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Neuroscience Expert Witnesses

Neuroscience is the study of how the nervous system develops, its structure, and what it does. Also known as neural science, neuroscience focuses on the brain and its effects on cognitive and behavioral functions. Neuroscience studies what happens to the nervous system when people have neurological, psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders. Traditionally, neuroscience has been traditionally been classified as a biology subdivision. Neuroscientists combine anatomy, molecular biology, physiology, psychology, and mathematical modeling in order to increase their understanding of neural circuits. With hundreds of years of combined experience, our neuroscience experts have successfully testified for both plaintiffs and defense in a variety of cases and are prolific international authors and lecturers. Their published works span topics that include oncology caregivers, Biobehavioral markers of distress, subarachnoid hemorrhage, neuromodulation, neocortex, hippocampus, photochemistry, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, mammalian circadian clock, and viral genetics.

Here are a few of our favorite Neuroscience Expert Witnesses:

I have 50 years of experience, and specialize in the field of genetics with specific knowledge in the areas of neuroscience and neurodegenerative disease. I have published on such topics as neuroscience, bacterial and viral genetics and plant genetics. I have carried out research in an unusually broad range of fields.


I have 7 years of experience in the field of neuroscience, with specific knowledge of molecular neurobiology, microscopy and chronobiology. I have published on such topics as light-entrainment of the mammalian circadian clock, the role of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) intracellular signaling pathway in biological timing and pharmacological mechanisms to distrupt normal biological timing.


I have 12 years of experience in the field of neurobiology, with specific knowledge of chemistry, neuroscience, and electrophysiology. I have published on such topics as learning and memory, hallucinogens and photochemistry.


I have 15 years of experience in the field of biology, with specific knowledge of neuroscience, genetics and cell biology. I have published on such topics as nervous system function, mutations that cause human disease and biological mechanisms of homosexual behavior.


I have 9 years of experience in the field of psychology, with specific knowledge of cognition, neuroscience and brain structure-function relations. I have published on such topics as cognition processing, functional neuroimaging and recovery of function.


Your Case Deserves The Best Neuroscience Expert Witnesses

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The right expert witnesses and consulting experts can make your case. That’s why we have spent so many hours over the past quarter century making sure our clients have just the right expert team — whether one expert or many, early-stage advice or expert reports and testimony. Across over 50,000 expert search assignments, we have honed a unique, customized approach to identifying, analyzing and connecting with expert talent so you can focus on winning your case.

I have 10 years of experience and specialize in the field of neuroscience, with specific knowledge of brains, behavior and neurolaw. I have published on such topics as neuroscience and the law, how brains perceive reality, and time perception.


I have 27 years of experience and specialize in the field of neuroscience, with specific knowledge of sexual behavior, violence and hormones. I have published on such topics as sexual behavior, behavioral endocrinology, and neurophysiology and neurochemistry. I have testified on sexual harassment, gender discrimination and academic politics.


I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of bio-psychology with specific knowledge in the areas of neuroscience, psychology. I have published on such topics as neuro-anatomy, gene expression and scenic-faith issues.


I have 19 years of experience, and specialize in the field of stress physiology with specific knowledge in the areas of neuroscience, immunology and psychology. I have published on such topics as stress, depression and immunosuppression.


I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neuroscience with specific knowledge in the areas of brain development, neuroendocrinology and image analysis. I have published on such topics as brain development, brain sexual differentiation and endocrine disruptors.


I have 15 years of experience and specialize in the field of physical therapy, with specific knowledge of neurology and pediatrics.


I have 11 years of experience, and specialize in the field of psychiatry research and clinical trials with specific knowledge in the areas of bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression, addiction to cocaine, methamphetamines and cognitive functioning. I have published on such topics as bipolar disorder, addiction and co-occurring disorders.


I have 34 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neuroscience nursing with specific knowledge in the areas of adult health, neurology and nursing education.


I have 25 years of experience and specialize in the fields of behavior analysis and neuroscience, with specific knowledge of applied behavior analysis, experimental analysis, and neuroscience and developmental disabilities. I have published on such topics as amphetamine action, assessment of children with developmental disabilities and reward. I have testified on functional behavior analysis, behavior disorders and abuse.


I have 30 years of experience and specialize in the field of neuroscience, with specific knowledge of the auditory system, neuroanatomy and the inferior colliculus. I have published on such topics as neuronal organization, auditory pathways and inferior colliculus.


I have 10 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neuroscience with specific knowledge in the areas of learning, memory and sensory information processing. I have published on such topics as habituation, prepulse inhibition and synaptic plasticity.


I have 20 years of experience in the field of business development, with specific knowledge in the areas of motivation, high performance, and needs assessment. I have published on such topics as the way to sustain inner motivation, emotional intelligence in work and team, and personal development. I have testified 40 times on topics such as working with emotional intelligence, motivation factors in work and changing behavior.


I have 60 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neuroscience with specific knowledge in the areas of pathology, pharmacology, and molecular biology. I have published on such topics as Alzheimer disease and Parkinson disease. I have testified on patent rights.


I have 17 years of experience in the field of neuroscience, with specific knowledge in the areas of electrophysiology, synaptic transmission, and neuromodulation. I have published on such topics as hippocampus, neocortex, and neuromodulation.


I have 19 years of experience in the field of neuroscience nursing, with specific knowledge of cerebrovascular disorders, neuro-oncology, and family caregiving. I have published on such topics as subarachnoid hemorrhage, biobehavioral markers of distress, and oncologic caregivers.


I have 27 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neurophysiology with specific knowledge in the areas of dopamine, schizophrenia and Parkinson’s disease. I have published on such topics as Parkinson’s disease, mechanisms of alcohol withdrawal and brain and neural plasticity.


I have 25 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neuroscience with specific knowledge in the areas of neuromuscular disease, communication in the brain and ion channels. I have published on such topics as motor nerve terminals, Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome and calcium channels.


I have 30 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neuroscience and medicine with specific knowledge in the areas of aging, drug development and medicine. I have published on such topics as neuroscience, pharmacology and medical education. I spent 4 years as consultant to a small pharmacology company. I have been a UK and European advisor on development of policy in neuroscience.


I have 32 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neurology with specific knowledge in the areas of cognitive disorders, traumatic brain injury and rehabilitation. I have published on such topics as executive disorders, rehabilitation and recovery from stroke and concussion. I have testified 15 times on topics such as concussion, anoxic brain injury and stroke.


I have 13 years of experience, and specialize in the field of neuroscience, with specific knowledge in the areas of biology, molecular biology, and developmental biology. I have published on such topics as synapse formation, learning and memory, and brain development. In 2002, I was honored to receive a postdoctoral fellowship – an award given to 20 postdocs across the US.


I have 17 years of experience, and specialize in the field of decision making science with specific knowledge in the areas of neuroscience, addiction and behavioral economics. I have published on such topics as irrational thinking, alternative conceptualizations to the DSM-IV (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders) and ideas of mental health and the brain’s self-deceptive properties. I have testified on neuroscience, clinical judgment and head injuries.


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Our huge network of experts – eminent university professors and practitioners who have achieved renown as thought leaders in their fields – combined with unparalleled research capabilities puts the experts you need at your disposal when and where you need them.

If you’re a litigator or general counsel, we want to put this network to work for you and your clients. Let us know how we can help by calling us at (202) 908-4500 or filling out the form on this page. We’re so confident you’ll love what we do that unless you retain an expert we present there’s no charge!


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