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Expert Witness Interview

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Beyond the Paper Qualifications – Making an Expert Witness Match

When searching for an expert witness, creating the match between case requirements and personalities is a complicated process with a bit of art mixed in.

Expert Witness Testimony: Accuracy is Necessary, but Likability is Next Level

There are certain rules you must follow when giving testimony – to tell the truth, to be impartial, to keep to the rules of the court – but it’s important to consider demeanor and delivery as well. And, sometimes, a little levity and civility. 

The Role of the Expert Witness: Finding & Filling the Holes in the Narrative

Rather than attempting to hire an expert who unquestioningly supports your narrative, using a very qualified expert as a sounding board will often bring benefits to your end client. Tapping their expertise — not just to support your case, but also to evaluate your story — can be the best strategy for your client. 

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Expert Witness Report

Earlier this year, we had a conversation on our podcast with Insurance Claims Expert, Kevin Quinley. He shared some gems about how to write a successful expert witness report. He highlights timelines, navigating your first draft, breaking it into sections, proofreading and knowing your audience ahead of time for the draft.

Tips for a Great Expert Witness Interview

Over the last 27 years, we have coordinated and participated in tens of thousands of expert witness interviews. We’ve seen it all, from perfectly executed interviews to missed opportunities for critical lines of inquiry. Our experience highlights the importance of approaching expert interviews with the right mindset and preparation. It’s easy to get caught up in the details and strategy surrounding the case and miss the chance to gain a better understanding of the expert’s strengths and weaknesses. 

Improve Your Remote Collaboration with Experts

The past two years have radically changed legal workflows, taking an already underway meandering course towards using remote collaboration tools and forcing it into a strong current. Historically, litigation preparation has included ample in-person meetings, collaboration processes, and court appearances. Now, for better or worse, virtual collaboration and communication tools are becoming a staple within litigation and increasing the need for remote collaboration protocols. 

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