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Expert Witness Report Writing

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Telling Your Story

In order for your client to have a successful outcome, the judge and jury need to understand and believe their story. It is worth your time and the expert’s time to make sure everyone is on the same page, follows the same script, knows their roles, and understands where the story is leading when you begin. 

Report Writing: A Delicate Balance

There is a dance involved in report writing. Experts need enough time and information to create excellent reports; attorneys often want to review the reports, but need to be cognizant that any change requests not impact the expert’s opinion or voice; and in the background confidentiality and discovery lurk over all the communication, with rules dependent on the given jurisdiction. 

The Role of the Expert Witness: Finding & Filling the Holes in the Narrative

Rather than attempting to hire an expert who unquestioningly supports your narrative, using a very qualified expert as a sounding board will often bring benefits to your end client. Tapping their expertise — not just to support your case, but also to evaluate your story — can be the best strategy for your client. 

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Expert Witness Report

Earlier this year, we had a conversation on our podcast with Insurance Claims Expert, Kevin Quinley. He shared some gems about how to write a successful expert witness report. He highlights timelines, navigating your first draft, breaking it into sections, proofreading and knowing your audience ahead of time for the draft.

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