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Commercial Litigation Expert Witnesses

With over 25 years of experience handling expert searches for commercial disputes, we have access to an ever-expanding network of highly qualified experts. Our experienced expert witnesses have specialized backgrounds and take the time to thoroughly understand your needs so you can feel confident you’re getting the best expert for your case.   Are you in need of highly qualified expert witnesses for commercial litigation? Look no further than Round Table Group. With our extensive experience in handling expert searches for commercial disputes, we have developed a vast network of expert witnesses who specialize in fields related to complex business litigation. Our dedicated team of case managers understands the unique requirements of commercial litigation and possesses specialized knowledge to assist you in finding the perfect expert witness for your case.  

Unparalleled Expert Witness Service

  At Round Table Group, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch business law expert witness services for commercial litigation. Our network of highly qualified experts spans various fields related to business law, including real estate, intellectual property, trade secrets, breach of contract, and economic damages, as well as experts in the practices of specific industries (for example, how chemical manufacturing facilities are run or standards for  automobile recall campaigns). And, if by chance we do not have the perfect expert already in our network, we have decades of experience in hunting down the experts with the right backgrounds for your unique matter.  

Areas of specialty:

  • Accounting and Finance: This can include forensic accounting, banking, investment strategies, stock valuation, securities, insurance and more. Experts in this field can analyze financial documents, audit reports, evaluate tax issues, and validate or question financial practices.
  • Business Valuation: These experts determine the value of businesses and assets in cases involving merger and acquisition disputes, partnership disagreements, or for damage calculations.
  • Economic Damages: Economic experts can provide insights into economic damages, lost profits, market analysis, pricing issues, or economic impact of an action.
  • Engineering and Construction: Experts in these fields can help with cases related to construction defects, engineering design, safety issues, and other matters pertaining to construction and engineering.
  • Human Resources and Employment: These experts can offer insights into employment practices, discrimination cases, wage disputes, workplace safety, and other labor issues.
  • Information Technology (IT): IT experts can be helpful in cases involving software, hardware, databases, cybersecurity, intellectual property, and related technology matters.
  • Intellectual Property: A wide array of technical experts – for instance, chemical, computer, electrical, and mechanical engineers – are needed to explain the complex mechanisms involved in patent cases.  Survey experts are commonly needed in trademark infringement disputes to assess the likelihood of confusion around a mark. In addition, experts in the specific industry are often needed to speak to market conditions and common practices at the time of the dispute.
  • Marketing and Advertising: These professionals can be used in cases involving false advertising, branding disputes, market analysis, consumer behavior, and other marketing-related issues.
  • Real Estate: They can provide expertise on matters such as property valuation, real estate financing, leases, property management, and development.
  • Supply Chain and Logistics: These experts can be helpful in cases involving shipping disputes, warehousing issues, vendor contracts, and overall supply chain management.

Trusted by Law Firms, Insurance Companies, and More

  Round Table Group is the trusted choice for law firms, insurance companies, and other entities seeking expert witnesses for commercial litigation. Our reputation for delivering highly qualified experts and exceptional service has made us a go-to resource in the legal community for over a quarter century. We have assisted countless clients in obtaining expert testimony that has been instrumental in securing favorable outcomes.   Whether your case involves complex business transactions, partnership disputes, or a multi-district litigation over product liability, we have the right expert witness to strengthen your position. Our network includes business experts with years of experience in diverse industries, ensuring that their testimony carries weight and credibility. We specialize in areas such as lost profits, intellectual property, economic damages, and more, enabling us to provide comprehensive support tailored to your specific litigation needs.   When it comes to commercial litigation, Round Table Group is your partner in finding the most qualified expert witnesses to support your case. Trust our expertise, experience, and commitment to excellence in delivering unmatched expert witness services complex commercial matters that are important to you and your clients.

Spend your time preparing your experts, not searching for them. We’ll conduct a quick but thorough search and deliver a roster of top candidates for you to review. There’s no charge for the custom search – you pay only the agreed rate if you retain one of our experts.

Here is a sample of fields in which our commercial litigation expert witnesses are knowledgeable:

Spend your time preparing your experts, not searching for them. We’ll conduct a quick but thorough search and deliver a roster of top candidates for you to review. There’s no charge for the custom search – you pay only the clearly disclosed hourly rate if you retain one of our experts. REQUEST A FREE SEARCH
Or call 202-908-4500
  • Accessibility for people with disabilities
  • Administrative law
  • Administrative management
  • ADR
  • Affirmative action
  • AIDS in the workplace
  • Aircraft appraisal
  • Alternate dispute resolution
  • Antiques appraisal
  • Antitrust
  • Appraisal and valuation
  • Architecture
  • Architecture and art of the Mediterranean
  • Argumentation
  • Art history
  • Asbestos
  • Assessment and leadership
  • Auto appraisal
  • Benchmarking
  • Blasting
  • Bridges
  • Budgeting/cost control
  • Building codes
  • Building products
  • Business law
  • Business management
  • Business valuation
  • Career development
  • Change order impact
  • Co-dependency
  • Commercial real estate
  • Commuting
  • Computer architecture
  • Conflict management
  • Conflict of laws
  • Constitutional law
  • Construction claims and recovery
  • Construction delay analysis
  • Construction engineering
  • Construction health and safety
  • Construction management
  • Construction safety
  • Contract administration
  • Contract negotiation, drafting, and breach
  • Contractual disputes
  • Copyright
  • Corporate crimes
  • Corporate law
  • Criminal justice and sentencing
  • Cross-cultural management
  • Customer relationship management
  • Customer service
  • Damages
  • Decision support systems
  • Decision-making
  • Defects
  • Dentistry
  • Design theory environments for older adults
  • Development
  • Discrimination
  • Economics and law
  • Economics of enforcement
  • Employee benefits
  • Employee compensation
  • Employee dismissal
  • Employee rights
  • Employee theft
  • Environmental design
  • Environmental regulation
  • Estate appraisal
  • Executive education
  • Expert testimony
  • Family, gender and organizational restructuring
  • Finance
  • Fine art appraisal
  • Forensic investigation
  • Fraud
  • Freedom of press
  • Gender and law
  • Globalization
  • Governmental crime
  • Harassment
  • Health
  • Health insurance
  • Highway engineering
  • Horse appraisal
  • Housing, sustainable/green construction
  • Human performance
  • Human resource management
  • Human resources
  • Immigration
  • Industrial plant construction
  • Industrial psychology
  • Industrial sociology
  • Insider trading
  • Inspections
  • Insurance regulation
  • Intellectual property<
  • Intelligent transportation systems
  • Interface facilities
  • Intermodal transportation
  • International construction project management
  • International law
  • International rules of state liability
  • Investment trusts
  • Jewelry appraisal
  • Jewish monuments
  • Justice system
  • Labor law
  • Labor relations
  • Labor turnover
  • Law and politics
  • Legal and trial expenditures
  • Legal ethics
  • Legal history
  • Lending
  • Litigation
  • Litigation consulting
  • Litigation strategy
  • Logistics
  • Management of scientists and engineers
  • Management relations
  • Management theory
  • Managerial effectiveness
  • Managerial training and development
  • Marine transportation
  • Maritime construction
  • Mental health policy
  • Mentoring programs
  • Military law
  • Mine appraisal
  • Minorities and women in management
  • Multi-discipline estimating
  • Multicultural management
  • Native American law
  • Occupational health and hazards
  • Ophthalmology
  • OSHA
  • OSHA standards
  • Patents
  • Pay equity
  • Pedestrian and bicycle transportation
  • Pending legislation analysis
  • Pensions
  • Personal property appraisal
  • Personnel selection
  • Philosophy of law
  • Planning
  • Plea-bargaining
  • Policy
  • Polygraph
  • Predation
  • Pretrial negotiation
  • Professional responsibility for U.S. lawyers
  • Profit sharing
  • Promotion management
  • Public transit
  • Public transportation
  • Rail transportation
  • Real estate
  • Real estate markets
  • Reliability engineering
  • Reproductive rights
  • Residential real estate
  • Restorative justice
  • Retirements
  • Risk assessment
  • Securitization
  • Sexual harassment
  • Shareholder rights<
  • Statistical analysis of employment discrimination data
  • Stress and health in business
  • Strategic planning
  • Structural engineering
  • Structural influence for firefighter safety
  • Tax policy
  • Tourism
  • Trademarks
  • Traffic engineering
  • Traffic studies
  • Traffic-control algorithms
  • Training and development
  • Training assessments and evaluations
  • Transportation engineering
  • Transportation finance
  • Transportation law
  • Transportation safety
  • Transportation surveys
  • Travel accommodations
  • Unemployment
  • Union participation
  • Urban design
  • Utility regulation
  • Vocational consultation
  • Wage differentials
  • Work and family
  • Work and leisure
  • Worker attitudes
  • Workplace discipline
  • Workplace safety


Spend your time preparing your experts, not searching for them. We’ll conduct a quick but thorough search and deliver a roster of top candidates for you to review. There’s no charge for the custom search – you pay only the clearly disclosed hourly rate if you retain one of our experts. REQUEST A FREE SEARCH
Or call 202-908-4500