years of experience in the field of cancer, with specific knowledge of administration, care, and research. I have published on such topics as cancer care. I have testified on cancer care.

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Concrete, Ready Mix, Aggregate Expert #34993

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of concrete with specific knowledge in the areas of operations, sales and quality control.

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Implementation, Upgrade Expert #35049

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of information technology, with specific knowledge of Oracle ERP, ERP and COTS. I have published on such topics as successful implementations, upgrades and strategic planning.

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Public Sector, Policy Expert #35103

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of public economics with specific knowledge in the areas of expenditure policy, economic impact analysis and urban economics. I have published on such topics as state and local government expenditure, school policy and airport finances. I have testified on state government purchasing preferences, low…

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Crime, Embezzle, Forgery Expert #35379

I have 39 years of experience, and specialize in the field of security duties and responsibilities with specific knowledge in the areas of violent crime, business continuity planning. I have testified on appropriate police reporting procedures, police patrol procedures and heroin and methamphetamine addiction.

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Discrimination, Termination Expert #35393

I have 23 years of experience in the field of labor and employment, with specific knowledge in the areas of discrimination, wage and hour matters, and labor law. I have published on such topics as arbitrations, ethics, and labor law.

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Residential, Online Training Expert #35398

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of real estate, with specific knowledge of residential real estate, association management and online training.

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Networking, Protocols, Database Expert #35500

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of computing, with specific knowledge of networking, database and Web applications. I have published on such topics as networking, database and Web applications. I have testified on network, database and Web applications.


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Genomics, Health Care Expert #35546

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of genomics with specific knowledge in the areas of DNA microarray data, biotechnology and informatics. I have published on such topics as DNA microarrays, proteomics and statistical genetics.


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Adaptive Computations Expert #35580

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of scientific computing with specific knowledge in the areas of differential equations, engineering computing and industrial computer software. I have published on such topics as numerical, error and reliability analysis, computer simulation and financial computations and optimization process, signal analysis. Straightforward comments and great…

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Patent Expert #35583

I have 4 years of experience and specialize in the field of patent law, with specific knowledge of computers and software.

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Braces, Invisalign Expert #35621

I have 8 years of experience and specialize in the field of orthodontics, with specific knowledge of Invisalign, TMJ and braces. I have published on such topics as cephalometrics, early orthodontic treatment and technology in orthodontics.

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Fornesic DNA Testing Expert #35675

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of molecular biology with specific knowledge in the areas of PCR, STR analysis and human genetics. I have published on such topics as human genetics, molecular biology and DNA sequence analysis.

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Damages, Lost Profits, Valuation Expert #35688

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of finance with specific knowledge in the areas of real estate, valuation and stock markets. I have published on such topics as real estate, stock markets and debt issuances. I have testified on damage analysis, valuation and discount rate.

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Survey Sampling, Genetics, Legal Expert #35709

I have 30 years of experience in the field of statistics, with specific knowledge of general statistics, survey sampling and time series. I have published on such topics as Bayesian statistics, survival analysis and environmental statistics. I have testified 10 times on topics such as paternity identity, copyright infringement and class action certification.


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Risk Modeling, Inventory Systems Expert #35715

I have 20 years of experience in the field of supply chain management, with specific knowledge in the areas of production systems, inventory systems and risk modeling. I have published on such topics as design of production-inventory systems, supply chain disruptions and design of supply chains.

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Bad Faith, Malpractice Expert #35727

I have 29 years of experience and specialize in the fields of insurance and law, with specific knowledge of insurance bad faith, claims handling and risk management. I have published on such topics as conflicts and risk management programs for small law firms. I have testified on bad faith, claims handling and underwriting.


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Mormons, Fundamentalists Expert #35744

I have 20 years of experience in the field of religious studies, with specific knowledge in the areas of Mormonism, polygamy, and fundamentalists.

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Fenestration Expert #35752

I have 48 years of experience in the field of fenestration with specific knowledge of windows and doors, storefronts and curtain walls. I have published on such topics as windows. I have testified 50 times on topics such as window and door installations, wall construction, and child falls through windows.

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Hydraulic & Shale Fracturing Expert #35787

I have 11 years of experience in the field of petroleum engineering, with specific knowledge in the areas of hydraulic fracturing, shale fracturing, and completion technology. I have published on such topics as hydraulic fracturing economics and fracture modeling.

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Procurement, Acquisition Expert #35867

I have 37 years of experience, and specialize in the field of supply management with specific knowledge in the areas of procurement, contracting and finance. I have published on such topics as contract administration, pricing, consulting and negotiation.

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Sanitation Expert #35955

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of environmental health and safety with specific knowledge in the areas of safety, air quality and mold, spoliation, food safety. I have testified 6 times on topics such as mold, asbestos and pesticide exposure.

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Drilling, Marine Risers Expert #36027

I have 30 years of experience in the field of mechanical engineering, with specific knowledge in the areas of oil and gas, equipment design, and operations. I have published on such topics as reliability, design optimization, pressure vessel analysis and test and drilling, completion, production and pipeline. I have testified on equipment design negligence, equipment…

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Community Violence Expert #36145

I have 30 years of experience in the field of bullying, community violence and boundary violating therapists, with specific knowledge of school bullying and boundary violating therapists. I have published on such topics as school violence, bullying and boundary violating therapists. I have testified 10 times on topics such as school bullying and boundary violating…

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Ovulation, Ovarian Function Expert #36147

I have 48 years of experience, and specialize in the field of physiology with specific knowledge in the areas of ovulation, reproductive endocrinology and environmental studies. I have published on such topics as ovarian gene expression, anti-fertility agents and population and the environment.

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Executive Leadership Expert #36181

I have 26 years of experience in the field of strategy and organization with specific knowledge in the areas of executive leadership, technology and entrepreneurial management. I have published on such topics as executive leadership, business collaboration and dynamic capabilities.

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Process and Cost Engineering Expert #35974

I have 50 years of experience in the field of chemical engineering with specific knowledge of cost analysis and economic evaluation, licensing and technology transfer, technical sales assistance, cost reduction analysis, energy and water conservation, waste minimization, alternate fuels, process troubleshooting and debottlenecking, process engineering, technology development and commercialization, economic analysis of new technologies, and…

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Plastics, Pipe Fittings Expert #36329

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of polymers, plastics with specific knowledge in the areas of failure of plastics, stabilization of plastics and plastics processing. I have published on such topics as plastic piping, trenchless technology and piping markets. I have testified at trial on sewer pipe rehabilitation. The polyethylene…

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Antitrust, Lost Compensation Expert #36390

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of economics with specific knowledge in the areas of antitrust, damage modeling and lost compensation. I have published on such topics as dentist age-earnings profiles, health care capacity issues and rural dental access. I have testified on insurance regulation, health care capacity.

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Mechanics, Dynamics, System Expert #36401

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of mechanical engineering, with specific knowledge of tribology, mechatronics and manufacturing. I have published on such topics as mechatronics, tribology and dynamic systems.


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Automotive Engineering Expert #36455

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of automotive engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of vehicle electronics, vehicle software and vehicle testing. I have published on such topics as embedded systems lifecycle management.

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Corporate Restructuring Expert #36504

I have 13 years of experience, and specialize in the field of accounting and finance with specific knowledge in the areas of mergers and acquisitions, short selling and financial reporting. I have published on such topics as spinoffs, short selling and quality of earnings.

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Damage, Failure Expert #36506

I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of structural engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of damage, failure and fracture of structures. I have published on such topics as damage under blast loadings, damage of concrete and steel structures and failure of structures under extreme loading. I have been awarded…

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Power, Organizational Change Expert #36510

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of leadership with specific knowledge in the areas of mission, vision, values, organizational design and organizational change. Managed the largest, short-term, on-site project in industry history. Hired more than 1,500 people on a seven-day-a-week, 24-hour-a-day litigation project involving more than seven million active documents…

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Microbial Ecology, Biofilm Expert #36512

I have 27 years of experience, and specialize in the field of microbiology with specific knowledge in the areas of biofilms, mixed culture growth and bacterial signaling. I have published on such topics as biofilm cell signaling, medically important biofilms and biofilms in geology.

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Genome Disorders Expert #36516

I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of genetics with specific knowledge in the areas of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), Smith-Magenis syndrome and Potocki-Lupski syndrome. I have published on such topics as genomic disorders, DNA rearrangements, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Smith-Magenis Syndrome and Potocki-Lupski syndrome and vision disorders.

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Metabolic Disease Expert #36519

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of biology with specific knowledge in the areas of biotechnology and metabolic diseases. I have published on such topics as nuclear receptors and metabolic diseases. I have testified on intellectual property and biotechnology.

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Insurance Law Expert #36520

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of law with specific knowledge in the areas of attorneys fees, bad faith, and claims handling and insurance coverage. I have published on such topics as insurance bad faith, insurance coverage issues and application of the Daubert Rule. I have testified 15 times on…

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Elementary Particle Physics Expert #36532

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of elementary particle physics with specific knowledge in the areas of string/M-theory, cosmology and gravity. I have published on such topics as elementary particle physics, high energy physics and superstring/M-theory.

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Criminology, Theory Expert #36591

I have 6 years of experience in the field of criminology, with specific knowledge in the areas of criminal justice, global terrorism, and homeland security.


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Flame Retardant Polymers Expert #36605

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of polymers, with specific knowledge of polymer nanocomposites, fire retardant polymers and propulsion materials. I have published on such topics as flame retardant polymers and polymer nanocomposites, solid rocket propulsion and selective laser sintering polymers.

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Recruiting, Soft Skills Expert #36681

I have 17 years of experience and specialize in the field of human resource outsourcing, with specific knowledge of professional employer organizations (PEO), administrative service organizations (ASO) and Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) services.

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Cellular and Molecular Biology Expert #36718

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cell and molecular biology with specific knowledge in the areas of neurobiology, development and spinal injury. I have published on such topics as reactive astrocytosis, nerve regeneration and cytokeletal intermediate filaments.

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Athletic Training, Sports Expert #36725

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of athletic training with specific knowledge in the areas of emergency planning and emergency care. I have published on such topics as emergency care (in progress).

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Molecular Biology Expert #36740

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of molecular biology with specific knowledge in the areas of microbiology, genetic engineering and recombinant DNA. I have published on such topics as gene cloning, bioremediation and DNA technology.

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Space Weather, Physics Expert #36768

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of physics, with specific knowledge of space physics, space weather and science education. I have published on such topics as space weather, magnetic storms and substorms, and science education.

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Energy Training, Strategy Expert #36775

I have 15 years of experience in the field of energy consulting, with specific knowledge of energy trading, risk management, and project management. I have published on such topics as facility energy management, capital projects, and school district construction.

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Microwave, Ethics, Analog Expert #36786

I have 27 years of experience, and specialize in the field of electrical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of microwave engineering, RF engineering and analog electronics. I have published on such topics as microwave circuits and devices, atmospheric physics and engineering ethics.

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Information Systems Expert #36790

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of information systems and information technologies, with specific knowledge of IS development, e-commerce, and e-government and global issues. I have published on such topics as e-commerce, e-government, radio-frequency identification implementation and global IT issues.

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Corporate Publishing Expert #36799

I have 35 years of experience in the field of journalism and mass communications with specific knowledge in the areas of publishing, public relations campaigns and collectibles. I have published on such topics as international law firms, autographed sports memorabilia and commercial real estate.

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Spanish/English Translations Expert #36816

I have 28 years of experience in the field of judicial interpreting with specific knowledge of Spanish, English and legal terminology. I have published on such topics as federal legal criminal procedure and state civil procedure. I have testified on contested issues in testimony in Spanish, English and the correct terminology put in context.

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Perioperative Nursing Expert #36853

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of nursing, with specific knowledge of perioperative, laser and nursing education.

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Digital Economics Expert #36932

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of economics and marketing with specific knowledge in the areas of Internet business, digital economics and auctions. I have published on such topics as software market design, property rights, software piracy, auctions, procurement, bargaining and contracts.

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Loan Modification, Short Sale Expert #36847

I have 5 years of experience, and specialize in the field of residential real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of short sales, pre-foreclosure sales and negotiating with mortgage lenders. I became a Realtor 5 years ago after having worked for over 25 years as an administrative assistant in law firms and corporate legal…

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Influenza, Evolution Expert #36956

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mathematical biology with specific knowledge in the areas of infectious diseases and evolutionary biology. I have published on such topics as influenza spread and control, ribonucleic acid evolution and viral evolution.

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Slip, Fall, Due Diligence Expert #36970

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of commercial real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of office buildings, parking garages and resolving tenant disputes.

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Nanotechnology Expert #37073

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of biophysics with specific knowledge in the areas of nanotechnology and single moleculen.

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Valuation, Appraisal Expert #37086

I have 27 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of workouts, counseling, evaluations and historic properties and museums. I have published on such topics as appraisals with the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC), due diligence and cancer recovery of another person.


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Chiropractic, Acupuncture Expert #37176

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of chiropractic with specific knowledge in the areas of automobile injuries and fibromyalgia. I have testified on automobile injuries.

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Rapid Prototyping, CAD Expert #37179

I have 9 years of experience, and specialize in the field of manufacturing with specific knowledge in the areas of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing, rapid prototyping and product and process development. I have published on such topics as rapid prototyping software and hardware development, process optimization and product development. I am a tenured asscoiate…

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Global Business, Leadership Expert #37191

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of management with specific knowledge in the areas of leadership, marketing and technology. I have published on such topics as technology commercialization and corporate governance. I have testified on sales administration.

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Tires, Rubber Products Expert #37219

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of forensics and chemical analysis with specific knowledge in the areas of tires and rubber products, volatiles and fumes and polymer analysis. I have published on such topics as tires, volatiles and elastomers and polmers. I have refined my ability to build and professionally…

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Financial Reporting Expert #37221

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of accounting with specific knowledge in the areas of financial accounting, corporate taxation, and corporate governance and ethics. I have published on such topics as financial reporting, corporate taxation and ethics. I have testified on financial reporting and corporate governance.

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Reorganizing, Streamlining Expert #37235

I have 32 years of experience, and specialize in the field of commercial real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of commercial office and retail, corporate facilities and real estate owned and commercial acquisitons and dispositions. I have testified on real estate transaction. Maintained an outstanding personal and professional reputation high ethical and professional…

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Executive Assessment Expert #37245

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of management consulting, with specific knowledge of corporate psychology, strategy and business development. I have published on such topics as executive development, executive coaching and career planning.

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Symmetrix, Parallel Sysplex Expert #37309

I have 37 years of experience and specialize in the field of z/OS hardware and software, with specific knowledge of DB2, IMS, CICS and storage. I have published on such topics as DB2, performance management and capacity planning.

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SWAT Tactics Expert #37374

I have 20 years of experience in the field of law enforcement, with specific knowledge in the areas of special weapons and tactics, use of force and training. I have published on such topics as tactical officer training, hostage rescue tactics, and tactical officer selection criteria. I have testified 20 times on topics such as…

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Heart Failure, Heart Transplant Expert #37507

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of medicine with specific knowledge in the areas of general surgery, trauma surgery and cardiothoracic surgery. I have published on such topics as heart failure, ventricular assist devices and hemostatic agents. I have testified on trauma and bodily injury, emergency medicine and hemostatic agents….

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Thoracoscopy Expert #37513

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cardiovascular, thoracic and endovascular surgery with specific knowledge in the areas of endovascular aneurysm repair, inferior vena cava filters and thoracoscopy. I have published on such topics as inferior vena cava filters, traumatic aneurysm rupture and traumatic diaphragm rupture. I have testified on…

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Cardiovascular Expert #37535

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cardiovascular surgery with specific knowledge in the areas of cardiac thoracic and vascular, endovascular and minimally invasive. I have published on such topics as medical. I have testified on coronary disease and hospital related injuries.

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Health Care Management Expert #37581

I have 34 years of experience, and specialize in the field of health care management with specific knowledge in the areas of marketing, strategic management and ethics. I have published on such topics as ethics, health care policy, health care management and strategic management. I have won an article of the year award twice with…

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Environmental Science Expert #37591

I have 19 years of experience, and specialize in the field of environmental science with specific knowledge in the areas of geology and subsurface, compliance auditing, spills and releases. I have published on such topics as aquifer recharge and alternative energy (wind). I have testified on landfill permit applications. I have owned a training and…

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Mechanical Engineering Expert #37609

I have 23 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mechanical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of fluid mechanics, heat transfer and thermal systems. I have published on such topics as turbulent and unsteady flows, jets and high speed aerodynamics.

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Residential Real Estate Expert #37714

I have 8 years of experience, and specialize in the field of residential real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of realtor ethics, buyer and seller brokerage and property management.

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Interpreting Expert #37730

I have 10 years of experience in the field of interpreting, with specific knowledge in the areas of Yoruba, Ilaje and Apoi, Nigerian, Pidging and English. I have published on such topics as change, public speaking, diversity, motivation, mothers and risk taking. I have testified 15 times on topics such as medical and workmen’s compensation,…

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Land Boundaries Expert #37733

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of boundary disputes with specific knowledge in the areas of land surveying, land title and adverse possession. I have published on such topics as land titling systems, surveying education and coastal monitoring of littoral boundaries. I have testified on land boundary disputes, littoral boundaries…

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International Transactions Expert #37908

I have 12 years of experience and specialize in the field of international transactions and structures in Latin America and the Caribbean, with specific knowledge of corporate, tax and regulatory matters. I have published on such topics as mining concessions, energy legislation and taxation, international tax advantaged structures, mergers and acquisitions, U.S. government energy policy…

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Land, Ranch, Development Expert #37913

I have 26 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of land, development and resorts. I have published on such topics as ethics and legal biannual traing for real estate practioners in Texas. I have testified on market and valuation in divorce cases.


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Political Science Expert #37921

I have 8 years of experience, and specialize in the field of political science with specific knowledge in the areas of human rights in Egypt and authoritarianism in the Middle East. I have published on such topics as authoritarianism in Egypt and US nation-building abroad.

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Annuities, Business Valuations Expert #37956

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of insurance and collections with specific knowledge in the areas of annuities, life insurance, health insurance coverage, property and casualty, retirement plans, collection practices, qualified domestic relations orders (QDRO) and collections practices (FDCPA). I am a dynamic professional with solid analytical, communication, insurance, reporting…

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Computational Biology Expert #37988

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computational biology with specific knowledge in the areas of ribonucleic acid (RNA) structure, computational sequence and structure analysis and development of computer programs and web sites. I have published on such topics as prediction of RNA structure, identification and characterization of RNA structural…


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Food And Beverage Industry Expert #38029

I have 50 years of experience and specialize in the food and beverage industry with specific knowledge in the area of food service operations, design, financial feasibility and management. I have testified 10 times on topics such as restaurant business value, effect of condemnation on a restaurant business, loss of income from actions of other…

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Alcohol, Agriculture, Gardening Expert #38059

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of enology with specific knowledge in the areas of winemaking, production and startup. I have published on such topics as wine stabilization and resveratrol.

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Management Expert #38125

I have 30 years of experience in the field of management and corporate governance, with specific knowledge in the areas of leadership, corporate responsibility, and effective and appropriate change. I have published on such topics as leadership, management, and human resource systems. Spent 15 months working on numerous Enron cases, had my deposition taken, but…

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Computer Software Expert #38142

I have 27 years of experience, and specialize in the field of physics with specific knowledge in the areas of computer software, product design and development and semiconductor metrology. I have published on such topics as nuclear physics, electromagnetic devices and enzyme catalysis.

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Corporate Communications Expert #38166

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of corporate media with specific knowledge in the areas of system message design, message production and message distribution. I have published on such topics as corporate media, student corporate media and academic preparation. I also created numerous informational, fund raising and promotional video presentations.

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Marketing, Leadership, Teaching Expert #38207

I have 20 years of experience in the field of organizational management, with specific knowledge in the areas of management policy and strategy, internal and external communication, and internet applications. I have published on such topics as internet applications, marketing communication, and organizational leadership. I have testified on faculty professional expectations. I have taught in…

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Hematology and Oncology Expert #38220

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of hematology and oncology with specific knowledge in the areas of general adult clinical hematology, and general adult clinical oncology. I have published on such topics as hematological manifestations of systemic lupus, polycythemia and the heart and physiology of coagulation and pathophysiology of venous…

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Marketing, Selling Expert #38299

I have 28 years of experience, and specialize in the field of residential real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of sale of existing homes, sale of new homes and relocation.

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Valuations, Capital Markets Expert #38356

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of investment banking with specific knowledge in the areas of valuations, financial structures and capital markets. Often quoted in national financial publications including the Wall Street Journal as expert in various industries.

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Life Care Planning Expert #38434

I have 21 years of experience, and specialize in the field of medical case management with specific knowledge in the areas of life care planning, case management and geriatric case management.

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Wellness, Perimenopause Expert #38457

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of women’s health issues with specific knowledge in the areas of wellness, perimenopause/menopause and adolescent sexual health. I have published on such topics as eliminating monthly menstruation, adolescent sexualhealth and perimenopause and menopause. I am a highly requested speaker at state and national medical…

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Legal Nurse Consulting Expert #38529

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of legal nurse consulting and life care planning with specific knowledge in the areas of birth injuries, adult brain injury, orthopedic conditions including spinal cord, burns, compartment syndrome and chronic diseases. I have testified on brain injury. I have been successful in my career…

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Food and Beverage Management Expert #38561

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of food and beverage management with specific knowledge in the area of restaurant operations and bar management. I have published on such topics as bar and beverage management, design and equipment for restaurants.

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Energy Conversion Expert #38596

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of energy conversion with specific knowledge in the areas of electric motor drives, electric vehicles and power electronic converters. I have published on such topics as switched reluctance motor drives, dc-dc power converters and energy storage.

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Business Economics Expert #38614

I have 15 years of experience in the field of business economics with specific knowledge in the areas of profitability, insurance economics and entrepreneurship. I have published on such topics as profitability analysis, competition and the value of information in decision-making. I have testified on return on equity, insurance payouts and imputed profitability from withheld…

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Traffic Operations Expert #38626

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of traffic monitoring, with specific knowledge of vehicle detectors, weigh-in-motion and commercial vehicles. I have published on such topics as vehicle detection, commercial vehicles and exclusive truck roadways.

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Employment Law, Personal Injury Expert #38647

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mediation and employment law with specific knowledge in the areas of family, probate, employment, domestic violence and limited liability companies. I have published on such topics as training and teaching, breach of contract and multi-party legal issues. I have testified on domestic violence,…


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Instrumentation Installation Expert #38699

I have 30 years of experience in the field of instrumentation installation with specific knowledge in the areas of power, chemical and gas measurement. I have published on such topics as effects of pulsation on gas measurement.

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Heart Transplantation Expert #38803

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cardiothoracic surgery with specific knowledge in the areas of ventricular assist devices, heart transplantation and laser tissue welding. I have published on such topics as laser tissue welding for liver hemostasis and repair, pathophysiology of hepatic dysfunction in endstage heart disease and management…

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Discrimination, Prejudice Expert #38842

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of social psyology with specific knowledge in the areas of prejudice, discrimination and sterotypes. I have published on such topics as stereotypes.

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Foreclosure Sales Expert #38910

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of residential brokerage with specific knowledge in the areas of foreclosures, residential sales and multi-family brokerage. I have published on such topics as short sale agents, real estate owned trends and brokerage trends.

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Transportation Expert #38930

I have 15 years of experience in the field of transportation industry, with specific knowledge in the areas of rules and regulations, training, and management. I have testified on truck drivers responsibilities, federal motor carrier safety regulations.

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Aging, Oxidative Stress Expert #38955

I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of protein oxidation with specific knowledge in the areas of mitochondrial oxidative stress, redox regulation and mitochondrial bioenergetics. I have published on such topics as techniques in protein oxidation, protein oxidation and aging and gel electrophoretic analysis of protein complexes.

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Wastewater Infrastructure Expert #38964

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of civil engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of water and wastewater infrastructure, piping materials, and marketing to the water and wastewater industry. I have published on such topics as operator and laboratory interaction in water treatment, in situ repair and tapping of…

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Early Childhood, Gender Expert #38975

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of early childhood education with specific knowledge in the areas of curriculum, development and diversity. I have published on such topics as gender.I have lived and worked in Nigeria. I am familiar with West African culture, law and education.

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Brain Tumor, Spinal Tumor Expert #39005

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neurosurgery with specific knowledge in the areas of oncology, brain and spine tumors and pituitary tumors. I have published on such topics as brain tumors, spine tumors and pituitary tumors. I am a faculty member in neurosurgery at the nation’s top cancer center.

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Abuse, Children, Trauma Expert #39014

I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of social work with specific knowledge in the areas of abuse, mental health and risk and liability. I have published on such topics as quality assurance and arts in clinical practice. I have testified 7 times on topics such as sexual abuse, physical abuse…

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Dermatology, Skin Disease Expert #39015

I have 31 years of experience, and specialize in the field of dermatology with specific knowledge in the areas of skin disease, infections of the skin and skin of color issues. I have published on such topics as skin cancer, fungal infections of the skin and sarcoidosis. I have testified 20 times on topics such…

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In Vitro, IVF, Lab Director Expert #39063

I have 26 years of experience, and specialize in the field of in vitro fertilization with specific knowledge in the areas of quality assurance, policies and procedures. I have published on such topics as assisted hatching and blastocyst culture.

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Sketch Recognition, Haptics Expert #39069

I have 13 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computer science with specific knowledge in the areas of artifical intelligence, human computer interaction and educational technology. I have published on such topics as sketch recognition, three dimensional gesture recognition and pattern recognition. I am the director of the approximately twenty-person sketch recognition…

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Tourism Expert #39109

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of services and tourism, with specific knowledge of consumer evaluations and behavior. I have published on such topics as branding, perceptions and deviance.

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Contaminated Property Valuation Expert #39118

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real property valuation with specific knowledge in the areas of contaminated property valuation, property value diminution claims and value assurance programs. I have published on such topics as contaminated property valuation. I have testified 10 times on topics such as the effect of…

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Personal Injury, Wrongful Death Expert #39185

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of economic losses with specific knowledge in the areas of personal injury, wrongful death, wrongful employment termination, business litigation and intellectual property infringement. I have published on such topics as price fixing in antitrust. I have testified 25 times on topics such as personal…


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Construction Claims Expert #39217

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of construction management with specific knowledge in the areas of project management, risk management and claims management.

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Architecture And Construction Expert #39251

I have 42 years of experience, and specialize in the field of architecture and construction with specific knowledge in the area of contracts, construction documents, zoning and building codes, life safety issues, and contracts. I have published on such topics as design, large tract facilities planning, and student housing. I have testified on code compliance,…

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Automotive Portfolio Servicing Expert #39295

I have 7 years of experience in finance and specialize in the field of automotive portfolio servicing with specific knowledge in the areas of collections, bankruptcy and remarketing. I have testified on self help repossessions practices. I was an expert witness sitting before Senate and House sub-committees working to overturn their sequestration laws.

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Optical Fiber Devices, Thin Film Expert #39375

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of fiber optic devices with specific knowledge in the areas of integrated optics, optical filters and optical measurements.

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Computational Fluid Dynamics Expert #39387

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of computational fluid dynamics with specific knowledge in the areas of cardiovascular fluid mechanics, hemodynamics and cardiovascular devices. I have published on such topics as flow control (drag reduction), computational hemodynamics and fluid mechanics of cardiovascular stents. I have had direct experience as a…

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Maintenance Safety Expert #39395

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of maintenance safety and management with specific knowledge of safety systems, maintenance best practices and improvement strategies. I have published on such topics as planning improvements, time-on-tools and safety improvement systems.

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Mattress Retail, Logistics Expert #39410

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mattress retailing with specific knowledge in the areas of commissioned sales force, operations and inventory management and mattress manufacturers. I have published on such topics as customer experience. I have testified on mattress manufacturer and retailer contracts and employee related lawsuits. Ten years…

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Reservoir Engineering Expert #39456

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of reservoir simulation with specific knowledge in the areas of water flooding, production optimization and history matching. I have published on such topics as transverse water in oil dispersion in porous media, insulated pipelines, sandstone permeability and capillary pressure curve.

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Exec Education, Emerging Markets Expert #39505

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of executive education and emerging markets with specific knowledge in the areas of executive training in international finance, finance, international business and managerial economics. I have published on such topics as international market micro structure, foreign direct investment and privatization, valuation, and entrepreneurship. I…

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Saas, Cloud Computing, Channel Expert #39549

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of high technology services with specific knowledge in the areas of security, software as a service (SaaS) and cloud computing. I have published on such topics as cloud security.

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Communications Expert #39615

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of communications with specific knowledge in the areas of brand management, crisis communications, and co-branded promotions.

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Forensic Identification Expert #39646

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of molecular genetics with specific knowledge in the areas of forensic identification, population genetics and conservation biology. I have published on such topics as species identification, genetic population structure and molecular systematics and evolution.

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Financial Advice Expert #39666

I have 12 years of experience, and specialize in the field of financial advice with specific knowledge in the areas of insurance, investment management, and retirement planning. I have published on such topics as protecting and growing wealth.

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Human Factors Engineering Expert #39746

I have 11 years of experience and specialize in the field of human factors engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of medical device safety, healthcare information technology and patient safety. I have published on such topics as medical device usability and safety assessment, how to design healthcare IT to improve quality and safety and…

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Couple and Family Psychology Expert #39913

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of couple and family psychology with specific knowledge in the areas of sexual harassment, marriage and divorce and gender psychology. I have published on such topics as couples relationships, marriage and intimacy. I have testified on sexual harassment.

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AIDS, Rehabilitation Expert #39956

I have 42 years of experience, and specialize in the field of nursing with specific knowledge in the areas of medical surgical, cultural and management. I have been a mentor to hundreds of nurses and students nurses.

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Financial Guaranty, Pricing Expert #39989

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of actuarial science with specific knowledge in the areas of financial guaranty, reinsurance and structured finance. I have published on such topics as reserving, pricing and unearned premiums.

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Dental Benefits, Insurance Expert #40055

I have 33 years of experience, and specialize in the field of insurance with specific knowledge in the areas of dental, health. I have published on such topics as dental benefits, association management.

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Data Centers, Green Buildings Expert #40076

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of commercial real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of ad valorem tax appeals, data centers and office/retail. I have testified 10 times on topics such as commercial values, data center qualtiy and economic life.

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Mental Health, Violence, Welfare Expert #40288

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of HIV, with specific knowledge in the area of social work services. I have published on such topics as youth violence, drug dealing and corrections. I have testified on child welfare services. I have extensive experience as a clinician and community organizer in many…


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Movement Disorders, Tremors Expert #40309

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neurology with specific knowledge in the area of movement disorders. I have published on such topics as Parkinson’s disease, tremor, restless legs syndrome, Huntington’s disease and tardive dyskinesia. I have testified on drug induced movement disorders.

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Genetics, Obesity, Birth Defects Expert #40310

I have 16 years of experience, and specialize in the field of human genetics/pediatrics, with specific knowledge in the areas of clinical genetics, birth defects and molecular biology. I have published on such topics as chromosome abnormalities, birth defects, and obesity and metabolism. I have testified on cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome (deposition). I am a national institute…


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Risk Management, Underwriter Expert #40341

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of business insurance, with specific knowledge in the areas of property and casualty risk management and insurance broker practices. I have testified on insurance broker standards, insurance broker practices and interpretation of insurance policies.

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Computational Material Chemistry Expert #40390

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of materials chemistry, with specific knowledge of computational chemistry, ceramics and hard materials. I have published on such topics as high-temperature stable compounds, super-hard materials and optical properties of cluster. I have testified on perspectives and challenges of computational science.

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Conservation Expert #40401

I have 14 years of experience and specialize in the field of environmental sciences, with specific knowledge of conservation, ecotoxicology and herpetology. I have published on such topics as climate change, pollution and endangered species. I have testified on land management, nuisance species and public health.

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Antibiotic Resistance, Rabies Expert #40406

I have 18 years of experience, and specialize in the field of microbiology, clinical laboratory science, and education with specific knowledge in the areas of microbiology, molecular diagnostics and zoonotic disease (e.g. rabies) and MRSA. I have published on such topics as methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), rabies, hantavirus and molecular diagnostics. I’ve been recognized nationally…

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Geophysics, Data Licensing Expert #40626

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of marine geophysics with specific knowledge in the areas of seismic data licensing, seismic data acquisition and technology adoption.

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Neurotransmitter Receptors Expert #40706

I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology, with specific knowledge of vision, neurotransmitter receptors and fluorescence. I have published on such topics as animal models of human disease, molecular mechanisms of vision and fluorescence applications in biotechnology.

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Risk Perceptions, Risk, Value Expert #40499

I have 29 years of experience, and specialize in the field of environmental and resource economics, with specific knowledge in the areas of risk, uncertainty and water resource issues. I have published on such topics as perceived risks of nuclear waste disposal and arsenic in drinking water, water-based recreation and the value of people’s time….

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Exercise, Athletic Performance Expert #40618

I have 26 years of experience, and specialize in the field of medical exercise physiology with specific knowledge in the areas of physical working capacity, cardiovascular risk factors, obesity, nutrition, cholesterol and exercise training in health and disease. I have published on such topics as exercise, blood cholesterol, obesity, exercise training for cardiovascular disease prevention…

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Medical Malpractice Expert #40729

I have 1 year of experience, and specialize in the field of medical malpractice, with specific knowledge in the areas of nursing standards, surgery, and plastic surgery. I have been involved with the care of women with breast cancer, and have helped them in their journey from before, during and after their surgery.

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Genomic Research Expert #40765

I have 20 years of experience and specialize in the field of genomic research with specific knowledge of sequencing technologies and HIV transmission. I have published on such topics as sequencing technologies and HIV transmission. I have testified on sequencing technologies and HIV transmission.

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Electrodeionization Expert #40773

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of membrane processes with specific knowledge in the areas of electrodialysis, electrodeionization and fuel cells. I have published on such topics as electrodialysis and electrodeionization. I have testified on electrodeionization, diffusion dialysis and reverse osmosis. I have 14 issued US patents and two pending….

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Genetics Expert #40774

I have 9 years of experience and specialize in the field of genetics, with specific knowledge of eye, polarity and drosophila. I have published on such topics as developmental biology.

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Geophysics Expert #40825

I have 35 years of experience and specialize in the field of energy, oil and gas with specific knowledge in the areas of geophysics, earth science and advanced technologies. I have published on such topics as geophysics, geolog and mathematics. I have testified on exploration and technology.

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Race, Crime, Police Expert #40846

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of race and crime with specific knowledge in the areas of juvenile justice, police violence and delinquency prevention.


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Epidemiology Expert #40854

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of epidemiology, with specific knowledge in the areas of tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and public health. I have published on such topics as tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and infectious diseses. After the SARS outbreak 10 years ago, I was invited to Shandong China to lecture on Infectious Disease…

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Chemistry Education Expert #40863

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of science education and safety, with specific knowledge in the areas of chemistry education, science education, and science safety. I have published on such topics as interfacail surface science, science education, and chemistry education.

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Multifamily Housing Expert #40898

I have 5 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate, with specific knowledge in the areas of multifamily, operations, and valuation. To date I have been involved in the marketing and sale of over 3,500 units in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana. I have expertise in all aspects of multifamily operations and sales…

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Insurance Expert #40905

I have 31 years of experience, and specialize in the field of insurance, with specific knowledge in the areas of life and medical.

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Tectonics, Oil, Gas Expert #40906

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of geology with specific knowledge in the areas of tectonics, petroleum geology, and subsurface mapping. I have published on such topics as basin analysis, petroleum geology, and tectonics. I have worked on some of the most complex plate boundaries on the planet.


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Project Development Expert #40910

I have 35 years of experience, and specialize in the field of community college external funding, with specific knowledge in the areas of strategic planning, change management, and new project development. I have published on such topics as economic development, grant writing, and change management. I have created a unique public and private partnership that…

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Information Assurance, Networks Expert #40978

I have 24 years of experience, and specialize in the field of information assurance, with specific knowledge in the areas of networks, databases, and best practices. I have published on such topics as learning modalities, training, and intelligent tutoring systems. I have testified on training and best practices. The ability to adapt to the ever-changing…

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Economic Impact Analyses Expert #41028

I have 38 years of experience and specialize in the field of economics with specific knowledge in the areas of litigation support, microeconomics and financial institutions. I have published on such topics as banking, director defense and government spending impacts. I have testified 25 times on topics such as damages in commercial litigation, business interference…

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Internal Control Expert #41067

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of accounting and internal control with specific knowledge in the areas of internal audit, forensics, fraud, valuation and due diligence. I have published on such topics as fraud risk assessment, enterprise risk assessment and SOX. I have testified on due diligence, and mergers and…

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Public Administration Expert #41082

I have 27 years of experience and specialize in the field of public administration with specific knowledge of administrative rulemaking, presidential management and legislative oversight. I have published on such topics as the effects and limitations of rulemaking procedures, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) review of agency policy making, and the limitations of planning…

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Hydraulics Expert #41134

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of civil engineering, with specific knowledge in the areas of hydrology and hydraulics, land development drainage. I have testified on levee design.

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Animal Production Expert #41142

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of animal production, with specific knowledge in the areas of reproduction, nutrition, and livestock production. I have published on such topics as reproductive efficiency, nutritional utilization, and toxic plants.

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Language Comprehension Expert #41150

I have 7 years of experience and specialize in the field of cognitive science with specific knowledge in the areas of language comprehension, communication and dialog. I have published on such topics as linguistic interpretation of events, the implicated meaning of specific words and Chinese language understanding.

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Cable Telecom, Operations, Media Expert #41194

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of cable telecom, with specific knowledge in the areas of marketing, sales and programming. I have published on such topics as competitive advantage, U-Verse and FiOS.


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Aquatic Ecology Expert #41198

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of aquatic ecology, with specific knowledge in the areas of stream ecology, fisheries management, and fluvial geomorphology. I have published on such topics as impacts of land use activities on water quality, ecology of stream fishes and ecology of salamander, and macroinvertebrate populations.

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Nutrition in Nursing Homes Expert #41220

I have 21 years of experience, and specialize in the field of nutrition in nursing homes with specific knowledge in the areas of malnutrition and dehydration, weight loss and pressure ulcers. I have published on such topics as nutrition in healthcare, mineral/protein metabolism and food science.

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Human Resources Expert #41289

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of healthcare human resources with specific knowledge in the areas of general human resources processes, employee counseling and performance and terminations.

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Higher Education in Prisons Expert #41291

I have 28 years of experience and specialize in the field of higher education in prisons with specific knowledge of the family, marriage and life span – human development. I have published on such topics as preschool teacher training, graduates’ opinions of their college experience and visitors’ opinions of the visitor center.

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Biomechanical Analysis Expert #41227

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of biomechanics with specific knowledge in the areas of accident reconstruction, products liability and medical devices. I have published on such topics as orthopedic implant analysis, rehabilitation engineering and neurostimulation. I have testified 68 times on topics such as injury causation, occupant dynamics and…

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Global Sales, Telecommunications Expert #41378

I have 36 years of experience, and specialize in the field of telecommunications with specific knowledge in the areas of international management, sales and recruitment. I have published on such topics as marketing and technology shifts, new technology impacts to communications and executive search. I lived overseas in Singapore for 3 years and grew a…

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Residential Construction Expert #41479

I have 11 years of experience and specialize in the field of residential construction, with specific knowledge of concrete slabs, siding application and roofing. I have published on such topics as stages of residential construction and window flashing.

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Energy Audits Expert #41483

I have 33 years of experience and specialize in the field of energy engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of electricity, natural gas and energy audits. I have published on such topics as energy auditing, cogeneration and energy strategies. I have testified on gas pipeline design.

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Landscape Management Expert #41487

I have 18 years of experience and specialize in the field of horticulture with specific knowledge of landscape design and maintenance, trees and herbaceous plants, and greenhouse and nursery management. I have published on such topics as compost, benefits of green spaces and gardening, and service learning. I have testified on job requirements for landscape…

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Retaining Wall Design Expert #41523

I have 22 years of experience and specialize in the field of structural civil engineering, with specific knowledge of retaining wall design, retaining wall failure and retaining wall engineering. I have published on such topics as retaining walls, erosion control and slope stability.

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Permits, Reservoir Size Expert #41579

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of geophysicis with specific knowledge in the areas of interpretation, acquisition and licensing. I have worked and understand all oil and gas trends in the gulf coast.

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Nursing, Assessment Wellness Expert #41637

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of nursing and nursing education, with specific knowledge of assessment, standards of practice and primary care. I have published on such topics as discharge planning, immunizations and care of adolescents. I have testified on assessment of clients, standards of care and behavior of nurses.

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Surgery Centers, Hospitals Expert #41653

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of outpatient surgery with specific knowledge in the areas of licensure, certification and consulting. I have published on such topics as surgery center development, management and establishment.

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Commercial Real Estate Expert #41671

I have 12 years of experience and specialize in the field of commercial real estate, with specific knowledge of property management, construction management and operations.

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Cancer Biology Expert #41678

I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of cancer biology, with specific knowledge of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and hormonal therapy. I have published on such topics as estrogen signaling, hormonal therapy resistance and preclinical models.

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Retirement Plan, Stocks, Pension Expert #41713

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of law with specific knowledge in the areas of employment retirement income security act, pension and employee benefits. I have published on such topics as fiduciary responsibility, pension plan design and health care plan design.

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Public Relations, Marketing Expert #41741

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of public relations with specific knowledge in the areas of media relations, marketing and strategic communications. I have published on such topics as crisis and reputation management, community relations and market research programs.


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Robotics, Mechanical Design Expert #41672

I have 15 years of experience, and specialize in the field of mechanical engineering with specific knowledge in the areas of robotics, design and safety. I have published on such topics as robotics, robotic operational software and engineering education. I have testified on patent infringement, technical equivalence and robotic systems. My first love is teaching,…


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Family Systems, Parenting Expert #41794

I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of social work with specific knowledge in the areas of family systems, marriage strengthening and ages and stages. I have published on such topics as marriage strengthening, human growth and development and human sexuality.

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Option Strategy Expert #41941

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of business finance with specific knowledge in the areas of options pricing, options strategy and bank management. I have published on such topics as options pricing and strategy, portfolio management and bank management. I have testified 10 times on topics such as options valuation…

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Testing, Balancing, Energy Expert #41961

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of engineering with specific knowledge in the area of air conditioning. I have published on such topics as HVAC test and balance.


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Health Information Technology Expert #42004

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of health information technology with specific knowledge in the areas of hospital operations, information technology management and revenue and clinical operations.

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Residential Real Estate Expert #42021

I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of residential real estate, property management and real estate transactions.

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Sales, Residential Expert #42038

I have 6 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate sales with specific knowledge in the areas of residential home buyers and residential home sellers. Selling over 10 Million Dollars in residential sales, and to me, being a REALTOR means more than selling homes. It’s about my clients, my clients hopes…


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Sales, Leasing Expert #42039

I have 26 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of residential sales, property management and leasing.


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Market Knowledge, Sales Expert #42043

I have 27 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of residential real estate, sales and marketing. I have published on such topics as marketing.

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Diabetes, Obesity Expert #42083

I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of endocrinology with specific knowledge in the areas of diabetes, hyperlipidemia and growth hormone deficiency. I have published on such topics as growth hormone, insulin therapy and diabetes.


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Sales, Leasing, Community Expert #42097

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of real estate with specific knowledge in the areas of property management, sales, leasing and finance.


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Rail Logistics Expert #42100

I have 14 years of experience, and specialize in the field of freight rail with specific knowledge in the areas of fleet management, fleet maintenance and rail industry trends.

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Damage Assessment Expert #42199

I have 40 years of experience and specialize in the field of architecture and construction with specific knowledge in the areas of building damage analysis, condition assessment and quality assurance consulting. I have published on such topics as building envelope damage and maintenance. I have testified 12 times on topics such as failure, injury and…

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Economic Damages Expert #42246

I have 32 years of experience and specialize in the field of accounting with specific knowledge in the areas of business valuation, economic damages, and forensics and fraud. I have published on such topics as lost profit calculations. I have testified 30 times on topics such as damage calculations, lost profits, securities fraud, bankruptcy fraud…

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Amino Acids, Health, Nutrition Expert #42298

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of biochemistry with specific knowledge in the areas of amino acids, nutrition and growth. I have published on such topics as amino acids, pregnancy and neonates.


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Wealth Management Expert #42301

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of wealth management with specific knowledge in the areas of wealth planning, corporate fiduciary services and investments.

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Fee Dispute Resolution Expert #42344

I have 40 years of experience, and specialize in the field of archiecture and interior design with specific knowledge in the areas of fee dispute resolution, professional services disputes, and zoning cases. I have testified 13 times on topics such as professional fee disputes, conflicts of interest and zoning issues.

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Corporate Governance Expert #42364

I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the field of corporate finance, valuation and financial markets with specific knowledge in the area of board of firectors, executive compensation, valuation and strategy, payout policy and market manipulation. I have published on such topics as finance, economics, strategy and management science.